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It's our job as adults to keep kids safe.
CAPC Newsletter                                                  August 2020

Heatstroke is a condition that is caused from your body overheating. It's usually a result of prolonged exposure or physical exertion in high temperatures. Heatstroke is most common in the summer, when your body reaches a temperature of 104 degrees or higher. 

If a person gets heatstroke, emergency medical attention is required. If left untreated, heatstroke can damage your brain, kidneys, heart and muscles. The longer it is left untreated, the higher the risk of complications, death is also possible.

 Heatstroke Prevention Steps:
1. Wear loose fitting, light weight clothing
2. Use sunscreen to protect against a sunburn
3. Drink plenty of fluids to stay hydrated
4. Be cautious with medications
5. Never leave anyone in a parked car (including your pets!)
6. Don't overwork yourself during the hottest part of the day
7. Get acclimated to the temperature

Here are some of the vehicle heatstroke trends.

Everyone can help prevent hot car deaths. Never leave a child unattended in a car for any reason, even with the car running, the air conditioning on or the windows down. Always check the area around your car when you park and when you get out and lock your car. There are roughly 54 child deaths per year from leaving children in a hot car alone.  

The inside of a vehicle will heat up very quickly. Even by having the windows cracked, the inside temperature can reach as high as 125 degrees. 

  • 80% of the temperature increase happens in the first 10 minutes.
  • Cracking the windows does not decrease the high temperature or slow the heating process.
  • A child's body overheats 3-5 times faster than an adult body.
  • Make sure a child cannot get into a parked car without an adult present
  • *Parents, always check that no children are left behind when leaving your car!*

Accidents happen, always take the precaution to make sure our children are safe, that includes other children alone in cars.

Trauma-Informed Reading

Join us each month as we discover new books related to
 ACEs, Trauma-Informed Care and Resiliency. 

This month, we are sharing the book Self-Reg
By Stuart Shanker 

Children best learn how to handle stressful situations by seeing how their family handles stressful situations and the security that they bring to their children. Self-Reg teaches the difference between stress caused behavior and misbehavior. Sometimes what we think is a lack of self control in a situation is actually an overload of stress. Understanding how stress affects your mind and body as well as the affects on a child is important to help prevent unhealthy behavior and coping mechanisms that may arise. 

We hope you'll share your thoughts and comments about this book with us. You can send us an email,, or visit our Facebook page and leave a comment for us,  HERE.

Family Strengthening  
Mini-Grants Now Available!
We are excited to announce that funding is available for Family Strengthening mini-grant proposals for the 2020-21 fiscal year. Mini-grants will be awarded up to $2,000. Funding is provided by the Amador Child Abuse Prevention Council (ACAPC).
Grants are available for qualified organizations and agencies to provide Family Strengthening programs within the County of Amador.
Family Strengthening is the premise that children do well when families do well, and that
families do well when they live in supportive communities. Enhancing connections within
families, and between families, and the institutions that affect them, result in better outcomes
for children and their families.
Mini-Grant Application

Mini-Grant applications may be submitted to ACAPC at any time throughout the 2018-19 fiscal year, however grant reviews and awards will occur bi-monthly.

Do you want to learn more about ACEs*, Trauma-Informed-Care, Resiliency and Resilient Amador?

The Resilient Amador coalition can now bring to your group, place of work, organization, or business an informative presentation on all of these topics.  

  • What are ACEs? 
  • How does childhood trauma affect us as adults? 
  • What impact can you make in your community to have resilient children and families?

Give us a call to schedule a presentation:  (209) 257-1092.

Learn more here: Resilient Amador

*ACEs ~ Adverse Childhood Experiences

Upcoming Events
Click HERE for a full list of current events in Amador County.
Free Mandated Reporter Training  
The second Thursday of every month, from 10:00 - 11:30 am, 
the Child Abuse Prevention Council is holding free mandated reporter trainings. This meeting will be held via Zoom, August 13th 10-12 Open to parents, teachers, the community, staff or colleagues needing a refresher course, or new staff with no previous training, give  us a call, (209) 223-5921.  

Join CAPC in creating a county-wide effort to recognize and address 
the impact of Adverse Childhood Experiences(ACEs) in Amador County. 

Next Steering Committee meeting:  August 11th via Zoom, 3:00-5:oopm  
Here at our CAPC offices,  975 Broadway, Jackson.   Please RSVP to receive the Zoom meeting link.
Next CAPC Meeting
CAPC meetings are the third Monday of every other month.

Monday,  September 21st via Zoom , 10:30am-12:00pm
975 Broadway, Jackson,   (209) 223-5921,
Please RSVP to receive the Zoom meeting link.

Would you like to make a difference in the lives of children?

You can support the Child Abuse Prevention Councils efforts to keep our kids safe!
Print out the form HERE, and send it in with your donation today.

About CAPC

Our Vision
All children know how they are valued; all families receive the support, education and tools necessary to give every child a safe, healthy, and nurturing home; and a community that actively supports the health, safety, and education of its children.

Our Mission 
CAPC is committed to preventing all forms of child abuse in Amador County through community partnerships, free trainings, education, and family-centered events that value children, strengthen families, and engage communities. 
Investing in Our Youngest Children
First 5 Logo

Stay up to date on all the latest news and information for the youngest children in our county! Sign up for First 5 Amador's monthly e-newsletter  HERE!

Amador Community Resources

For a wallet sized version for yourself, your organization/agency, or your place of work,  give us a call - (209) 223-5921 (click HERE to print).

Visit Our Website!

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-Open the QR Code reader on your phone.


-Hold your device over a QR Code so that it's clearly visible within your smartphone's screen. Two things can happen when you correctly hold your smartphone over a QR Code. The phone automatically scans the code. ...


-If necessary, press the button. Presto!