Serving epilepsy patients in Northern California from Fresno to Monterey to the Oregon border
In This Issue
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2014 Recipient 
Paul E. Smith Scholarship
Noah Kendrix

Congratulations to Noah Kendrix, 2014 Paul E. Smith Scholarship recipient! This fall Noah will attend California State Polytechnic University, Pomona pursuing a degree in Arts and Social Sciences. His focus will primarily be in theater, a longtime passion of his.

Good luck Noah!
Shop Savers!
Berkeley, Dublin, Vacaville
(855) 336-0212
Savers accepts all gently used clothing and housewares.
Donations are tax deductible and benefit 
Epilepsy Foundation of Northern California.
PEP Jobs
Seeking Employment? 

If you have epilepsy or a seizure disorder and are seeking a job, Pacific Employment Program (PEP) Jobs can help. PEP Jobs offers free comprehensive job placement services, by assisting clients to develop resumes, cover letters, networking strategies, interviewing techniques and connecting job seekers to employers. Serves San Francisco, Marin, San Mateo and Alameda Counties. 

415-600-4875/ 415-600-4878
Thank You Gala Sponsors!
Platinum Flame
Lane Auten
The Green Charitable Foundation
Remick Family Foundation
Gold Flame
Silver Flame
Prakash Arunachalam
Falasco Keeney Family
Joe McGrath
Children's Hospital Oakland
Al & Rosanne Clifford

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Living With Epilepsy, Madera
Caitlin Bernard, RN, leading patient/family panel
On August 9th, EFNC held its first Living with Epilepsy conference in Madera, CA. Seventy epilepsy patients, professionals, caregivers, and families came together for education and camaraderie! The program included pediatric epilepsy and treatments, epilepsy safety, adult epilepsy and treatment options/solutions as well as a family panelEFNC is proud to kick start awareness and advocacy in the Central Valley!

Special thanks to our host, Children's Hospital Central California, Madera and speakers, Steven Ehrreich MD, Wendy Nagle NP, Caitlin Bernard RN from Children's Madera, and Scheherazade Le MDStanford Epilepsy Center. 

Stay tuned: More Living With Epilepsy events in 2015!

Thank you to our wonderful sponsors for making 
this event possible!

Shedding Light on Epilepsy
National Night Out
EFNC volunteer Annette Rockenstein attended National Night Out on August 5th in Plumas Lake, CA. This event, estimated attendance of 1,000 people, celebrates safety and crime prevention by working to expand and strengthen community programs. 
Annette hosted an Epilepsy Awareness booth to spread epilepsy awareness and education within the Plumas Lake community. As a mother of a child who is 18 months seizure-free, Annette is committed to sharing her story. She does not want others to feel alone and understands the importance of support, which is why she recently started a support group in Yuba City, CA and continues to stay involved with EFNC. 

"Annette is fabulous! We are so grateful that she is using her experience and energy to help others who are living with epilepsy," says Katherine Keeney, President of the Epilepsy Foundation of Northern California. "One in one-hundred people have epilepsy, so we rely on wonderful volunteers, like Annette, to educate the public about seizure recognition and first aid."  

Check It Out!
Annette's story was featured in the news. Click here

Get Involved:
Education to End the Stigma
Savers Thrift Store|Good deeds. Great deals.

Our Young Adult Leadership Council members, Abby and Maddie, along with Dr. Edie Zusman, volunteered on August 9th at Savers in Berkeley, CA. Engaging in conversation with over one-hundred customers, they helped to normalize the perception of seizures and end the stigma of epilepsy. Abby and Maddie taught customers about the simple steps of seizure first aid while buyers shopped for donated goods at Savers!
Abby and Maddie at Savers

What is Savers? 
The Epilepsy Foundation is a partner to the Savers stores. In our region, employees at three stores have selected to support epilepsy: Berkeley, Dublin and Vacaville.

When you contribute your used goods to Savers they donate to the Epilepsy Foundation based on the total weight of the items given. Bring your donations to a store or call 855.336.0212 to schedule a pickup. Gently used clothing and housewares are accepted and all donations are tax-deductible. 

Interested in volunteering? 
Each month Savers volunteers are invited to greet customers and share about epilepsy.
Save The Date
Mark Your Calendar!
2014 Candlelight Gala
Friday, November 21, 2014
Six p.m., Julia Morgan Ballroom
465 California Street
San Francisco, CA 

To sponsor, click here


NEW Support Groups
Click: Yuba City, Fresno
Coming Soon: San Francisco--Financial District 
Starting October 2014--More info to follow. 

Difficult-to-Treat Epilepsy--Treatment Options
Tuesday, September 23, 2014
Hampton Inn 
3254 Airport Drive, Madera, CA

Register: 855.585.6607

Presented by: Abbas Mehdi, MD
  • Refractory epilepsy
  • Available treatment options
  • VNS Therapy
Veterans Affairs: Epilepsy and Imaging
FREE Educational Audio Conference -- Healthcare Providers
Wednesday, September 10, 2014
10:00AM-11:00AM PT

Presented by: Zulfi Haneef, MD - Houston VAMC
  • Discuss the underlying concepts of common neuroimaging techniques (MRI, PET, SPECT, MEG).
  • Discuss the role of newer techniques in epilepsy surgery (DTI, fMRI, fMRI-EEG).
  • Discuss the less known neuroimaging techniques and their role in epilepsy (ASL, NIRS, fcMRI, MNP)

Dial-in:  1-855-767-1051   

Access Code:  81024195 

Online Access


Contact or 415.221.4810 x 4119
Epilepsy Foundation of Northern California | 415-677-4011 |
155 Montgomery Street, Suite 309
San Francisco, CA 94104

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