free spirit poster
Free Spirit Crystals
"The Gateway"
4763 N. 124th St.       Monday - Friday  11:00 - 6:00
Butler, WI 53007   Saturday              10:00 - 4:00
August, 2013
August, 2013
In This Issue
Diane's new picture

Everyone has a story to tell; everyone lives their lives based on those stories.  Our emotions and actions are results of the narratives that our minds have created through our conditionings and belief systems and are very often fashioned to fit the mold of our families. As we grow, our curiosity of what lies beyond our story can lead us to shift our familial tales and cause us to inquire about the validity of what we were taught. I call that "awakening".

I believe that we are all meant to be curious about our stories - are they true or are they prevarications based on the lore that we were indoctrinated with as children?   What is the effect of dogma in our lives based on a specific version of religion, allegiance to country, diversity of culture, class standing, outward cosmetic appearance, sexism and on and on and on.

How does your story keep you stuck in the past?  Do you question the truth of what you were told, are you able to expand your mindset to include the possibility that these stories may not truly be who you are today?  Are you willing to make a shift in your consciousness to free yourself of the past and move towards a more emancipated existence?

We may not be able to change the past, but we can change the perceptions of the stories of the past in order to live happier lives.  I ask you to set aside some time each day to look inside and find the places that you hold sadness, anger, shame and fear and examine the story that sits in each of your emotions.  Do you want those stories to define your life or do you wish to transform them and move towards a life of joy, love and compassion?

  Free Spirit School Classes
                                                                           FSS Picture
Rose and I are accepting applications for our new Module One Class beginning September 14 & 15.  This is your opportunity to either begin or continue on your healing path.  Not only do we teach you the basics of energy healing, we take it one step further and guide you into your inner exploration.  We truly believe that in order to help heal the world, each of us need to heal our own lives. That is the basis on which Free Spirit School is based. If you are ready to be the change that you wish to see in the world, go to to register. We promise this will change your life!!

Crystal Healing Class

Presented by Diane Bloom

4 Monday Evenings Beginning September 16

6:30 - 9:00  Fee: $35.00 per night


Learn the fine art of healing with crystals and stones in this comprehensive, entertaining and fun class.  You will learn and practice:


The properties of over 75 stones;

How to do a simple and effective healing technique using 2 crystal wands:

Chelation healing technique

Properties of the different crystals and how to use them;

How to do stone/crystal layouts;

Initiation, Release and Expansion Layouts;

Tibetan Pulsing with Stones

Vogel Crystals;

And more......... 


We'll begin with four classes and, if you want more, we will continue as long as the class wishes to meet.  I'm looking forward to having you in class!


To register, call 262-790-0748 or email





Tarot I Class

with Marene Martensen

6:00 - 8:00        Fee:  $125.00        Dates to be Determined    


Learn the meaning of all 78 cards and gain hands-on experience doing short readings in this six-week class. You will be encouraged to ask questions, give feedback and share your insights in an interactive environment. Please bring a notebook and the Tarot deck of your choice. (Decks available for purchase at Free Spirit Crystals). 


Astrology 1

with Marene Martensen

6:00 - 8:00            Fee: $125.00         Dates to be Determined


Learn the basics of astrology: all the planets (asteroids too!) signs and houses, using your own natal chart. This is an interactive class, where questions and feedback are welcome. This is your chance to learn how all those general beginning astrology concepts apply to you personally. Please make your brith data available and a natal chart will be provided.


To register, call 262-781-1656 or email





With Joan Collins Sunday,  August 11 10:00 a.m.


You can arrive any time after 9:30 p.m.

Fee: $20

Topic:  Manifesting


Joan will be giving the blessing at this event.  She will put her hands on your head and transfer the blessing energy. It is very easy. All you do is open your heart and receive. 


The Oneness Blessing is an act of energy transfer by touch or by

the power of intent. It results in a growth in consciousness by creating

a shift in the perception and experience of life. It is a Non-Denominational experience that awakens our connection with the oneness in everything,

allowing each of us to deepen our relationships with those we love,

ourselves, and ALL THAT IS.


To help you prepare, here are some questions

Do you know what you want to create?

Do you have a picture of it in your mind ?

Can you FEEL,SEE,SMELL and HEAR what it would be like to have it?

Do you have music in the background to inspire you?

Have you done your work to create it?




Benefits of Oneness Blessing


Along with a "de-clutching" of the mind,

Deeksha helps to:

*   Re-pattern negative life programming

*   Release traumas that have been stored at the

cellular and energetic level

*   Facilitate deep emotional and physical healingTo help you prepare,

I've got some questions to ask yourself. Only you have the answers.Do

you know what you want to create?Do you have a picture of it in your

mind ?Can you FEEL,SEE,SMELL and HEAR what it would be like to have it?

Do you have music in the background to inspire you?


Oneness Blessing Testimonials:


Joan, my financial worries disappeared, what a load off.  Now i need to know what

I want to do.  Any suggestions?..Nancy.......


The last one I attended was so profound for me I am hoping to attend many more. 

Thank you for offering these.-from Barb.........


I felt like I was vibrating...Maria


To reserve a seat, call 262-784-6676 or email Joan at



  Pam Parins


Mindfulness Meditation Course

with Pam Parins

Wednesday, Sept. 11, Sept. 18 and Sept. 25th

6:30 - 8:00     $90 for the course


This three week session focuses on incorporating mindfulness meditation into daily living practices.  


Mindfulness meditation has been researched recently for the benefits it brings in treating anxiety disorder, depression, relationship issues, sleep problems, eating disorders and stress management.  Studies have shown practicing mindfulness can decrease the stress hormone cortisol, can improves verbal reasoning, increases working memory, increase signaling connections in the brain, give better control over processing pain and emotions and even make music sound better.


Week One:  How to do Mindfulness Meditation

Week Two:  What is Mindful Nourishment for our Bodies

Week Three:  Mindful Movements:10 Exercises for Well-Being and Walking Meditation


Pam obtained her yoga teaching certificate in 2003 and at one time operated her own yoga studio. Her experience in mindfulness meditation was taught to her by Thich Nhat Hahn while attending a retreat in Green Lake, Wisconsin in 2003, and again in 2012 at retreat in Batesville, Mississippi. She continues on her journey in mindfulness through her practice. 


DaEl Walker

DaEl Walker is Returning!!!!

Monday, October 28 - Thursday, October 31

DaEl will be doing personal healings during the day and 3 classes at night 


We have the extreme honor of having the iconic DaEl Walker return after a two year absence.  He will be giving personal healings and three classes.  Mark your calendars now for DaEl's visit.  You have the opportunity to learn from one of the world's greatest crystal healers!  You won't want to miss experiencing his classes and healing!


Class Content:


Crystal Energy Grid Systems 

2 nights

Arrange stones in geometric patterns to create special energy fields. Activate them with your mind and open a doorway into the Universal Dimension. Learn about color and what you can do with colored stones. Use your mind to program your energy grid. Learn about Sacred Geometry and the Four Levels of Mind. Create Crystal Grids to charge your water, food, herbs, toiletries, even your clothes. Learn to grid your bed, your bath, refrigerator, furniture, treatment table, rooms, your whole house, even a shopping center. All materials included.



Spiritual Healing 

Meditation - what it is and how and when to use it. Several different meditations take you deeper in to your mind with crystal clarity. Enter Your Crystal and meet your Spiritual Guides and Guardian Angels. Talk to them directly in this special place. Increase your sensitivity by swimming in the Color Pool. Gain greater sensitivity by Painting a Rainbow. Learn how to recognize and counter emotional manipulation and domination. Learn the truth about psychic attack and how to easily defend yourself against it. Learn the Power of Prayer, how it works and when to use it. Regain your Spiritual Power and transform your life. 


Healings:  $85.00 for 1 hour

Classes:    $50.00 per night


Healings begin at 9:00 and go until 4:00.  Classes begin at 6:30 and go until 9:30.

Sign up for your spot today! 


Layout of the Month


Breaking Roadblocks Layout


This layout is designed to assist one in going deep into the psyche of the cells to break up old belief systems.  It aids in clearing the way for new passions and ideas to take hold in order to move forward in a clear and concise manner.


Feet - Rutilated Quartz

Root - Black Tourmaline

2nd Chakra - Ruby

3rd Chakra - Citrine Cluster pointing down

4th Chakra - Morganite

5th Chakra - Aquamarine

6th Chakra  - Amethyst

7th Chakra - Channeling Crystal pointing towards head

Hands - Rutilated Quartz

New Stones
I had my annual visit from Daniel Groussman from Happy Heart spending over five hours picking out some of the nicest and most unusual specimens I have gotten in a long time.  I'm very excited to show you our newest treasures:
Cavensite on Scolecite Clusters, Epidote Crystals, Banded Iron Stone, Bismuth, Polished and Unpolished Lithium Quartz Points, Natural Citrine Points, Moldavite, Peruvian Pyrite Clusters, Ultra Clear Terminated Selenite Wands, Charoite Pocket Stones, Satyaloka Quartz (New Product), Morganite, Hiddenite and other lovely specimens.  
Last but not least, I have gotten the most incredible bi-colored Kunzite!  I haven't had this material before and I can't wait for you to see it.  If you like Kunzite, you'll want to see this!!  Yummy!
Pebbles and Stones
Dont be afraid to stand for what you believe in, even if that means standing alone.. - Unknown

The pain you feel today is the strength you feel tomorrow. For every challenge encountered there is opportunity for growth. - Unknown

When the past calls, let it go to voicemail, believe me, it has nothing new to say." - Unknown

10% Off Your Entire Sale
For the Month of September
(Except Consignment or Net Items)

Coupon must be presented at time of sale
Free Spirit Crystals | | |
4763 N. 124th St.
Butler, WI 53007

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