August 2023
Welcome to the House of Deputies Newsletter

Welcome to the Episcopal Church House of Deputies monthly email newsletter. If you're a deputy or an alternate, you've been subscribed automatically. If you've come across this issue in another way and would like to subscribe to this monthly newsletter, you can sign up on our website or on our Facebook page.

Do you have suggestions, ideas, or news about the work of deputies to share? Please email us. Want to learn more about the House of Deputies? Check out our website.
Legislative Committees interest form
Preparations for the 81st General Convention are well underway! It is time for deputies to apply to be appointed to a legislative committee that will play a crucial role in shaping the future of our church. 

What are Legislative Committees?
Legislative Committees are fundamental components of the General Convention, responsible for examining proposed resolutions and legislation that address important matters affecting our Church and its members. Each committee is assigned specific resolutions based on their topic area of expertise, and they carefully review, discuss, and amend the proposed resolutions.

How can you participate?
As elected lay and clergy deputies of the Episcopal Church, your participation in these committees is vital, as you will help craft and deliberate upon the resolutions and legislation that will define our path forward. As a Deputy, you have the unique opportunity to contribute actively to the decision-making process at the heart of our Church's governance.
House of Deputies Proposed Rules of Order: 
Listening Session
September 8

3:00pmET / 2:00pmCT / 12:00pmPT 

Join the House of Deputies Special Committee on Rules of Order for a Zoom hearing to discuss and explain the proposed changes to the House of Deputies Rules of Order for the 81st General Convention. This listening session will assist the Special Committee in receiving feedback and input on the proposed revisions. 

The Rules of Order are crucial in governing the House and maintaining smooth and productive operations. The Special Committee is tasked with proposing changes to the rules to ensure the proceedings at the 81st General Convention are accessible and inclusive for its members and the wider church. 

All participants will have the opportunity to gain insights into these proposed changes and voice any questions or clarifications they may have.

In addition to the listening session, we invite you to complete the Feedback form here on the Proposed Rules of Order. 

Register here to attend the hearing and to testify. 

Click here to learn more about the Proposed Rules of Order. 
2024 Caucus interest form
In advance of the 81st General Convention, some deputies are organizing themselves into caucuses. These caucuses are independent, voluntary organizations. Three of these groups have reached out to the office of the president of the House of Deputies to be included in this survey: the Deputies of Color (Asian/Pacific Islander Caucus, Indigenous Caucus, Latino Caucus, Black Caucus), the LGBTQ+ Caucus, and the Under 40 Caucus. 

If you want to join one of these caucuses, fill out the interest form here.
House of Deputies Chaplain's August reflection
Click here to read video transcript
Applications for General Convention Official Youth Presence 2024
Save the Date!

Calling all Episcopalians aged 16 to 19! We are excited to announce that applications for the 81st General Convention's Official Youth Presence will open on September 5, 2023. This is a unique opportunity for you to have a seat and a voice in the House of Deputies. Don't miss your chance to testify at hearings and participate in the action during the 81st General Convention. Look for more information in an official press release from The Episcopal Church on September 5th and the September House of Deputies Newsletter.

Key Details
Application Deadline: November 17, 2023
Location: Louisville, Kentucky
Youth Presence Dates: June 20-28, 2024
Orientation and Training: February 16-19, 2024 (Louisville)
August 30 Letter to Deputies from President Ayala Harris
August 30, 2023

Dear Deputies,

It is with a heavy heart that I write to share some difficult news with you. Over the last year, I have been the complainant in a Title IV case under the purview of the Disciplinary Board for Bishops. 

Until today, to uphold the integrity of the process, I have shared information about this incident and case with very few people, including my family, staff, therapist, and Council of Advice. With the Title IV process having been exhausted as of July 31, 2023, I want you, the House I serve, to hear about this from me as part of my ongoing commitment to transparency.

On July 9th, 2022, shortly after the House of Deputies elected me to serve as your 34th president, I experienced an incident of unwanted and non-consensual physical contact. I was physically overpowered and lost bodily autonomy by a retired bishop waiting for my arrival to greet our colleagues in the House of Bishops. This, along with some accompanying inappropriate verbal statements, compelled me to submit a Title IV complaint via my chancellor to the intake officer in the Office of Pastoral Development. A bishop who witnessed the incident also filed a report to the intake officer within 24 hours after the incident. The retired bishop was placed on restricted ministry under Title IV. As the Title IV case progressed, the executive officer of the General Convention removed the retired bishop from serving on certain governance bodies pursuant to the anti-harassment policies of the Domestic and Foreign Missionary Society.
Around the House
We want to hear about what's happening around the House. 

The House of Deputies is full of members that are not only working on resolutions but are also doing fantastic work in their congregations, dioceses, and the country. If you are a deputy doing amazing work or know of someone who is, share it with us today.

Get in touch with President Ayala Harris
President Ayala Harris wants to connect with you and support our church's ministries and groups. Here are the different ways you can get in touch with her and the office of the house of deputies: 

Follow President Ayala Harris
President Ayala Harris is sharing her travels and journey as President of the house of deputies. If you would love to join her, we invite you to follow her social media accounts.