August Newsletter 2023

Birthdays and Anniversaries

August Birthdays:

  • Lisa Hudson
  • Robert McCormick

August Anniversaries:

  • Melissa Bieger celebrates 5 years on August 4th!
  • Taylor Dickerson celebrates 6 years on August 14th!
  • Derek Huey celebrates 1 year on August 30th!


September Birthdays:

  • Bobby Alba
  • Kyle Brown
  • Elisa Dawdy
  • Beth Davidson
  • Jeremie Harrison
  • Henry Kemp
  • Melissa Meeks
  • Richard Rauschert
  • Bill Sorrentino
  • Scott Thornton

September Anniversaries:

  • Robbie Bivens celebrates 8 years on September 21st!
  • Owen Keener celebrates 4 years on September 9th!
  • Jordan Kostanko celebrates 3 years on September 8th!
  • Hunter Lovett celebrates 1 year on September 12th!

Welcome to the Team!

Elisa Dawdy

Upcoming Holidays

Labor Day - Monday, September 4

Employee Accomplishments

Remembering Kevin Hood

It is with heavy hearts that we announce the passing of Kevin Hood, also known fondly by his friends and family as "Tator" or "Tuck". 

Born and raised in Fort Dodge, Iowa, Kevin carried the values of hard work and resilience with him throughout his life. He later found his home in Charlotte Court House, Va., where he nurtured his passions and became an integral part of the Leebcor family. His journey with Leebcor started five years ago in April 2018, when he joined as a Site Safety Health Officer. Over the years, his role expanded, and he took on responsibilities as the Superintendent, Quality Control Manager, and Site Safety Health Officer for the AUTEC – Rehab Bulkhead project on Andros Island in the Bahamas.

Kevin’s dedication to his work was evident in the various projects he undertook during his time at Leebcor. He lent his expertise to projects such as the Fire Crash Rescue Station at Patrick SFB Florida, the second-floor remodel at Building 13 at Eglin AFB Florida, and his most cherished endeavor, the Rehab Bulkhead project at AUTEC Andros Island, Bahamas. His favorite project was always the one he was currently working on, and he embraced challenges with a zest for life that inspired those around him.

He was not just an exceptional professional but a loving family man. Kevin’s family included his wife, Celeste, seven children, three dogs, one cat, and a collection of nine tarantulas (whose names remained a mystery to him). His connection with nature was also reflected in his love for fishing and spending time outdoors, a passion that was magnified by his opportunity to fish in the ocean during his time in the Bahamas.

Kevin’s favorite saying, drawn from the words of Rocky Balboa, encapsulated his outlook on life: "It’s about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward. How much you can take and keep moving forward. That’s how winning is done!" He lived by these words, always pushing forward and persevering in the face of adversity.

His legacy extends beyond his professional accomplishments. Kevin believed in the power of self-belief and the importance of learning every day. He was a firm advocate for world peace, and his childhood dream of being in the Army was realized through his service in the Army National Guard for eight years.

Kevin leaves behind a trail of memories, inspiration, and a legacy of hard work and determination. He will forever be remembered as a loving family man, a dedicated professional, and a true embodiment of resilience. As we bid farewell to our dear Kevin, let us cherish the lessons he imparted and carry forward his spirit of unwavering perseverance.

Kevin's teammates, Chad Larochelle and Matt Hobbs, have put together a touching tribute to him, which you can watch below.

Safety Corner: Back to School

Street and pedestrian traffic are both increased at this time, which means that the risk of accidents is also higher. Other risk factors include slowdowns caused by bus pick-ups/drop-offs, increased bicycle riding, and excited kids not paying attention to where they’re walking. Some areas will also have reduced speed limits.

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), 77% of school-age children killed in school-transportation-related crashes were either walking, waiting for the bus, biking, or in another vehicle—not on the bus.

Paying attention to the human factors that may creep in while driving is important. Self-trigger on the rushing, frustration and even the fatigue back to school driving can cause. If you look at others, you may notice that you’re not the only one fatigued. Anticipating errors is a key factor in this situation. A lot of times the roadway looks clear until a child runs out from between parked cars or buses and a vehicle can’t stop in time. Driving safety is always important, but especially when the shift from summer to back-to-school happens. 

COVID Update

Earlier this week, Operations Technical & Safety Director, Pete Garner sent out current CDC guidance regarding actions to take for COVID-19 exposure and for a positive COVID-19 test result as the nation is starting to see a rise in the number of positive COVID-19 cases. Please read and follow the guidance outlined in the attached and found on the CDC website. In addition, please notify your chain of command and Pete immediately if you were exposed/test positive to ensure we safeguard the health of all employees. If you have any questions or concerns, please get with Pete.

COVID 19 Exposure and Positive Test Actions

Issue: COVID-19 is starting to take a minor uptick around the country (we had two positive cases in the last couple weeks) and I am sending the CDC’s current guidance in the event you either were exposed to someone that has tested positive to COVID-19 or tested positive yourself.  

Actions to Take:  

Please see the below link to the current CDC guidance for masking and isolation due to exposure to COVID and positive COVID test. There is a handy Isolation & Exposure Calculator on this link as well that makes it clear as to the CDC’s recommended response.  

What to Do If You Were Exposed to COVID-19 | CDC


Exposure to someone that tested positive to COVID-91 (regardless of vaccination status):

1. Mask for 10 days around others.

2. If you develop symptoms, isolate and test immediately; day counter resets to 0.

3. If no symptoms, test on day 6.

  a. Negative test, continue to mask around others thru day 10.

  b. Positive test, isolate immediately; day counter resets to 0.

Positive COVID test (regardless of vaccination status):

1. Isolate immediately for 5 days, day counter resets to 0.

2. Ending isolation:

  a. No symptoms, end after day 5 and continue to mask around others thru day 10.

  b. Improving symptoms – end after day 5 AND fever-free for 24 hours (w/o using fever-reducing meds), continue to mask around others thru day 10.

  c. Two negative antigen test results 48 hours apart, you may remove mask sooner than day 10.  

Project Spotlight: Ribbon Cutting at ADC Hangar Savannah, GA

From The Air Dominance Center held its grand opening and ribbon-cutting ceremony for its new fifth-generation aircraft hangar on Wednesday. The new hangar, also known as the Savannah Combat Readiness Training Center, is equipped with advanced maintenance facilities and technology. The hangar is meant to symbolize the Air Dominance Center’s dedication to training, with all new initiatives. You can view more photographs here: Air Dominance Center cuts ribbon on fifth-gen aircraft hangar | WSAV-TV

Thanks to the team that worked on ADC hangar throughout the life of the project!

Project Delivery Team (life of project):

Robert Bivens - Senior PM

Jeremie Harrison - Senior PM/PM/QC Manager

Beth Davidson - Senior Project Coordinator

Tim Crago - Superintendent/SSHO

Todd Rader - Superintendent

Ben Shacreaw - QC Manager

Robert McCormick - SSHO

Let's get to know...

Something that's come up from time to time is the feeling of disconnect between individual project sites and the office. How many times have you e-mailed a fellow Leebcor team member that you wouldn't be able to pick out of a lineup? As we continue to grow, we're adding a feature to the newsletter to help you put faces to names and learn a little bit about your co-workers. Keep an eye out for an e-mail from Summer or Kelly with a survey for us to get to know you in a future newsletter!

Name (and any nicknames you prefer to be called!): 

Owen and many call me “O”

Where are you from and where do you live now?

I grew up in Hampton, VA and now reside in Yorktown, VA for the last 11 years. 

What do you do at Leebcor and which project are you on?: 

I am a Senior Estimator and assist with all bidding efforts. (Editor's note: Owen has since been promoted to Director of Estimating.)

How long have you been at Leebcor?:

I will reach four years this coming September.

Did you start out doing the job you are now?: 

For the most part but have since taking on the role as design lead. 

What other projects have you worked on? 

All bidding efforts and take lead for our AFETA partnership. 

Why did you choose Leebcor? 

Leebcor has afforded me the opportunity to grow my career and has made me feel part of the family. Leebcor truly cares about the well-being of every team member. 

If you could trade places with one person at Leebcor for a day, who would it be and why? 

I would have to say any Superintendent as I miss and enjoy being in the field. I enjoy working with sub partners and watching projects being constructed from start to finish. 

What was your first job? 

My first real job was at Busch Gardens Williamsburg. 

If you had to listen to one song for the rest of your life, what would it be? 

There are so many options. I would have to run with “Can’t You See” by The Marshall Tucker Band as it brings back great family memories from my childhood. 

What’s your favorite hobby?

Skydiving and working on obtaining my certification in the near future. 

What did you want to be when you grew up in elementary school? 

An astronaut 

Current/ Pending Bid List

  • Construct F22 Shelters, Langley AFB, VA
  • Repair Wormley Creek Boat Ramp, Yorktown, VA

Current Bids:

  • Repair Fire Alarm in Bldg. 602, Langley AFB, VA
  • Convert Facility 61 to Child Development Center, Langley AFB, VA
  • Repair Facility 131, Langley AFB, VA
  • Riverwalk Landing Restaurant Renovation, Yorktown, VA
  • Renovate Bayview Tower, Langley AFB, VA
  • James City County JOC

GSE-Leebcor JV Pending Bid List

  • GSA MAS Contract

Have something you want to share with everyone?

Hit a big project milestone? Maybe you want to highlight the exceptional work of someone on your project team? Got a new certification? Know of an exciting event coming up? Maybe you just want to share some exciting personal news like an engagement, graduation, or new baby. Feel free to contribute to the monthly newsletter! If you have anything you'd like to share with the rest of the company, please shoot Summer or Kelly an email by the first of the month. 

Leebcor Job Opportunities

Looking for a new opportunity? Please CLICK HERE and scroll down to "Company Spotlight" to see a list of our current job openings. If interested, please submit cover letter to Melissa Bieger.