Library News
Jacob Edwards Library
August, 2021
New staff has been hired and we hope you will introduce yourself when you come by.
In case you need to know:
In-person library services have resumed!
We are delighted to have our patrons coming in to browse the collection, use the computers/printer/copier and check out some books, DVDs, games and more.
Looking forward to seeing you!
Curbside Pickup Available also -
Monday-Friday, 9 am-5 pm
Please call 508-764-5426 to reach a staff member.
Curbside pickup service continues this month. This contactless-service will be available Monday through Friday, from 9 am until 5 pm, and will remain in effect for the near future. Patrons may request items by calling the Library at 508-764-5426, or by placing holds in their personal library account. Patrons may request up to ten (10) items per transaction when calling. Items from the CWMARS catalog may be requested; however, only items in the JEL collection are subject to immediate availability.
Study rooms are available to use.
The Library of Things collection including the telescope is now available to borrow.
Items may be returned only through the book drop at the rear of the building, due to challenges posed for safe materials handling.
- No donations can be accepted during the pandemic, due to the challenges posed for safe materials handling
Welcome to Keith Vezeau is the recently appointed Adult Services Librarian who comes to Southbridge from the Massachusetts Archives in Boston. Keith is also an adjunct English instructor at Quinsigamond Community College.
Kate Beland is the new Circulation Assistant and has recently graduated with a degree in history from Clark University with a focus in United States history. She is interested in pursuing a career in library science. Welcome Kate!
Do you have books and other library materials
at home that may have been forgotten?
We miss them!
Please bring them back to the exterior book drop located to the right side of the building, entering from the parking lot.
ONLINE Newspaper Subscription
The library has a subscription to the online edition of the Worcester Telegram & Gazette
(as well as other newspapers through Newsbank).
You will need your library card to access the newspaper.
Digital Library - With your library card you can access eBooks and eAudio without leaving your home.
CWMARS has added over 3,000 eMagazines
Magazine titles are **always available**, there are never any holds
or waiting!
The ten most popular magazine titles, based on current checkouts include:
- The Economist
- US Weekly
- The New Yorker
- Cook's Illustrated
- Women's World
- National Geographic
- Clean Eating
- Good Housekeeping
- Kiplinger's Personal Finance
Need help? Please ask one of the staff or call 508-764-5426
Exciting News from
Digital Public Library of America
(DPLA) and Amazon Publishing
The Digital Public Library of America (DPLA) announced that it has signed a much-anticipated agreement with Amazon Publishing to make all of the roughly 10,000 Amazon Publishing e-books and digital audiobooks available to libraries, the first time that digital content from Amazon Publishing will be made available to libraries.
Artist of the Month:
Linda Early of Nature's Gallery
ONLINE EXHIBIT with Linda Early
The Jacob Edwards Library is pleased to host Linda Early of Nature's Gallery in Brimfield, MA. The show primarily showcases Linda's creative talent with ceramics and pottery. Many of the items would make wonderful gifts or attractive additions to one's own home.
"From a very young age I was attracted to art of any kind. In school I was happiest in art class and excited to try anything new. My search for the most enjoyable medium took many years. I played with acrylic paint, oil paint, pastels and watercolor.
It was in spring of 2000 that I began my love affair with clay. I took my first pottery class at the Worcester Center for Crafts and was hooked. I found it happily challenged my creativity and I loved feeling of molding and shaping the clay. It soothed my mind and brought me back to the carefree days of making mud pies in my back yard.
I love to mix my media, adding Copper, Wood or found objects. Everything I make comes from my creative dreams and my love of nature.
From my hands and my heart.
Creating is my passion, sharing is my joy.
I have been a resident of Brimfield for 35 years and have had my studio in my home for 20 years. I am fortunate to live on 36 beautiful acres, where nature abounds and inspires.
My studio is open by appointment or by chance. 508-736-1656"
Nikki Giovanni is a seven-time NAACP Image Award winner, the first recipient of the Rosa Parks Woman of Courage Award, and a holder of a Langston Hughes Medallion.
Worcester Telegram and Gazette
is now available to read online
With your library card, you can have free access to HOMEWORK HELP!
Get assistance with creative writing.
FREE access with your library card!
CONCERT - Quintessential Brass
Thursday, August 26th at 6:30 pm
The Jacob Edwards Library presents Thursday, Aug. 26, 6:30 pm-7:30 pm
The Jacob Edwards Library is pleased to present a FREE concert presented by Quintessential Brass on Thursday, August 26, 2021, 6:30 pm
This brass quintet consists of five full-time professional musicians who have, individually, performed with groups all over the world, recorded CDs and movie soundtracks, performed for Presidents, and at venues such as Carnegie Hall and the and beyond.
This summer Quintessential Brass will be performing classics by John Williams, John Phillip Sousa, Paul Dukas and Nicholas Rimsky-Korsakov, and the timeless hits of Henry Mancini, Bruno Mars, the Monkees, Tijuana Brass, Van Halen, Led Zeppelin, Britney Speers, ABBA, and, as always, music from movies, TV, Broadway and the Big Band Era. Quintessential Brass takes the role of the brass quintet to the limit Kennedy Center. Quintessential Brass has recorded two CDs: “Miscellenea” and “A Quintessential Christmas”.
Mike Peipman, trumpet
Adam Mejaour, trumpet
Robin Milinazzo, horn
David Lindsey, trombone
Leslie Havens, bass trombone & tuba
The concert is supported in part by the Southbridge Cultural Council, a local agency supported by the Massachusetts Cultural Council.
The hand craft group Knitting with Sonya has resumed meeting at the Jacob Edwards Library each Tuesday morning from 10:30 am to 12:30 pm in the Reading Room.
All welcome!
Back to School - School Supplies Drive
The library is participating in Catholic Charities Emergency Stabilization Service drive.
There is a large box at the circulation desk for your generous donations. A filled new backpack helps kids begin the school year with the tools they need to feel prepared and confident, giving every child the opportunity to reach his or her full potential. Suggested items include but not limited to:
- Backpacks
- 3-Ring Binders,
- Scientific Calculators, Scissors
- Notebooks, Folders, Paper, Notecards
- Pencils, Crayons, Erasers,
Collection will be ongoing until Thursday, August 12th, 2021. Thank you for considering this community
Summer Reading 2021
The Reading Program
The Jacob Edwards Library encourages patrons to continue to wear a mask in the Children’s Room, as young patrons are unable to be vaccinated.
Thank you
Summer Reading 2021
Crocodile River Music
Sponsored by:
Southbridge Cultural Council, a local agency which is supported by the Massachusetts Cultural Council, a state agency.
Social distance practiced and masks encouraged
Summer Reading 2021
Dan the Lego Master
August 9, 2021
Sponsorship provided by the Olive I. and Anthony A. Borgatti Jr. Donor Advised Fund of the Greater Worcester Community Foundation
Social distance practiced and masks encouraged
All Day
Social distancing is practiced
In Person Storytime with Ms. Liz
Wednesdays & Fridays at 10:30 am
Wednesday Storytime will also be recorded live on Facebook
Lego Club
Tuesdays and Thursdays
Monday STEAM Club
Join us on Monday afternoons at
1:00 pm for STEAM Club! Activities include art, playdough, puzzles, building circuits, kinetic sand, tinkering and much more!
Board of Trustees Meeting
The next meeting of the Board is scheduled for Tuesday, August 24th, 2021 at noon, in the Pioppi Room
Details will be available on the Town of Southbridge website, under Public Meetings Calendar, for all public meetings.
All meetings are open to the public.
Friends of the Jacob Edwards Library
Meetings Postponed
No book donations can be accepted
at this time.
We look forward to seeing you at the library! Summer Reading Program is coming to an end, however, there are still some fund Tails and Tales fun activities still to come!