Here's How it Works

  1. The contest entry fee is $5 per submitted photo. Each contestant may enter up to 3 different photos.
  2. Photos must contain a household pet. People can be in the photo, as long as a pet is also in the photo.
  3. Each photo vote requires a $1 donation, but there is no limit to the number of votes for the same photo; for example, $25 buys 25 votes. Voters can vote for as many photos as they want as often as they want.
  4. Voting continues throughout the contest period beginning Tuesday, September 1 at 12 am CST and ending on Friday, October 30 at 11:59 pm. The same person can vote as many times as desired on the same photo or any other photos. There is a real time, ongoing count of the current winning photos.
  5. There must be a minimum of 1,000 votes to qualify for the first place Grand Prize - one week at a resort in Grand Cayman! There is no minimum number of votes required for 2nd - 5th place winners.
  6. In case of a tie at the conclusion of the contest, there will be a recorded drawing by a FoPiP board member.
  7. Board and staff members of FoPiP may enter one photo each for the purpose of promoting the contest to their friends and family, but they may not receive any of the award prizes.
  8. All photos become the property of FoPiP and can be used for our promotional purposes, such as our newsletters and our website.
  9. Winners of the prizes are determined by the number of votes received (not by the number of people voting) for each photo.
  10. All entry fees and votes translate to donations to Friends of Paws in Prison, a 501(c)3 nonprofit, hence your donations are tax deductible.

Start snapping those photos so you are ready to go when the contest opens on Tuesday, September 1. The sooner you submit your photo, the more time you have to ask your friends, who ask their friends, who ask their friends, etc. to vote for your Cutest Critter(s)!