Hello August! Although August marks the end of summer for some of us with kids going back to school, the weather is hot and dry in Horseshoe Bay. Residents are reminded to keep in mind water restrictions and to follow the City of HSB Watering Schedule. You can learn about the new Watering Schedule by visiting https://www.horseshoe-bay-tx.gov/170/Utility-Department.
The Horseshoe Bay POA Board of Directors does not have a meeting this month but we will remain busy planning, reviewing and addressing different items that are pending in our agenda. We are excited to see the commencement of work on one of our major Capital Projects. The functional and aesthetic betterment of residential entrances in our community has moved from a conceptual plan to a reality beginning at Thanksgiving Mountain. This Capital Project has been long awaited and the HSBPOA Board of Directors is pleased to see it move forward. The attractive and contemporary design of the entrance’s signs were developed by Omar Garza of Garza Made and the overall design preserves the original aesthetic concepts withing our community. For Thanksgiving Mountain, our focus was widening the original foot print of the entrance and leaving it ready for future street improvements to be made as needed. As some of you have noticed, the entrance at Big Spur North was severely damaged due to an unfortunate motor vehicle accident. Our HSBPOA President, Donald Beeman was immediately notified that same evening and organized debris removal the very next day. Residents will see work commencing at this entrance in the coming weeks.
A large number of our HSBPOA members want to know “where do my yearly fees go?” And the answer needs to be explained. The fees paid by property owners in Horseshoe Bay North, South, Proper and West are collected by the Horseshoe Bay’s Maintenance Fund. After the fees are collected by the Maintenance Fund, they are allocated as follows:
For 2023, property in Horseshoe Bay North, South, & Proper Maintenance Fund Annual Fee is $331.00. After a 3.8% Collection Expense, 52.8% is allotted to the HSB Resort, from the remainder 39.5% is allotted to the City of HSB and 26.5% or $87.91 is allotted to the HSBPOA.
For 2023, property in Horseshoe Bay West Maintenance Fund Annual Fee is $331.00. After a 3.8% Collection Expense, 52.3% is allotted to the HSB Resort, from the remainder 39.5% is allotted to the City of HSB and 26.5% or $87.91 is allotted to the HSBPOA.
Maintenance Fund Additional Fee for Bay West is $463.54. After a 3.8% Collection Expense, 87.3% is allotted to the HSB Resort, from the remainder 39.5% is allotted to the City of HSB and 5.3% or $24.95 is allotted to the HSBPOA.
One of most important aspects of serving on the HSBPOA Board of Directors is understanding the fiduciary responsibility placed on board members. Board members are tasked with the accountability to devote limited funds for repairs, maintenance, replacements, handle unexpected expenses, oversee office salaries for the day to day operations of the POA and execute community events that bring the community together and builds community spirit. Our Board of Directors is committed to giving time and effort in contributing to continue to make Horseshoe Bay the best place where we all want to live while keeping our membership interests paramount.
We wholeheartedly thank the many community volunteers who in many ways contribute to our beautiful community. We urge our members to get involved by volunteering to continue to make Horseshoe Bay the best that it can be. If you would like a complete summary of the Maintenance Fund Fees for 2023 or would like to inquire about volunteering, please contact the HSBPOA at 830-598-8795.