Fallbrook (CA) Branch
Advancing Equity for Women and Girls Through Advocacy, Education, Philanthropy, and Research.
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Women with Vision
Celebrating Our 78th year!
Vol. 41, Issue 2, August 2024
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Not a Member?
Join us for Year 78!
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On July 11, we held a very successful "SunUpper" at the Fallbrook Chamber of Commerce. Several chairs of various interest groups spoke about their activities. We even had one of our mentees with us. When it was my turn, I made sure to explain that, despite what our name implies, AAUW’s broader qualifications have long been in place for Membership in AAUW. As I’m sure you know, National AAUW voted to accept not only men but anyone with an AA degree or its equivalent, which implies licenses or certification and/or experience/expertise in business. Over the past few years, I know that National has accepted at least three people for our Fallbrook chapter who have met those criteria.
We had several people express interest in joining us. As a matter of fact, one of the attendees at the SunUpper, FUHSD Trustee Eddie Jones, joined that day! He was at the Speech Contest and our last Scholarship meeting. This Chamber breakfast was just what he needed to join us. We are very excited to welcome him and to encourage him to get involved in AAUW. Be sure to look for him and get to know him and all our new members at our September meeting. I know he will be a great asset to our group!
Marli Shoop needs to step back from directing the Mentorship Group. She will continue to be involved, but Susie Schaeffer and Carolyn Thom will be taking over as co-directors, with my help whenever and however they need it. Because the school year now starts in August and our next general meeting won’t be until September, we would like to know NOW how many of you are interested in continuing as or in becoming mentors this fall. It’s always possible that we may bring in a few new members at our membership brunch in September who want to become mentors, but we do need a headstart in making plans for the group and knowing approximately how many new mentees we should plan for. Please respond to the form posted in the Mentorship Group News section below.
I’m looking forward to seeing you and your personally-invited membership prospects in September at our potluck membership brunch, where we will also have a chance to learn not only about all of our activities, but also the experiences of the girls who were given Tech Trek scholarships this year.
Karen Langer Baker
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The AAUW Fallbrook website has been updated to include helpful new features. There is now a calendar of branch events and a menu of pages available only to current members, including our branch directory, the list of officers & chairs, and our board agendas & minutes. There is also an Advocacy menu, full of helpful resources from our Public Policy Committee. Some of these require the password as well. If you need the password for these pages, contact our Membership co-chair, Maritza Gonzalez. To suggest new content or edits to the website, contact Ann McCarthy. | |
Programs — Upcoming Meetings
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Saturday, September 14, 2024
General Meeting
Membership Brunch AND Tech Trek
Location: Fallbrook Public Utilities District Conference Rm
990 E. Mission Rd., Fallbrook
10:30 am (doors open at 10:00 am)
Since last year's Tech Trek meeting was so inspiring, we decided to have this combo meeting be our first of the 2024–25 AAUW year. This is a brunch, and we are hoping that you will invite prospective new members. Bring someone you know who would embrace our mission and meet the minimum membership requirement of an AA degree or its equivalent. You may share your Evite or contact Patty Carlson to extend an invitation. Your EVITE will provide an opportunity for members to bring food and beverages for brunch. Stay tuned.
Saturday, October 12, 2024
General Meeting
League of Women Voters and Local School Board Candidates
Location: Fallbrook Public Utilities District Conference Rm
990 E. Mission Rd., Fallbrook
This is a great opportunity to make sure that we, as well as our neighbors, family members, and mentees are informed and prepared to vote in November! Invite them!
Saturday, November 9, 2024
General Meeting
Location: Fallbrook High School
Member Dr. Karin Moore will share the presentation she made at AAUW National's NCCWSL Conference last spring. Her presentation focuses on the results of her doctoral dissertation on barriers to women in STEM.
Friday, December 6, 2024
Red Stocking Fundraiser and Holiday Party
Details to come
Have a wonderful Summer.
Submitted by Patty Carlson, Programs co-chairperson
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AAUW Fallbrook Board Meetings | |
Members can now find board meeting agendas and complete minutes on the AAUW Fallbrook website. Go to "For Members," then "Board Notes." This is one of those password-protected sites for members only. If you need the password for these pages, contact our Membership Co-chair, Maritza Gonzalez. | |
AAUW Membership Renewal Reminder!
Prior to the anniversary of your AAUW membership, you should receive a reminder email from AAUW National. Please renew your membership promptly upon receipt and make a note of your renewal date for future reference. You may also renew by completing our branch application.
If you did not receive an email or you have questions about your membership status, contact Maritza Gonzalez.
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The AAUW Mentorship Group is a unique and long-standing program that pairs members with first-generation college-bound girls. Mentors follow the local high school students from their sophomore year through graduation, providing comraderie, guidance, and new experiences. Together, mentors and mentees participate in several group and individual activities to promote student success in high school, college, and beyond.
Mentors are asked to commit to 6 to 10 activities between September and early June, and to actively communicate with program directors and their mentees.
If you are interested in being a mentor this year, please complete the form below ASAP so that we have a sense of how many mentees we can accept into the program. The form is for new and returning mentors. If you have questions, contact Sue Schaeffer and/or Carolyn Thom.
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Although the Fallbrook AAUW Public Policy Committee did not meet in July, there is important news. On July 10, our branch executive board voted to endorse the three Fallbrook school board candidates who spoke at our general meeting in June.
For the Fallbrook Union High School Board of Trustees, AAUW Fallbrook endorses candidates Oscar Caralampio, Area 4 and Eddie Jones, Area 5.
For the Fallbrook Union Elementary School District Board, AAUW Fallbrook endorses Frank Golbeck, Area 1.
The window to file for candidacy is open through mid-August. As the Public Policy Committee becomes aware of new candidates, we invite them to complete a questionnaire as part of our vetting process. Candidates who express views consistent with AAUW California's educational priorities are then recommended to our branch board for endorsement. Members may use the password to view the candidate responses on the branch website.
The school board elections are beginning to heat up again in Fallbrook and Bonsall. We are learning about candidates who are members of, or are backed by, local extremist groups. The stakes are high. Let's not give them the power to control or disrupt our public schools.
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AAUW California Public Policy Priorities | |
Each year, AAUW Fallbrook awards scholarships to excellent Fallbrook high school students. These scholarships often make the difference for students who aspire to a four year university but would otherwise not be able to attend. Donations from members, their spouses, and the community make this possible.Here are the highlights of some thank you notes we recently received. | |
Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion | |
When past president and active DEI interest group member Margie Mosavi broke her foot and couldn’t leave her home for several weeks, DEI group members took movies of multicultural interest to her every week, and thus began a tradition of enjoying a light lunch and popcorn in the Mosavis' home theater. Pictured below (clockwise): Maritza Gonzalez, Chris Assad, Margie Mosavi, Reza Mosavi and Nancy Heins-Glaser, who gathered to watch Ezra in late July. Ezra featured Robert DeNiro, Bobby Cannavale, Rainn Wilson, and a stellar performance by young William A. Fitzgerald in the title role. The movie portrayed the emotional journey of one family's struggle to accept their child having autism. To learn more about the DEI group, please contact Diane Summers.
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The Bibliobabes meet come rain, snow, sleet or summer – though not dark of night as yet. So, unsurprisingly, Book Club was well-attended in July, when we met on Lesley Ibaven’s comfy, breezy deck to talk about Lessons in Chemistry, by Bonnie Garmus. The book tells of a young woman chemist's ordeal trying to be herself in the "man's world" of the 1950s and '60s. As often happens, the 'Babes were inspired to talk about their own experiences during the harrowing times before women became equal in all things. Gentle sarcasm intended. We do recommend the book, which has also been serialized on Netflix.
In deference to summer schedules, August will be a Free Read. We will share with each other our impressions of books that had meaning for or otherwise made an impression on us.
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Friday, September 20th, 2024, will mark the beginning of an exciting new year for our Movie Review events. We can't wait to kick it off with a bang! We have chosen an 8-episode series to review: The 3 Body Problem. You can find this on Netflix. It is challenging, thought-provoking, and promises to be a great discussion topic. I have watched it once and started on the second viewing, including the overview summaries of each episode. I encourage you to start watching in August to allow enough time to see it all. Richard Moore is our reviewer. We have an opening for our host. To volunteer your home or ask questions, call or email me.
Carole Hodges at 310-471-5219 or Carole@CaroleHodges.com
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AAUW Fallbrook's ukulele group meets every month to practice and learn new chords, harmonies, and strums. Email or text Margot Dokken Nevehmind@gmail.com or 949-280-2628) for dates, times, and locations. We always have a grand time. Please join us.
Margot Dokken, UkuLadies coordinator
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P.O. Box 1061
Fallbrook CA 92088-1061
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