PO Box 187
116 N. Main Street
Culver, IN 46511


Our Mission:

Working towards the preservation of an ecologically sound Lake Maxinkuckee and its surrounding watershed

Pictured: A volunteer waters the window box flowers on a hot July day

LakeFest turns 40

Emily and Adam staffed the booth at LakeFest this month. The weather co-operated and the crowds really turned out!

Children traced their hands to create turtles or fish, leaving with their creations as well as an LMEF sticker. Several folks stopped by to chat and learn about our organization, and to share stories of their connections with Lake Maxinkuckee.

July Fish Kill

Within about 48 hours after the remnants of Hurricane Beryl dumped 1.4 billion gallons of water on the Lake Maxinkuckee watershed, we started receiving reports of dead fish (mostly crappie) washing up on the north shore.

It is difficult to pin one particular fish kill with a direct cause, but we know that many different natural disturbances can cause them periodically: temperature changes, parasites, viruses, changes in available oxygen, etc.

The Department of Natural Resources (DNR) did respond to public reports of this incidence by conducting an inspection on the lake.

The DNR told us that they are investigating a naturally-occurring virus that might be causing crappie die offs in lakes across northern Indiana. That's all we know for now. If and when there is more to the story, we will certainly let it be known.

One more mystery to unravel!

Summer Print Newsletter

Our semi-annual print newsletter has been mailed out to all our donors. Please let us know if yours has not arrived and if we might need an address change.

Farewell Emily

We recently said goodbye to Emily Heim, our Alan Chesser Memorial Summer Intern. Emily has been a great help this summer, leading the Culver Youth Club garden program at the local school, and assisting with our water sampling program. She's off to Purdue University to finish her undergraduate degree in Aquatic Sciences. I am looking forward to seeing where this lady goes next. LMEF was fortunate to have her!

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