Full Circle
Circle Center's E-Newsletter
"...and all at once, summer
collapsed into fall."
-Oscar Wilde
The end of summer traditionally brings about thoughts of back to school and a return to routine, but in a time when the future is unclear, we find ourselves again in a place of uncertainty. While we had all hoped to be having a different conversation at this point in time, we are instead highly aware that the pandemic has shifted, yet again. We are closely following as delta variant and break-through cases are on the rise and mask mandates have returned from their brief vacation.

But rest assured, we've learned so much every step of the way. So we will continue to do what we have done throughout each stage of this pandemic - we will focus on what we know we can do and we will continue to adapt as needed. Our ever adaptive policies and procedures that have allowed us to not only remain in operation, but steadily expand our services over these past few months.

We know that these measures work. We will continue to monitor staff and participants, limit visitors on-site, enforce physical distancing and masks in our program spaces, and work alongside our partners at Bremo Pharmacy to encourage vaccinations and determine when a round of additional doses and booster doses of the vaccine will be necessary.

And we will continue to focus on the things we can celebrate. We will find joy in the daily moments of laughter, happiness and camaraderie as participants, staff, and volunteers engage with each other. We remain grateful for our community partnerships and supporters that have allowed us to keep providing the high level programming and services we know make a difference for the families we serve.
So as we head into another uncertain season, we are certain that we wouldn't be here without your continued support and we remain happy for this opportunity to share stories of our community partnerships, volunteer updates and even an invitation to join our upcoming Volunteer Day, with you!
Celebrating Community Partnerships
Senior Connections and AARP
Did you know that not only do we support aging adults through our programs and services, but we also partner with Senior Connections and AARP to employ them? We currently have 6 staff members who are employed with us through these partnerships, and we have been fortunate to have many many more who have come to work with us over the years. We applaud these programs for their work in supporting the aging adults in our community, recognizing their talents, and partnering with organizations like ours to find the best place for their skills and experience, and we are grateful for the amazing members of our Circle Center team, past and present, who have joined us via these opportunities.

The Senior Community Service Employment Program (SCSEP) through Senior Connections provides short-term work experience for income-eligible persons age 55 and older. The program helps seniors find permanent employment by upgrading old skills or learning new ones. SCSEP matches skills, background, and interests with job openings at businesses and agencies. Click HERE to learn more.

The Senior Community Service Employment Program (SCSEP) through AARP is the nation's oldest program to help low-income, unemployed individuals aged 55+ find work. AARP Foundation first matches eligible older job seekers with local nonprofits and public agencies so they can increase skills and build self-confidence, while earning a modest income. Based on their employment interests and goals, participants may also receive supportive services and skills training through an educational institution. Click HERE to learn more.
Circle Center is proud to be a part of the Veteran's Administration Community Care Network (CCN). CCN is Veteran Administration's direct link with community providers to ensure that Veteran's receive timely, high quality care. We partner with our local Central Virginia VA Health Care System to coordinate referrals to our Center for Veterans. We are so pleased with this partnership and the chance to honor and work with those who served our nation.
The Welcome Return of Dear Abby!
One of our most beloved volunteer activities is the weekly group discussion that long-time volunteer, former Board Member, former participant caregiver, and all around Circle Center all star, Rachel Sanborn, creates when she reads the Dear Abby column. We are so thrilled that Rachel has returned to host her weekly chat and engage with our participants again!

Through her 30 years of involvement, Rachel has always loved and appreciated the interaction between the participants, staff and volunteers. This led her to using the “Dear Abby” column as a tool to engage with the participant’s and connect with their “humanness” through humor, debate and conversation. As the topics and issues covered run the gamut the ensuing discussions reveal that we all still have valuable thoughts and opinions to share with our community.

It usually sparks a pretty lively debate, especially on the days when Rachel hasn’t read the column ahead of time. On occasion, it the topic seems especially risqué or controversial, she will say “oh, maybe we better skip this one?” which elicits the overwhelming chorus of “NO, read it, read it!” It is this connection, especially through community, laughter and conversation, that is so vital to the environment at Circle Center. It transcends the physical and cognitive challenges that may accompany some of our participants, due to age, disease or a combination, and they are able in that moment to just be a group of friends having a conversation, and maybe even lamenting about the world of today.
Genworth Day!
Volunteers from our longtime partners, Genworth, recently joined us for a fun day of activities, games and fun! While we used to regularly host large groups of volunteers for these special days, we had to hit pause on that during the pandemic. So we were so happy to find a safe way to bring a small group of volunteers on site to offer new games and engagement for our participants. Genworth volunteers brought fun prizes and set up and ran Jingo games for a fun day. Thank you Genworth!
Volunteer Day at Circle Center!
We need your help! Ready to roll up your sleeves and join us? We are so happy to be hosting a Volunteer Day!

Join us on Saturday, September 18th
9am - 1pm

Help us with a variety of tasks (mostly outdoors) including yard work, clean up, trash removal and a few indoor painting and clean up jobs.
*No participants will be on-site and masks will be required for indoor jobs.

For more information and to sign up please email Lisa Pacelli, [email protected].
Thank you for your support!
Your support has allowed us to continue to serve our community, and support our participants and caregivers throughout the pandemic. Thank you.