The Wave | August 2021
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August Events
Click here to view WSSD Public Calendar
Monday, August 16 l Board of Trustees Meeting l 5p
Tuesday, August 23 l Finance Committee Meeting l 3:30p
Saturday, August 28 l S.A.T. High School l 8a
Saturday, August 28 l EC Parent Meeting l 9a

Stay tuned for a Back to School post with ALL of the first week details!!
It will cover everything from Early Childhood to High School!
Below are a few highlights:

September 1 | High School Welcome Back Evening
September 2 | Grade 1 Parent Meeting
September 6 l Labor Day
September 8 l First Day of School Grades 1-8, High School l Rose Ceremony
September 9 l First Day of School Kindergarden
September 13 l First Day of Nursery

"Smell the sea, and feel the sky. Let your soul and spirit fly.”
~Van Morrison

August Birthdays

July 28 Tatiana Regan
August 2 Elyse Stussi
August 6 Chelaine Kokos
August 8 Jeremiah Johnson
August 19 Liza Ferraro/ Soccoro Maldonado
August 20 Lynne Ross
August 28 Anaid Stere-Lugo

<----- Do you know what a birthday ring is?

The Waldorf birthday ring began as a German tradition for celebrating a young child's birthday. Adorn the ring with candles, ornaments that represent your child and other treasures like play silks or found objects.

And yes- we sell these in the Snake & Lily!
In July, Muslim community members celebrated Eid al-Adha. WSSD is privileged to be centered in such a vibrant and diverse neighborhood. It was exciting to drive through City Heights and see so many people adorned in their finest traditional clothing.

Men customarily wear kurta pyjama or a long tunic with pants for Eid, while women dress in saree salwar kameez, a full-length modest dress which covers down to the foot and the arms and may be brightly colored and beaded.

In the United States, most Muslims celebrate Eid al-Adha on the evening of July 19. Eid is a three-day celebration in Muslim-majority countries. Under usual circumstances, Muslims would visit mosques and have large community gatherings.

There are two official holidays in Islam, Eid al-Fitr and Eid al-Adha. Both holidays occur on dates in the lunar Islamic calendar, which is different from the solar based Gregorian calendar, so they are observed on different Gregorian dates every year.

Both Eid al-Fitr and Eid al-Adha follow a period of 10 holy days or nights: the last 10 nights of Ramadan (Eid al-Fitr), and the first 10 days of Dhu al-Hijjah (Eid al-Adha). The Night of Power, one of the last 10 nights of Ramadan, is the holiest night of the year. Conversely, the Day of Arafah, the day before Eid al-Adha, is the holiest day of the Islamic year.

On the morning of Eid, Muslims will typically decorate their homes, wear their best clothes and head to a mosque for Eid prayers. Another key focus of Eid is to give charity to the less fortunate, and focus on spirituality.

Click here to read more about this holiday. Photos curtesy of
ASummer Camp at WSSD
Week 3 EC
Secret Garden
The children explored the garden and made fairy homes for their little friends.
Week 4 EC
Deep Blue Sea
The kids created "underwater playgrounds" to explore and made snail friends too!
Week 5 EC
Little Chefs
Children decorated their Chef "gear" then made soup, bread, cupcakes and pizza!
Ms. Leticia, Ms. Tatiana and Ms. CJ were the lucky taste testers!
Week 3 Grades
Bridge Building
The students designed, budgeted, built, and strength tested their toothpick bridge creation in route to uncovering the basics and complex structures of bridges. Wow, Mr. Jeremiah was very busy that week!
Week 4 Grades
Students designed, carved, printed postcards and held an art show on the final day. They learned basic tenets of design and color theory with Mr. Ian.
Week 5 Grades
Woodworking 2
The students designed and made "Piggy" boxes with Mr. Joaquin and Mr. Sean! They also had a little water fun on the hot days.
Thank you to Pete and Connie for working so hard this summer- prepping both campuses for a new year!
WSSD Admissions

We are available for any questions or inquiries regarding enrollment for the 2021/22 school year, please complete the Inquiry Form on our Tour page (Inquire Here) or email to connect with our Admissions team.

Check out the new Virtual Tours on our website!
News from the Snake & Lily!
Hello Friends! 
Please check it out if you haven't already!

We are officially shipping all over the US! Please feel free to share the school store link on your social media pages. 60% of the sales we had came from Facebook so we know it really works!

Thank you! 

The Snake & Lily Crew (CJ McGrady & Liza Ferraro). 
619-280-8016 x 202
Scrip Doctor is In! 
Are you reaching your full scrip potential?

How it works:
Our families buy virtual and physical gift cards online at or on the RaiseRight App on their smartphones, or through the WSSD school store, The Snake & Lily to use in place of cash, checks, or credit cards for their regular everyday shopping. The Snake & Lily buys the gift cards from Great Lakes Scrip Center at a reduced cost to sell at full face value. The difference is immediate fundraising for our school!

Please visit our website for more info!

Stay the course my friends, scrip can be a lot of fun and provide huge funds for the school, your class trips and even tuition credit! For more details, contact Liza Ferraro 619-318-8460

In Huge Gratitude,
Liza Ferraro
WSSD Development Events Coordinator
Now more than ever we want to support our community!

All businesses listed will have a WSSD family connection. This is an opportunity to expand, increase and grow your business and a great way to support our community. Think of our community any time you shop, use professional services or dine out!

Our Directory is officially up on our website, under the Community Page!

AWSNA is extremely excited to host a new continental Alum business directory. Support Waldorf Alums in a host of fields from finance to graphic design. Please click here and share broadly!
We’d love to hear from you. We value your opinion, and that’s why we want you to share your thoughts about your Waldorf experience! It would mean the world to us if you took a brief moment of your day to leave a review by clicking this link.
Thank you!
The Waldorf School of San Diego earned a Niche grade of A for 2021!

Only 10% of schools across the U.S. receive an A or higher, so this is a huge accomplishment for us! Waldorf School of San Diego also ranked #20 in Best High Schools for the Arts in CA.
Support WSSD
Shop to Support Us

Support WSSD by using Amazon Smile for your shopping.
Select "The Waldorf School of San Diego" as your charity of choice and a percentage of eligible purchases goes to the school.