August Newsletter

It's another day in paradise! We hope you've been taking some time to enjoy the lazy days of summer at beautiful Island Beach State Park.  
Check out this photo essay, "A Day at the Shore" by Tim Hawk. It will for sure have you longing for a beach day!  
And while you're here, be sure to join us for some of the great, FREE programs this month! 
In this Issue:
- Join us for the Healthy Earth, Healthy Life Celebration - every Thursday in August 
- Come see the Island Beach State Park Chamber Orchestra  
- Catch a wave at the Barrier Island Classic Surf Contest  
Hope to see you there!

- Friends of Island Beach State Park 

Volunteer Opportunities 

Thursdays In August: Every Thursday in August, the Friends will be collecting donations at the gate from 9 - 2. We will also have a table set up with information and merchandise at Swimming Area 1. Can you dedicate a couple of hours to help make the event a success? This one of the biggest fundraisers for the Friends and the Park!
Beach Plum Festival, September 9th: It's almost that time of year! The Beach Plum Festival is a completely volunteer run event, and every year, more than 50 volunteers come together to make it a success. 
For more information, Contact Stevie Thorsen.

Healthy Earth, Healthy Life Celebration
Thursdays in August
8:30 - 2:00
Swimming Area 1

Come join us for a celebration of healthy living! Every Thursday in August from 8:30 am - 2:00 pm, we will be in Swimming Area 1 with vendors and activities that promote a healthy lifestyle. Consult with a massage therapist, chiropractor, and local environmental nonprofits. 

Highlights include:

8:30 - Yoga - Dawn Keen from the Center for Health and Healing 
10:00 - G-Funk Kids Fitness Class  
10:30 G-Funk Kids Fitness  Class 
11:00 - Cartoonist - Marty Mayo 
12:00 - Seine Barnegat Bay 
1:00 - I See Magic Show - Doug Billingsley 
3:00 - Seine Barnegat Bay

Free Classical Concert:
Island Beach State Park Chamber Orchestra
August 2nd and 9th
4:00 - 6:00
Swimming Area 1

Barrier Island Classic Surf Contest
August 20th: Junior Contest 
September 22nd: Adult Contest 

Pete McLain Osprey Cam

The Friends of IBSP would not be able to keep the camera running without the generous support of our members and donors. The osprey camera costs ~$5,000 per year to run. 

Would you consider making a tax deductible donation to help support our Osprey Cam Project? Bandit and Bay, our resident osprey, appreciate your support! 

Save the Date -
21st Annual Beach Plum Festival

The Beach Plum Festival features food, craft vendors, kid's games, and our famous beach plum jelly and ice cream!

Are you interested in being a vendor at this year's festival?   If so, fill out the form and we'll let you know if you are a good fit! 

Save the Date for our 2018 Events

Want to know the date for all of our events in 2018 - we've got you covered! Check out our calendar so that you can mark yours and plan to attend the Beach Plum Festival, General Meetings, Dune Grass Plantings and more ...

We're committed to making Island Beach State Park - one of New Jersey's most popular state parks - one of it's best cared for. Thanks for your continued support!
visit our website at 

Friends of Island Beach State Park
PO Box 406, Seaside Park, NJ 08752