96-year-old WWII vet visits SC grave of fallen soldier who saved his life...
"A World War II soldier who traveled from Boston to South Carolina paid his respects to the fellow soldier who saved his life. For Anthony Grasso, it was a moment that was more than 75 years in the making.

“Nobody but me and him know what we went through that final day,” Grasso said.... continue reading
Will You or a Friend Join Us on 9/21?
Our very own Nurse-Attorney, Ronald R. Kearns, will be leading this seminar and providing insight on the best ways to legally protect your assets as you and loved ones approach senior years.

Nurse-Attorney Kearns will explore the various methods that can be employed that protect your loved ones’ hard-earned assets from long term care nursing home costs along with providing access to programs and benefits that will help keep your loved ones at home.

At the Senior Resource Center, Inc., we emphasize the importance of protecting hard-earned assets while also preserving the quality of life—so please join us in learning how you can protect yourself or a loved one today. 

Pre-registration is required for this event. Please call (617) 472-6600 today to reserve your spot! 
Senior Moments
Senior Resource Center, Inc.
50 Quincy Avenue, Quincy, MA 02169
10 Liberty Street, Liberty Square, Danvers, MA 01923
945 Concord Street, Suite 131, Framingham, MA 01701
1436 Route# 132, Hyannis, MA 02601
1167 Massachusetts Ave, Arlington, MA 02476