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Program News

Legislative Update      August Dinner Program

     Defund Sanctuary Cities      Municipal Elections Impact the Future

     Influence the Parties

     Side Agreements of the Iran Deal

Moore Tea Citizens' New Website Is Up and Running!

Yes, it's a baby Website and it has growing to do, but it's already informative! We'll soon have more contributors (that should include you if you don't already have other volunteer activities to further the cause of liberty) who will keep the content fresh, but our volunteer Webmaster usually updates it daily; often several times a day. Check it out. Give let him know, specifically, what things work for you and which don't. Let him know about links that don't work, grammar and spelling errs, etc. Click the picture, above, to go to the site.
Does Calling D.C. and Raleigh Actually Help?

It's a question I mused over a few ago. Do these politicians actually care what We the People want? I found out they do, in fact. In the last five weeks, I heard it validated by three different people:
    1. On the radio, the respectable Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-TX) asserted that calling congresspeople is important and impactful. He's heard people on the floor of the House saying things like, "I think it's a good bill and I want to vote for it, but my constituents hate it."
    2. A few hours later, at a Concern Veterans for America ground roots training seminar, I heard the trainer note that when he was working for Florida's Gov. Rick Scott (FL), he witnessed the chief of staff call meetings when as few as 10-15 people had contacted the governor's office about an issue. Why? They assumed that one person who made the effort to call was representative of thousands that thought/felt the same way but didn't call.
    3. Two weeks later, I heard a former Florida state legislator say that she rarely got calls so they were a big deal when she did. The same was true of her town hall meetings where the few who showed up, had her ear.

THE STORY OF THE TABLE (courtesy of Peggy Smetana)
My daughter acquired an antique, 8-legged, round, plank-topped table from an old farmhouse. She refinished the top. When we visited her months later, we were shocked to see that the table top had warped upwards on two sides.  Four legs didn't touch the floor. Since she was moving to Germany, we inherited the table.
We put books on the warped edges. Over time we added more and more books. The table is slowly unwarping and the two "free flying" legs almost touch the floor.
Keep up the pressure on our politicians. Even lap dogs bite their owners when they are sufficiently stressed.

Legislative Committee Update
Peggy Smetana, Chair

Defund Sanctuary Cities

Kate Steinle was murdered while she was walking with her father on Pier 14 in San Francisco. The murderer, an illegal alien with an extensive felony record, had been deported 5 times but was released by San Francisco under its sanctuary policy, rather than turned over to ICE for deportation.
U.S. House Bill 3009, "Enforce the Law for Sanctuary Cities Act," takes away federal funding from sanctuary cities. It passed in the House 241 to 179.  All 10 North Carolina Republicans voted for it. All 3 North Carolina Democrats voted against it.
ACT Contact Senators Burr and Tillis to support an vote for HR 3009.
Transparency -- Read The Iran Bill

Are you tired of hearing opposite "facts" about the Iran Nuclear Agreement? I've decided to read the original document and formulate my own opinion. Then I can decide what is in the deal and what commentator, legislator or president tells the truth, bends the truth or outright lies.
Please look for yourself and see what is in the agreement:
Click HERE for the text. If you want a printer-friendly version, click HERE.
The "most transparent administration" in history did not post the text of the deal on any government website .
ACT: Contact Sen. Burr, Sen. Tillis and Rep. Ellmers (contact information is on our new Website). Tell them to read the Iran Nuclear Deal. They were hired to read and decide important issues, not make decisions based on hearsay or politics. They must also consider the trustworthiness of Iran in keeping its promises in the deal. They must find out the truth of any secret backroom deals with Iran not included in the agreement, including deals cut by the UN.
Burr's and Ellmer's websites indicate they have concerns with the Iran nuclear deal.
You have the power of thousands. When legislators get contacted by a constituent, they figure thousands others are thinking the same but haven't contacted them. Exercise you power.  

Transparency II -- Side Agreements Of The Iran Deal

Secretary of State John Kerry told lawmakers behind closed doors on July 22 that he did not have a copy of and had not read 2 secret side deals between the IAEA (Intl Atomic Energy Agency) and Iran. The State Department said they were merely "technical arrangements.
Senator James Risch, during an open session before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, said his understanding was that Iran would be allowed to take its own environmental samples at Parchin military complex.

See also:

Did You Know?

Did you know that "Bush 43" was actually only the 42nd  man to be the President of the United States? While the U.S. counts Barack Obama as its 44 th president, only 43 presidents have ever led the nation. President Grover Cleveland, due to his election to non-consecutive terms from 1885-1889 and 1893-1897, is counted as our 22nd and 24th president. So while there have been 44 presidencies, only 43 people have ever held the office.


More Quotes by Great Economists

No matter how worthy the cause, it is robbery, theft, and injustice to confiscate the property of one person and give it to another to whom it does not belong.
~ Walter E. Williams
I think that nothing is so important for freedom as recognizing in the law each individual's natural right to property, and giving individuals a sense that they own something that they're responsible for, that they have control over, and that they can dispose of.
~Milton Friedman
I's amazing how much panic one honest man can spread among a multitude of hypocrites.
~ Thomas Sowell


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Program Committee News
DinProgNeil Oakley , Chair

August Dinner Program

The dog days of summer are upon us, but you won't find us dogging it at our August monthly meeting!
Our "conservative speed dating" format will return with Rep. Renee Ellmers
(R - 2
nd Dist. ), Katelyn Garlow and Emma Kathryn Benson from Americans for Prosperity - North Carolina, John Rustin from the North Carolina Family Policy Council, and Alycia Hester from Turning Point USA, and District Court Judge Rob Wilkins (Moore, Montgomery, Randolph Counties).  Other speakers have been invited, and we are awaiting confirmation.
Join us at Filly & Colt's on August 17, from 5:30-7:30 pm, be sure to RSVP. We look forward to seeing you!

Municipal Elections Impact the Future

Now that the filing period for Moore County municipal offices has closed, be sure to mark your calendars for our September and October monthly meetings, where we'll have the municipal candidates grilled by the toughest questioners around - YOU! All municipal candidates have been invited. The September 21st Forum will feature candidates for municipal offices in Pinebluff, Aberdeen, Pinehurst, Taylortown, Foxfire, and Robbins. The October 19th Forum will feature candidates for municipal offices in Southern Pines, Whispering Pines, Vass, Cameron, and Carthage. If you're reading this and you're a candidate for municipal office, be sure to send in your forum RSVP as soon as possible.
Influence the Parties

Those of you who are registered Republicans, the Moore County GOP is looking for precinct chairs for the following precincts: Seven Lakes, West End, Little River, East Knollwood, and Taylortown. Precinct Chair is position of significant influence and both the big parties badly need Constitutionalists influencing how they operate and where they're going (whether they know or like it). If you live in one of these precincts and would like to be a precinct chair, please contact MCGOP Chairman John Rowerdink at

Upcoming Activities by Other Great Groups

Summertime is in high gear and there are a number of great events coming up which I encourage you to attend. See the new  Calendar page for details.

United We Stand, Divided We Fall
Peggy Smetana

President Obama continues to divide Americans and increase racial tensions, using injustices of the past. He picks sides immediately and jumps to conclusions. He does not allow time for the judicial system to investigate the facts before he speaks. He allows our southern borders to be invaded with thousands of illegal aliens. All of these are Alinsky tactics of destruction by overwhelming the system.
Contrast that with our Declaration's words "All men are created equal." Some call the Founders hypocrites, pointing to slavery. The Founders' words were not the consensus of mankind at the time. Their words were their principled beliefs, based on belief in God. Belief in equality was a goal to be achieved, even though slavery existed in the American colonies and much of the world.
The Founding documents stressed our common humanity. Birth, death, sorrow, joy, aspirations bind us all in the human experience. Belief in God, a being greater than ourselves, someone out there who cares for us, is a uniting experience.
Abraham Lincoln's words "With malice toward none, with charity for all, bind up the nation's wounds, to care for him who shall have borne the battle and for his widow and his orphan...." do not talk of vengeance or division.
When President Obama speaks with words of blame and racial divisions, we should retort with our common aspirations of individual liberty and personal achievement.

Meet a Member

by Nancy Kasko

Laura Sumrall
Laura Sumrall
Laura Sumrall is a person you should know. Laura and her husband, Cliff, moved to Pinehurst last September from San Diego County, California. Yes, believe it or not, there actually are conservative Tea Party people in California! Laura and Cliff were active in the San Diego County Republican Central Committee and were founders of their local Tea Party.
Laura is originally from Troy, New York, but attended college in California and never left.. Laura worked as an insurance agent but still found time to raise 6 children, 4 of which are good conservatives. Laura has 11 grandchildren. Laura and Cliff live with their border collie Franci whom Laura "loves very much."
Laura's hobbies include cooking, gardening and, of course, politics.
What Laura likes best about MTC is the people. Funny how that works-one of the things I like best about MTC is Laura.  

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