August 2023

New Print Books

Featured new additions to our print collection:

See What Else is New in Our Catalog

New Ebooks

Featured new additions to our ebook collections:

  • Coaching & Mentoring For Dummies, 2nd Edition by Leo Macleod & Marty Brounstein | Access via O'Reilly

  • Who is the New How: Strategies to Find, Recruit, and Create the Best Teams by Justin Palmer & Jessica Schertz | Access via O'Reilly

  • Compassionate Accountability: How Leaders Build Connection and Get Results by Nate Regier, PhD | Access via O'Reilly

  • Quick Confidence: Be Authentic, Boost Connections, and Make Bold Bets on Yourself by Selena Rezvani | Access via O'Reilly

  • The Beekeeper: Pollinating Your Organization for Transformative Growth by Katie P. Desiderio & Michael G. Frino | Access via O'Reilly

  • SPSS Statistics Workbook for Dummies by Jesus Salcedo & Keith McCormick | Access via O'Reilly
How to access: To access O'Reilly titles select your institution as "Not Listed" and enter your academic email address ending in .edu. View detailed instructions on how to access O'Reilly. Oxford Scholarship Online, Wiley, Springer, and Taylor & Francis titles are available automatically while connected to the RHEC network.

Featured Resource:

Computer Skills Center

Video courses are the fastest and easiest way to learn how to use a computer. Use the materials in LearningExpress Computer Skills Center to learn the basics of using a computer, navigating the internet, and using popular software programs from Microsoft and Adobe. Achieve basic to advanced skills in word processing, creating spreadsheets and databases, implementing design, and more.

How to access: if you're using the RHEC network, via wired connection or wi-fi, you automatically have access.

Try Out Computer Skills Center

This Month's Display:

Books About Books

Wednesday, August 9th is National Book Lovers Day! Celebrate with the library by checking out our display of books on our absolute favorite topic...BOOKS!

Whether you'd like to read historical fiction about books, science fiction that features books, or non-fiction that can recommend to you your next great read, our display has you covered!

Check Out This Month's Display