August 2022
Pacific Institute Research and Innovative Solutions Front and Center at Stockholm World Water Week
Stockholm World Water Week convenes the world’s leading water experts and organizations to address the world’s most pressing water challenges during hundreds of sessions. Pacific Institute water resilience research and innovative solutions will be front and center at World Water Week again this year between August 23 and September 1.  
Pacific Institute experts will participate in six separate sessions, ranging in topic from the water-energy-climate nexus to nature-based solutions. Many of these sessions will feature the Pacific Institute’s work leading the CEO Water Mandate focused on corporate water stewardship.  
The theme for World Water Week 2022 is Seeing the Unseen: The Value of Water, which recognizes the world's freshwater is under increasing pressure from rising temperatures, populations, and consumption patterns. This theme will focus on how the world values water and more specifically the "unseen" water in groundwater aquifers, in the soil, and in the atmosphere. 
See below for a sneak peek of Pacific Institute and CEO Water Mandate-led World Water Week sessions. Follow us on Twitter, LinkedIn, and Facebook for updates and recaps throughout the event.

Featuring: Heather Cooley, Pacific Institute Director of Research 

Date: August 22
Time: 5:00 AM PT/14:00-15:00 CEST
Location: Online

This session will explore the different strategies for meeting climate resilience goals. Learn more.

Jason Morrison, Pacific Institute President & Head, CEO Water Mandate 
Mai-Lan Ha, Pacific Institute Associate Director, Corporate Water Stewardship & Deputy Head, CEO Water Mandate
Leo Rodriguez, CEO Water Mandate Engagement Associate 

Date: August 23
Time: 9:30 AM PT/18:30-19:50 CEST
Location: Online

The CEO Water Mandate’s Water Action Hub 4.0 is accelerating the uptake of leading corporate water stewardship practice. The Water Action Hub offers the business community a unified tool ecosystem that benchmarks a company’s performance against industry peers and presents each respondent with tailored areas for improvement based on their company’s unique progress along the water stewardship journey. This session will launch the brand-new Water Action Hub 4.0 and introduce participants to it. They will be equipped to access this innovative, free resource to better understand their water stewardship performance and connect with potential partners. Learn more.

Featuring: Dr. Ashok Chapagain, Pacific Institute Senior Researcher 

Date: August 23
Time: 11:00 AM PT/20:00-21:20 CEST
Location: Online

The UN Global Compact CEO Water Mandate, in partnership with the Pacific Institute, International Water Management Institute, Alliance for Global Water Adaptation, and World Resources Institute (WRI), have embarked on a journey to develop a globally accepted Water Resilience Assessment Framework to support a consistent and coherent multi-stakeholder approach to understanding and building resilience through water systems at local, regional, and basin scales. This session will present a corporate-level guide to resilience assessment and provide a high-level snapshot of resilience thinking in system design, operation, and maintenance. Learn more.

Featuring: Dr. Gregg Brill, Pacific Institute Senior Researcher 

Date: August 25
Time: 8:00 AM PT/17:00-18:20 CEST
Location: Online
This session will explore the need for valuing ecosystem services and nature-based solutions for sustainable development. Pacific Institute Senior Researcher Dr. Gregg Brill will present a case study: “Providing Prefeasibility Proof Points: The NBS Benefits Explorer.” Learn more. 

Jason Morrison, Pacific Institute President
Cora Kammeyer, Pacific Institute Senior Researcher 

Date: August 29
Time: 7:00 AM PT/16:00-17:30 CEST
Location: Onsite/Broadcast Session
As climate-change-driven aridification worsens throughout the Western United States, major cities like Los Angeles must make greater investments in water efficiency and conservation to ensure local water resilience. In 2021, an unlikely group of allies came together to advance technological innovation to save water in low-income, multi-family housing in Southern California. In this session, you will learn the story of a successful water efficiency pilot project spanning three sites in Southern California and saving over 24 million liters of water per year, the technology deployed, and the unique partnerships that brought these pilots to fruition. Learn more.
Featuring: Cora Kammeyer, Pacific Institute Senior Researcher 
Dr. Gregg Brill, Pacific Institute Senior Researcher 

Date: August 30
Time: 7:00 AM PT/16:00-17:30 CEST
Location: Onsite/Broadcast Session
This session will explore how the benefits from nature-based solutions (NBS) accrue across multiple spatial and temporal scales in different habitats and their potential valuation. These forecasts can help build the business case for NBS, by offering investors and practitioners a better understanding of when and where benefits will accumulate. Learn more. 
Learn more about attending Stockholm World Water Week sessions here. Stay tuned for information about how Pacific Institute research and innovative solutions for water resilience will be highlighted during the United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP27) in Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt, in November and the historic United Nations Water Conference in New York in March 2023. 
Jason Morrison, President of the Pacific Institute and Head of the CEO Water Mandate, featured on Marketplace Morning Report
How are some of the world's largest companies building water resilience? 
Jason Morrison, President of the Pacific Institute and Head of the CEO Water Mandate, recently spoke with David Brancaccio of Marketplace Morning Report, which airs during NPR’s Morning Edition. The interview focused on the work of the CEO Water Mandate’s Water Resilience Coalition, an initiative uniting 27 CEOs of global corporations focused on water resilience. 
"By 2030, we aim to have positive water impact in over 100 water-stressed basins, and specifically to enable water access, sanitation and hygiene for over 300 million people. So we have both individual goals and collective ambition that we’re working toward." 
The CEO Water Mandate is a partnership between the Pacific Institute and the United Nations Global Compact. The Mandate mobilizes business leaders on water, sanitation, and the Sustainable Development Goals. 
Speaking Engagement: Senior Researcher Shannon Spurlock

Pacific Institute Senior Researcher Shannon Spurlock will present at the World Water Congress & Exhibition in three sessions between September 11 and 15. 
Shannon will highlight the role of a multi-benefit approach in advancing regional collaboration among water utilities as well as water efficiency as it relates to a multi-benefit approach, water-energy nexus, and research from recent Pacific Institute report, "The Untapped Potential of California's Urban Water Supply: Water Efficiency, Water Reuse, and Stormwater Capture."
Speaking Engagement: Senior Researcher Shannon Spurlock

Senior Researcher, Shannon Spurlock, will present Maximizing Water Resources through Integrating a Multi-benefit Approach into Land Use Planning on September 27 in partnership with the American Planning Association’s Water & Planning Network. 
Panelists will share how and why they prioritize water projects that incorporate a multi-benefit approach in land use planning. From state-level funding to the economics of project valuations, to working with planners to design and implement environments that are equitable and resilient, this webinar will demonstrate how to integrate and scale a multi-benefit approach for the greatest community benefits. 
Speaking Engagement: Pacific Institute Senior Researcher Dr. Gregg Brill
Pacific Institute Senior Researcher Dr. Gregg Brill will host a Climate Adaption Knowledge Exchange (CAKE) Tools Workshop at the 5th National Adaption Forum on October 25. 
His session Building the Business Case For Nature-Based Solutions: Introducing the NBS Benefits Explorer Tool will focus on implementation of and investment in nature-based solutions (NBS) by the corporate sector. Work like this allows organizations to make informed decisions regarding water security, climate mitigation and adaptation, biodiversity conservation, and socio-economic enhancements. 

Recent Speaking Engagement: Researcher Dr. Sonali Abraham
Pacific Institute Research Associate Dr. Sonali Abraham presented on a panel at the 7th Annual California Water Data Summit on August 17 and 18. She highlighted the findings of a recent Pacific Institute report, "The Untapped Potential of California's Urban Water Supply: Water Efficiency, Water Reuse, and Stormwater Capture."
The California Water Data Summit featured leaders from California’s most pioneering public agencies, industry specialists, innovative companies, start-ups, and prestigious academic institutions. Event programming elevates cutting-edge work pushing the boundaries of what is possible in the world of California water. 
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Help create and advance solutions to the world’s most pressing water challenges.