CALS Business Operations Newsletter
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COVID-19: CBO Updates Webpage
Keep up-to-date on business operations updates and guidance related to COVID-19 on the CBO Updates – COVID-19 webpage.
Status of Business Partners Meetings
We have decided to cancel our bimonthly Business Partners meetings at this time as we have been holding weekly meetings with primary business partners and the CBO leadership team during the COVID-19 restrictions.
You can view recordings of the weekly meetings on the CBO COVID-19 Updates webpage. If you have questions regarding these meetings, please contact Molly Bradshaw, Process Efficiency and Training Manager, at
FY2021 - Shop the Marketplace First Initiative Version 2.0
As of 7/1/2020 NC State is moving to required use of the NC State eProcurement MarketPlace for supply purchases of less than $1,000. Faculty, staff, and the CALS community are expected to shop Marketplace first for supply orders $1,000 or less and follow the Decision Process for Purchasing Goods. Shop MarketPlace First is an Initiative which kicked off in July 2017. The initiative is for NCSU Faculty and Staff to purchase all low dollar supplies from NC State MarketPlace.
PCard Impacts: If the supplies are not available in Marketplace then a PCard may be used to purchase from a non MarketPlace vendor. If the supply is available in MarketPlace or if the cardholder purchases from a MarketPlace vendor, supply purchases $1,000 or less paid on a PCard will require justification explaining why MarketPlace was not used.
General Accounting Impacts: Also in alignment with this initiative, supply purchases $1,000 or less can only be paid using a voucher if 1) the vendor does not accept visa/mastercard (will be confirmed by Procurement), or 2) an invoice that is below $1,000 is a portion of a larger PO (totaling over $1,000). Please note: A voucher cannot be submitted to pay a vendor listed in MarketPlace.
Basic Invoice Tips to Keep in Mind
If you are creating an invoice, please keep in mind that an invoice should include the following:
- The word “invoice”
- Supplier Name
- Remittance address
- Bill to information (NCSU and name/department receiving goods/services and appropriate address, if possible)
- Invoice Date
- Invoice Number
- Description of goods/services
- Date of services
MarketPlace Issues?
If you are having trouble checking out while shopping in MarketPlace, this could be due to an error when using Google Chrome. Try Firefox or another internet browser and see if this corrects the issue. If not, reach out to the MarketPlace Help Desk at or call (919) 515-HELP.
Travel Approver Setup
The Travel Center includes multiple approvers for travel authorizations and reimbursements, including funding approver, supervisor, and campus approver. The Travel Approval Setup Page allows you to review and assign two of those roles; approver, Supervisor and Campus Approver. Changes can be made to one employee record or several records at one time. Department Administrative staff should have access to this role. If your department does not have someone in the role, contact the CBO Travel Supervisor, Missy Wilson-Grissom. We can work together on getting the appropriate person access. The Travel Approver should be updated when a new employee is hired, or a supervisor or campus approver leaves or retires from the department.
Accounts Receivable Deposits: Reminders and Drop-off Schedule
As a reminder, each deposit requires a deposit slip except for 6 ledger accounts. For 6 ledger accounts, a CBO foundation gift deposit allocation form is needed. When completing a deposit, redact the checking and routing numbers that are at the bottom of the copied checks. No account or banking information should be visible on the copies that we receive. Provide at least 2 copies of each piece of supporting documentation.
Deposits can be placed in the drop box outside of Accounts Receivables in Patterson Hall, Room G11. CBO staff members will be available for in person drop-offs according to the following schedule:
Monday’s: 9 a.m. - 12 p.m., Missy Grissom, 919-513-1749
Wednesday’s: 1 p.m. - 3 p.m., Paul Ballance, 919-515-2747
Friday’s: 9 a.m. - 12 p.m., Tiffany Bryant, 919-515-7919
Membership Policies and Guidance
We would like to remind the CALS community of the university policy and CALS Business Office expectations related to memberships on state and federal appropriations. Institutional Memberships will be allowed on state funds when determined there is a substantial benefit to the department. Individual memberships will not be allowed on state funds unless that membership is required for the position held by that individual and it can be guaranteed that the individual membership is terminated at the same time that individual separates from the department/college. Memberships tied to Conference Registrations will only be allowed on state funds when that membership derives a cost-savings to the university. Faculty and staff wishing to use state funds for this registration/membership combo will be required to upload documentation to support the cost-savings. Requests that do not include cost-savings documentation will not be allowed on state funding. A cost-savings is derived when the difference of the member and non-member conference registration is greater than or equal to the membership dues.
Water and Cooler Rental Reminder
This is a reminder to our CALS community that water and cooler rentals are not allowed on state appropriations except under exceptional circumstances. In the event that the quality of the water in a campus building is in question, the department should call the Environmental Health and Safety Office at 515-6859 to have the water tested. A portable water dispenser can be rented or bottled water purchased from state appropriated or overhead funds only if there is a health/safety reason for the purchase. Departments requesting to place water and cooler rentals on state funds will be required to provide documentation supporting the health/safety reason. Requests received without proper approval and documentation will not be reconciled to state or overhead funds.
PCard Deadlines
Please take a moment to review the deadlines and reminders below to help ensure PCard policies and procedures are being followed and transactions are processed in a timely manner.
July Billing Cycle (Past Billing Cycle)
The July billing cycle (June 20 - July 20) statement deadline is 5 p.m. on August 20.
To allow cardholders and supervisors adequate time for approval, reconcilers will approve statements by August 5 unless additional information is required.
If additional information is required in order to approve a statement, cardholders will received notification by August 5 from Please be on the lookout for these communications.
Additionally, cardholders who did not have their receipts uploaded for this billing cycle into the PCard Center as of 3:30 p.m. on July 21 would be required to submit a JV request via ServiceNow if the transaction was not charged to the appropriate project.
August Billing Cycle (Current Billing Cycle)
The reconciliation deadline for the August billing cycle (July 21 - August 20) is August 24. However, in order to guarantee reconciliation of transactions, receipts should be uploaded by 3:30 p.m. on August 21.
Anything uploaded after the August 21 deadline will be reconciled for this billing cycle only if time allows and the cardholder will be responsible for submitting any JV requests via ServiceNow if necessary.
As a reminder, to ensure deadlines are met, cardholders should do the following:
- Upload receipts within 1-3 days of the transaction date and avoid uploading all receipts the day before or on the day of the reconciliation deadline.
- Be sure receipts have written on them the project phase to be charged, a detailed business purpose, and the travel authorization number (if applicable).
Detailed Business Purpose Required for PCard Transactions
A detailed business purpose is required for all PCard transactions and answers the following questions: who benefits from the transaction, where the purchased item is located (if applicable), and why the transaction was necessary. When the type of transaction may inherently imply a business purpose (e.g., toner, paper, pens, lab supplies etc.), it is still necessary to provide a business purpose that describes which location or project within the department the item was purchased.
PCard Project Phase Default Numbers
Effective August 14, 2020 all PCard defaults will be required to be moved to a 6XXXXX or 7XXXXX ledger. With the exception of cardholders assigned to County Extension belonging to the home OUC beginning with 117XX, cardholders who currently have a project phase default of 2XXXXX, 3XXXXX, 4XXXXX or 5XXXXX will be required to update their project phase numbers to reflect a 6XXXXX or a 7XXXXX ledger fund. The department's enhancement fund tied to the faculty members project phase should be used when a cardholder does not have access to alternative 6XXXXX or 7XXXXX ledger funding. Non-faculty cardholders should use the appropriate 6 or 7 ledger fund tied to the faculty members phase for whom they are assigned to work with.
CALS C&G COVID-19 Information
Conflict of Interest (COI) and Notice of Intent (NOI) forms are now in RED (Research Enterprise Database)
Please see the below email from the Enterprise Research Administration (ERA) Project Team.
The COI/NOI module launched for a limited audience on May 12. The COI/NOI module replaces the separate legacy COI and NOI online systems, with both forms now being housed in the Research Enterprise Data (RED) system.
Now that the COI/NOI module is live, the legacy systems have been deprecated to prevent new-data entry. They will remain read-only accessible for reference, review and reporting until winter 2020.
All new COI disclosures and NOI forms must now be submitted through RED. EHRA employees who intend to engage in an External Professional Activity for Pay (EPAP) must file a NOI through RED at least ten days prior to the activity’s start date. Training resources for the COI/NOI module are provided within the forms and can also be found at
The only people at this time who are required to complete a COI disclosure in RED are:
- Newly hired EHRA employees;
- Those who undergo a status change that requires them to submit a COI disclosure (e.g., SHRA to EHRA, graduate student who becomes involved in sponsored research); and
- Anyone who needs to update their COI disclosure due to a change in circumstances.
If you need to use RED to submit a COI disclosure, you have been or will be notified. For more information, please follow this link.
NSF Delays Roll-out of Current & Pending and Biosketch Templates Until October 1, 2020
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the ensuing stress on proposers, the research community has not been able to adequately prepare and train their staff for the implementation of the new requirements. NSF has therefore made the decision to delay the requirement to use NSF-approved formats for the biographical sketch and current and pending support sections of NSF proposals until October 1, 2020.
ORCID ID and SciENcv Biosketch Information and Steps
If you plan to submit or participate on an NSF submission, please follow the below steps to first create an ORCID ID, then a SciENcv biosketch. If there are any questions regarding the process, please contact the NCSU librarians for assistance at
Please follow the instructions below to complete this task as soon as possible.
Create or link your ORCID record to your Unity ID by clicking "Get Started" at this link:
Add your publications to ORCID by following these directions:
If you need help importing publications into your ORCID record, send your CV to the Libraries through this link:
Log into SciENcv: and select "Click here to start"
- Select "See more 3rd party sign in options" and choose "North Carolina State University"
- Log into SciENcv using your Unity ID
- In the upper right corner, go to Settings by clicking on your username
- In Settings, scroll down to "Linked Accounts" and click the "Change" button
- Search for "ORCID" in the "Search for account name" box and select "ORCID" from the results (you should now see your ORCID record in the "Your Linked Accounts" section above)
- Click on "MyNCBI" in the upper right corner to go back to the main dashboard
- Proceed to the "SciENcv" section to start creating biosketches
Additional Information Regarding the SciENcv requirements:
If there are any questions regarding the SciENcv biosketch process, please contact the NCSU librarians for assistance.