Where in the World?
"A General Chart of the Mediterranean, Adriatic, and Black Seas," published by J.W. Norie & Co., 1850. Gift of Mr. A.H. Sawyer, #270.
Marseilles in 1855 was France's largest, most ancient, and most flourishing city. She controlled France's trade across the Mediterranean, especially with her new colony of Algeria. Exports included silk, wines and liqueurs, woolen and linen products, refined sugar, madder and verdigris, soap, perfumes and olive, linseed, and petroleum oils. Many ordered ironclad steamships from her shipyards. From her colonies she imported raw sugar, dyes, and coffee. Other imports included corn from the Black Sea and northern Africa, cotton from Egypt and the Americas, coal, linen and manufactured goods from England, as well as raw silk, hides, wool, tallow, and timber. Marseilles had regular steamship service for mail and passengers.

Barque ELBERTA of Prospect. Capt. Wm. Hichborn leaving Marseilles, July 1855. Watercolor painting by Joseph Honore Pellegrin, 1855.
Gift of Elizabeth Nickels, #441
Marseilles, A Closer Look
Fort St. Jean, the French Army barracks and clearing station for the Army of Africa, with the lighthouse on its ramparts, sits at the left of the painting. The entrance to the Old Port, which connected to the New Port by canal behind Fort St. Jean and could hold over a thousand ships along its piers, is bordered by Fort St. Jean on the left and Fort St. Nicholas on the right. Fort St. Nicholas, built in 1660 to quell the rebellious citizens of Marseilles, served as a prison at the time of this painting. Off the bow of the ELBERTA is Cape Endaume.
Family Friendly
Watercolor Journaling Workshop
On Saturday, August 10, children's author Lucinda Hathaway will teach a watercolor journaling workshop at PMM. Hathaway uses her books, Takashi's Voyage: The Wreck of the Sindia  and  'Round the World: Takashi Sails Home as inspiration for the family friendly workshop. The cost is $20 for PMM members, and $30 for all others. Please be sure to register by August 2 to reserve your spot. For more information or to register, please call 207-548-2529 ext. 213 or email jganskop@pmm-maine.org.
New Item in Our Museum Store

Kosti Heads to Islesboro
Photo by Kosti Ruohomaa
The Islesboro Historical Society will be the next location for Kosti  Comes Home . The exhibit of photographs by renowned photo journalist Kosti Ruohomaa will open with a reception on Friday, August 9, from 5:00 to 7:00pm. 

On  Wednesday, August 21, at 7:00pm,  Deanna Bonner-Ganter, former curator at the Maine State Museum and biographer of Kosti Ruohomaa, will give a talk on Ruohomaa's photography. 

A second reception is planned for Friday, August 23, from 5:00 to 7:00pm. 

The Islesboro Historical Society is located at 388 Main Road and is open from 12:30-4:30 Saturday through Wednesday (closed Thursdays and Fridays). For more information call 207-734-6733 or go to  www.islesborohistorical.org.

The exhibit was generously sponsored by
Sam Manning Crosses the Bar
PMM and the greater maritime world lost a great friend with the passing of Sam Manning on July 9, 2019. Sam was a truly talented maritime artist and illustrator who co-authored numerous books and scores of articles. He led a remarkable life which you can read about  here . Sam and his wife Susan have been associated with PMM for many years. In 2016, he donated his archive of original drawings to us and we have been busy digitizing and cataloging them. We hope to add his collection to our online database by years end. We will miss you Sam!
LB2016.25.1095 from "The Dory Book"

LB2016.25.594 from "How to Build a Wooden Boat"
Summer Speaker Series
The last three speakers in our summer speaker series are coming up this month. Each talk takes place at 6:00pm in our Old Vestry building, located at 2 Church Street in Searsport. The cost for Museum members and Searsport and Stockton Springs residents is $5, and $8 for all others. Keep an eye out for upcoming speakers relating to our Maine Marine Fare conference themes this fall.

Shipwrecks of MDI with Ralph Stanley
Thursday, August 1 at 6:00pm

Carver's Harbor frozen in, 1943.
Weather With Dr. Sean Birkel
Thursday, August 8 at 6:00pm

Educational Passages MiniBoat
Where in the World with Dick Baldwin
Thursday, August 15 at 6:00pm

PMM's 2019 summer speaker series has been made possible thanks to the generous support of
Fisheries Conference
Junior Adventurers: Ice
Wednesday, July 31
11am and lasts half an hour to one hour
Included with Museum admission

Discover the cool history of ice harvesting through a reading of The Ice Horse, a science experiment, a visit to the ice harvesting exhibit, and more.

Sponsored by Wayne Hamilton in memory of Loraine Hamilton.
Speaker: Shipwrecks of MDI with Ralph Stanley
Thursday, August 1, 6pm
$8/person, $5/PMM member and Seasport/Stockton Springs residents
PMM Old Vestry, 2 Church Street, Searsport

Ralph Stanley, legendary boat builder and local historian, will share exciting stories about shipwrecks and disasters of Mount Desert Island vessels and shipwrecks at Mount Desert Island.

Sponsored by Hamilton Marine.
Searsport Maritime Heritage Days
Saturday, August 3, 10am-5pm
Included with Museum admission

Enjoy special activities and family fun in celebration of Searsport's maritime heritage.
Junior Adventurers: Pirates!
Wednesday, August 7
11am and lasts half an hour to one hour
Included with Museum admission

Explore the life of a pirate through Eve Bunting's Pirate Boy, furling and unfurling the sails of Yard-in-the-Yard, and finishing with a treasure hunt!

Sponsored by Wayne Hamilton in memory of Loraine Hamilton.
Speaker: Weather With Dr. Sean Birkel
Thursday, August 8, 6pm
$8/person, $5/PMM member  and Seasport/Stockton Springs residents
PMM Old Vestry, 2 Church Street, Searsport

Dr. Sean Birkel, Maine State Climatologist, will speak on how the Penobscot Bay froze during the most severe winters of the late 1700s, 1800s, and early 1900s. He will also discuss past storms and relate the talk to the current and future climate in Maine.

Sponsored by Hamilton Marine
Workshop: Watercolor Journaling
Saturday, August 10, 9am-12:30am
Ages 9-90, $30/participant, $20/member
Registration Deadline: August 2

Inspired by Lucinda Hathaway's books Takashi's Voyage: The Wreck of the Sindia and 'Round the World: Takashi Sails Home, this workshop will explore the art of watercolor journaling. No prior experience is necessary and this workshop is great for the whole family. Registration deadline is August 2, call 548-2529 or email  jganskop@pmm-maine.org to register.
Speaker: Where In The World With Dick Baldwin
Thursday, August 15, 6pm
$8/person, $5/PMM member  and Seasport/Stockton Springs residents
PMM Old Vestry, 2 Church Street, Searsport

Baldwin launched Educational Passages as a project to spread ocean and environmental literacy. Their GPS-equipped MiniBoats follow ocean currents and winds, allowing students of all ages to explore oceanic phenomena while we develop transoceanic classrooms. Dick's talk will include photos and video from his most recent MiniBoat launch from the University of Maine Marine Science Club and the United Center of Technologies in Bangor off the Cape of Good Hope.

Sponsored by Hamilton Marine
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