One Day Training Sessions
2022 Leadership Summit Wrap Up
Utility decision makers - board and council members, managers, and the like were in attendance for this wonderful event in Bloomington! Attendees learned about the latest affecting our industry, including HR challenges, new laws and regulations, funding capital projects, and much, much more! They also participated in roundtable discussions with their peers to talk about everyday challenges and solutions.
Attendees have sent in quite a bit of positive feedback about how well organized the event was, how hospitable the staff were, and how much they are looking forward to the next Alliance event! We greatly appreciate the feedback!
A special thank you to our Leadership Summit speakers, attendees, and vendors for making the event a success!
Stay tuned to our Facebook page & our website for the event photos thanks to Board Member Tom Speer!
Registration Open for 2022 Fall Conference!
Make your plans now to attend the 2022 Annual Fall Conference in Fort Wayne! This event offers great networking and educational opportunities for water and wastewater professionals - in addition to earning up to 10 contact hours for Water & Wastewater licenses. The Fall Conference also provides vendors the perfect venue to showcase their products and services to a variety of utility professionals from operations specialists to managers and board / council members.
2022 Scholarship Clay Shoot & Golf Outing
Join us at the 17th Annual Scholarship Clay Shoot & Golf Outing! All proceeds from the events benefit the Alliance Scholarship Fund, which provides several scholarships to college-bound children of eligible Alliance Members.
For the Clay Shoot, join the fun and participate as a shooter or get your company involved by sponsoring the event! For the Golf Outing, there are many ways to participate; form a team of 4, come as an individual, or get your company involved by participating as a sponsor! All sponsorships are tax-deductible, and all profits go directly to the scholarship fund!
Whatever you decide to participate in, you're sure to enjoy a great day of networking, perfecting your aim & fun! If you aren't able to participate in the events and would still like to be involved, you can also make a donation to our Scholarship Fund! Click here to donate to the Alliance Scholarship Fund!
NRWA Recognized as Apprenticeship Ambassador
The National Rural Water Association has announced that the U.S. Department of Labor's Office of Apprenticeship has approved the Association's application to be recognized as an Apprenticeship Ambassador. In that role, NRWA will serve as a champion in promoting, expanding, and diversifying Registered Apprenticeship and providing support towards strengthening our nation's workforce.
Alliance Scholarship Recipients Recognized
The Alliance was invited to the Forest Park Awards & Graduation Ceremony back in late May to recognize three of our Scholarship Fund recipients. Board Member Tim Doersam represented the Alliance and provided recognition to three of our very deserving college-bound students - Ellie, Ethan & Emma Hall - the children of Daniel Hall with Patoka Lake Regional Water & Sewer. Huge thank you to Tim, and congratulations to the Hall Family!
2022 Regional Water Taste Tests
Congratulations to Hamilton Water Dept. for winning the 3rd Regional Taste Test in Bourbon! You have one last shot to get your water in the running for the Best Tasting Water in Indiana! The final 2022 Regional Taste Test will be held on August 24 in Connersville during the one-day training session. The winner will move on to compete against water from Fort Wayne, Garrett Water Works, and Hamilton Water Dept. at our Fall Conference!
2022 Regional Taste Test Schedule
March 17th - French Lick @ Spring Conference
May 26 - Akron @ Operator Expo
July 13 - Bourbon @ training
August 24 - Connersville @ training
*Systems may choose to compete in any of the regional competitions. Submissions MUST NOT have any major violations of bacteriological testing or chemical monitoring for two years prior to the Taste Test. Winners from each region will advance to compete in the “Best Tasting Water in Indiana” at our annual Fall Conference, October 26 & 27, 2022 in Fort Wayne, IN.
(Regional winners will receive one free fall conference registration)
Pictured: Gordy Meyer of the Alliance awarding Bo Buahof of Hamilton Water Dept. as the 3rd Regional Water Taste Test Winner!
Send us pictures for our 2023 Calendar!
We're working on creating our 2023 Alliance Calendar, and we'd love to feature photos from our members! Pictures of your water plant, staff working on a project, scenic pictures of a local water tower, fire hydrant...you name it, we want it!
Send us your photos with the subject line "Calendar Photo Submission" to alliance@inh2o.org, and your picture might just be featured! Please also include who took the picture and the location of the photo.
Indiana to Receive Investment in Lead Service Lines and Water Infrastructure
Indiana will receive $127 million in federal funding every year for the next five years from the recently passed infrastructure law to address lead pipes and wastewater issues. Indiana is one of the first states to access the new EPA funds...
EPA Upcoming Trainings & Webinars
19th Annual EPA Drinking Water Workshop
Monday, August 29 - Thursday, September 1
Northern Kentucky Convention Center
The free workshop, which will be held as a hybrid of in-person and virtual, will provide in-depth information and training on solutions and strategies for handling small drinking water system challenges, with a focus on monitoring, distribution, source, and treatment topics.
EPA Water Research Webinar Series
A webinar will be offered every other month that will focus on EPA water research. The 2022 schedule is at the link below.
If you attend EPA webinars, you must submit the certificate and the credit form yourself. If you do not submit the form with the verification document, you will not get the credit.
(EPA Webinars must also be pre-approved to obtain wastewater credit.)
Cybersecurity Tips for Water & Wastewater Systems
"Whether a utility serves 300 people or hundreds of thousands with water and wastewater service, the importance of protection and security are the same. What’s important to remember is that while federal agencies like the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency are keenly concerned about the impact of large water system outages and their effect on particular regions, a cyber-attack at the smaller system is just as damaging to life and the economy on a local scale...."
Indiana Finance Authority Regional Water Planning Meetings
Regional Water Planning Meetings for the Indiana Finance Authority dates and locations are now available on the IFA website. Please review the map to find the meeting scheduled for your area and plan to attend.
As a reminder, utilities are required to attend at least one regional meeting a year. If you have questions, please email WaterResources@ifa.in.gov.
Click link below for resources from NRWA + 120 Water
National Water Quality Month: By thinking about the little things you do on a daily basis that could have a negative effect on water quality, you can make a difference in the world around you! Here are some things your community can do this month:
- Organize stream cleanups
- Plant trees to prevent erosion
- Monitor water quality
- Adopt a watershed
- Start a monthly beach cleaning club
National Toilet Paper Day (8/26): Before toilet paper was a thing, from about 79 A.D. until the fall of the Roman empire, the Romans cleaned themselves with a type of sponge! It was made of a sea sponge on a stick, and they would simply rinse it off and leave it for the next person. This day is a little shoutout to honor this humble yet important invention that's on the top of the grocery shopping list!
World Water Week (last week in August): Organized by the Stockholm International Water Institute, it's a time for people to share the latest findings and developments as they relate to water. Does water have a memory? Is there a 4th phase to water? New studies continue to explore this marvelous molecule. Share some water knowledge with your customers.
Affinity Partners/Programs & Services Portfolio
As the only affiliate of National Rural Water Association in the state, the Alliance of Indiana Rural Water is proud to offer our members an array of products and services that have been vetted and specifically chosen as partners that work well with and for rural water and wastewater utilities. If you have any questions about any of these programs, please contact our office at 888-937-4992 or ask your circuit rider.
The latest version of our membership magazine, the Hoosier Pipeline, will be out soon. Stay tuned!
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