AUGUST 2018 | ISSUE 46

More great information! please see below for links to PPR Guidance, LAP resources, new data from NCI and more...

Questions/comments or to submit content for consideration, contact
Angela Castillo-Epps or call 202-506-5813, ext. 100.
FY 2016 Grant Award - REMINDER
FY 2016 Grant Award funds are currently in the liquidation period. The liquidation of funds must be completed by September 30, 2018 – this includes all draw downs from the payment management system and payment of obligations. If the Council cannot complete the liquidation of FY 16 funds before 9/30/2018 and needs to request a waiver to extend the liquidation period, Council staff should email Sara Newell-Perez with justification and request for extension.

Note: FY 2016 Grant award funds expire on 9/30/2018. The grant will be coded as expired and the Council or DSA will not be able to access without an approved waiver in place.

Important note: All requests for waivers to extend the liquidation period must be submitted prior to September 30, 2018. Please allow enough time for the request and justification to be reviewed and approved by AIDD/AOD/ACL.

FY 2019 Estimated Grant Award Project Period, Obligation, and Liquidation Dates

FY 19 Period of Performance: 10/1/2018 - 9/30/2020

FY 19 Liquidation Period: 10/1/2020 - 9/30/2021
DD Councils
Here are some important updates and instructions for your FY 18 State Plans and FY19 and FY20 Work Plans. Please read these instructions carefully and let me know if you have questions. There is information listed for those few Councils wishing to amend and information for the remainder planning to do updates.   Regardless, all Councils will need to submit their FY 18 State Plans, FY 19 and FY 20 work plans by 9/3/18.

If you are doing a State Plan AMENDMENT:
  • The FY18 dataset has been cloned from the FY17 approved plan.
  • Go to:
  • Go to your FY18 “not started” report
  • Councils need to revisit each section of their FY18 State Plan and mark them for review and submission.
  • For those sections you wish to AMEND, you can do so at this time.
  • The State Plan Changes section (first screenshot) will show the list of all the sections amended and Councils can also write a brief description of what changed.
  • On the grantee Dashboard, a small delta icon will appear next to the sections that were modified (second screenshot below shows an example).
·        Due to the lateness of these directions, you will have until 9/3/18 to submit

  • For access issues that cannot be solved with a password reset, please send an email to [email protected] ASAP.
If you plan to do a State Plan UPDATE only (most Councils fall under this category):
  • The FY18 dataset has been cloned from the FY17 approved plan.
  • Go to:
  • Go to your FY18 “not started” report
  • Mark the sections of the report as reviewed and re-submit (without making any changes)
  • Please complete this task by 9/3/18.
  • This is a necessary step in order to populate the FY 19 State Plan you will then UPDATE by January 1, 2019.
  • For access issues that cannot be solved with a password reset, please send an email to [email protected]

For ALL COUNCILS - Work Plans:
  • In addition to your FY18 State Plan, you will need to submit your FY 19 and FY 20 work plans by 9/3 as well
  • You can edit the FY 19 and FY 20 work plans to accurately reflect your intended work
  • FY 18 work plans can no longer be opened for edits – while not ideal, please do your best to address any edits in future work plans/reports moving forward
  • The FY 18 State Plan, FY 19 and FY 20 work plans all need to be submitted by 9/3/18 in order for reviewed by ACL for approval. Once approved, the FY19 State Plan will be available in the ACL Reporting system.

For additional information, visit the Five Year State Plan and scroll down to

For additional information, the ACL user guide can be found here:
PPR Update –
The OMB approval process for the PPR template has been approved. The ACL Reporting developers are working in the system and will have more information regarding user testing soon. AIDD will keep you posted as this process moves forward and will allow enough time for Councils to submit their FY 17 and FY 18 PPRs in the system. Councils should continue to put their information into a word document, so it can be readily available once the reporting go-ahead is given. WEBSITE UPDATES
culture icon
Resources and Congrats to all of the established and upcoming leaders in Diversity, Inclusion and Cultural and Linguistic Competence

Follow-Up Resource & Information Document from the Developing a Language Assistance and Implementation Plan’ What DD Councils Should Know webinar.

Latest edition of ReachOut e-Diversity News - Check out page 5, Learning vs. Training, is there a difference? i.e. Training - Compliance Driven (Are we Conforming) vs. Learning, Solution Driven (How do we solve the problem?)

Georgetown University Leadership Academy
*CONGRATULATIONS* to the following DD Council representatives who were selected to attend the 2018 Leadership Academy in October. Your work in this area is needed and appreciated. Overall, 22 DD Councils have participated in the leadership academies!

Luz Zenaida Collazo, PR, Isadora Rodriguez-Legendre, NH, Deborah Swingley, MT, Alison Whyte, DC, Aleyta Zimmerman, WY & Assiah Lewellen, AR
DATA "Nugget" - Health & Safety
National Core Indicators (NCI) Data Nugget
Incident Report

How can states learn from state and national NCI results to reduce and manage the risk of abuse, neglect and exploitation of adults with I/DD?

The 2016-2017 Adult Consumer Survey Data indicate that 20 % of respondents felt afraid in at least one setting such as in their home, day program, at work, walking in their neighborhood, and/or in transport. State results ranged from a low of 5% of people reporting the felt afraid in at least one setting, to a high of 36% of people reporting the same. 

Why does it matter?  
The proportion of people feeling afraid may be associated, at the systems level, with the potential for abuse, neglect or exploitation. Research indicates that risk of harm can be mitigated by ensuring that people have friendships and relationships beyond paid staff, experience respect from staff and others , are afforded privacy, have control of over decision-making, are included in their communities, and are knowledgeable about their rights . ( Bolded mitigation factors represent NCI Data)

Questions to ask:  Does your quality system track or flag these potential risk factors using NCI and other data? What strategies does your system use to ensure that people learn how to prevent and report abuse, neglect, exploitation? How does your system support or assure access to healthy social networks? How can person centered assessment and planning contribute strategies to help when someone does feel afraid at home, at work, or in their neighborhood?  

How can DD Councils use this information to inform its work?

> Disseminate the report to educate provider agencies, advocates and their families about fear and its link to abuse, neglect and exploitation.

> Support inclusive initiatives that provide opportunities for people with and without disabilities to develop meaningful relationships, i.e. recreation.

> Collaborate with the statewide self-advocacy organization and/or local chapters to provide self-determination training. The training could focus on the right to speak up about being afraid and safety strategies to reduce the risk of abuse, neglect exploitation.

> Coordinate with the Protection and Advocacy system in your state/territory to ensure people with developmental disabilities and their families understand what legal recourse they have if abuse, neglect or exploitation occurs.

Want to learn more? click on Incident Report below.

National Core Indicators (NCI) is a collaborative effort between the National Association of State Directors of Developmental Disabilities ( NASDDDS ) and the Human Services Research Institute ( HSRI ).  
The Arkansas Governor's Council on DD (GCDD) developed three new videos. Each video is a few minutes long and Governor Hutchinson speaks in two of them. Each of these videos is intended to tell part of the GCDD and DD story from a unique angle – Parent, Self or Employee. The videos feature Council members, advocates, people with developmental disabilities, partner programs, local employers and the governor ... each providing their unique perspective on why the word of GCDD matters. These are "extender" videos that go more in-depth from the "About Us" video shot last year.

Parent Advocate:

Employee Advocate:


Videos produced by Mangan Holcomb Partners
To reach NACDD/ITACC staff, please feel free to contact:

Sheryl Matney
Director of Technical Assistance 
(202) 506-5813 ext. 148, [email protected]

Angela Castillo-Epps
Technical Assistance Specialist 
(202) 506-5813 ext. 100, [email protected]