A graduate of the USMC School of Infantry, Embaugh is a decorated Gulf War Veteran. He graduated in the top 5 percent from Marine Corps Base, Camp Pendleton and has received several letters of commendation, meritorious promotions as well as campaign service awards.
Fritz has been an active member in AIA Baton Rouge since 2015, and a board member since 2017, including President in 2020. Fritz represented AIA BR on the Planning Committee for LSU’s Inland for the Coast federal grant in response to the flooding of 2016, as well as serving as the Louisiana Architecture Selection Board Chair in 2016-2017. Additionally, Embaugh served on the East Baton Rouge Parish School Board Architect Selection Board in 2017-2018.
Perhaps most proudly through, Fritz is starting his 14th year as a Boy Scout volunteer. Having served in a multitude of capacities, he is currently serving a dual role as both the elementary school Pack Leader and high school Eagle Project Leader.
Fritz, and his lovely wife Tia, have two children and two dogs and – as one would expect from an architect/contractor Dad/husband – have lived happily in a construction zone for 19 years.
Candidate Statement
As AIA Louisiana Vice President/President-Elect, my desire will be to serve both the state of Louisiana and the Profession of Architecture by focusing on two overarching goals:
Elevate the awareness and reputation of the profession through public awareness, legislative engagement and community involvement to help expand the need for, and influence of, architects.
Advance the charge to address those most affected by the ravaging effects of flooding, hurricanes and coastal erosion and the important role that architects can serve in this effort.
My hope is to bring the disparate parties required to conceive of and create the vision to move our state forward. Some of the greatest challenges we face as a state can be directly addressed, and subsequently impacted, by the skills of our profession. Utilizing our intellectual capital and hard-won experience, I believe can create a forum from which research and creative thought can coalesce to influence policy and help create systematic change to address and mitigate threats to our built environment. As Louisiana architects, it is incumbent upon us to work together to create more resilient and sustainable communities for our citizens.
As AIA Louisiana Vice President/President-Elect, I would be honored to lead our membership, and our profession, to make the type of indelible mark that only a group of architects could make.