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In This Issue:
Rhonda Musak, Acting Coach

As an acting coach, I help actors unlock the magic in their acting.
In just one class, Rhonda helped me work through a block I'd had for months! She makes her class feel like a family and encourages true freedom of expression.
~ Rachel Leighson ~ 
Connect With Us
As August kicks off, I'm reminded to make the most of these glorious summer days. But as much as I'm looking forward to strolls in the park and a trip to the beach, I'm also looking forward to the Olympics and especially the 20th season of FringeNYC.

This year I will be a part of FringeNYC! As a member of the solo artists community, I am thrilled to be assisting Kim Chinh with her incredibly powerful solo show,  Reclaiming Vietnam, directed by Elizabeth Browning.

Kim's story of her search for identity in Vietnam interwoven with her attempts to confront her unsettling personal history truly blows me away and I am proud to be a part of such a profound project. 

Performances are August 14-27, tickets can be purchased at FringeNYC/Reclaiming Vietnam.

In Art & Soul Acting news, a big shout out to the recent attendees of the Book Club for Actors -- thanks for two insightful and inspiring meetings focusing on the work of John Patrick Shanley! 

Word keeps getting back to me of book club attendees booking work because they knew the play so well from this book club.  If you've never checked out the Book Club for Actors, I hope you'll join us for our newly announced playwright in September. See details below.

And if you're looking to ground your acting technique and inspire your soul, join us each Wednesday evening for my weekly and ongoing Drop-In Acting Class

Wishing you joy in the glorious summer sun!


Rhonda Musak
Acting Coach
Acting class is the actor's laboratory and the Drop-In Acting Class at Art & Soul Acting is the place to play, explore, express and nail down your technique so that your next audition rocks it out of the park.

Class Structure
Each class begins with a brief warm-up so students can approach their work centered and focused. Actors then work on their material of choice in an individual work slot.

Work Slot Options
Actors may choose to work on any of the following: 
  • Monologues
  • Cold Readings for Film or Stage
  • Audition Process & Technique
  • Preparation for an Upcoming Audition
  • Exercises to Stretch the Actors Instrument
  • Scene Study
  • Preparation for an Upcoming Role
  • Acting Technique Breakdown for an Acting Issue
  • Get Unstuck Coaching  
DAY: Wednesdays
TIME: 6-10 PM
DATES: weekly
LOCATION: NYC Studio/Union Square Area
FEE: $55/class

For complete details & registration please visit:

If you've ever cringed because you've been asked about a play that you think you should have read, then the Book Club for Actors is your remedy.

The 34th Book Club for Actors will focus on the plays of: 
Katori Hall

Remaining Reading Weeks

The Book Club for Actors is offered twice. Please choose one of two meetings:

Monday, September 12, 7-9 PM
Saturday, September 17, 3-5 PM

East Village location will be e-mailed with RSVP confirmation.

Read plays from the following selection of Katori Hall's work:
  • The Mountaintop * (included in Plays I)
  • HooDoo Love (included in Plays I)
  • Saturday Night/Sunday Morning (inc. Plays I)
  • Hurt Village (included in Plays I)
  • Our Lady of Kibeho 
  • Children of Killers
So all participants are on the same page with at least one play, please be sure to read the play marked with an asterisk (*). And t
o ensure a robust conversation, participants are asked to read at least 3-4 plays.

Be ready to share what you have discovered about this amazing playwright so we can all learn and grow together!

For complete details & RSVP please visit:

Super charge the New Year with vision and focus. In this life-aligning, 5-hour workshop, participants create a plan for the year ahead...a plan that will stick.

Leap with Passion into 2016!!!
2016 Leap attendees will receive Leaps & Bounds -- a bite-sized monthly reminder to inspire deep integration of all the discoveries made during the Leap workshop. 

Please look for it in your e-mail inbox near the middle of each month.

Leap with Passion into 2017!!!
Dates TBA

The insight that I gained from this workshop now guides me to take further action and not quit and to do so with a positive attitude and bright light inside! This work is just magic! I truly can't express how amazing it was, I definitely recommend it!
~ Y.S.~

Delve deeper into the craft and business of acting with articles that break it all down and build you up.

Working on intimate scenes requires extra skill and some savvy, get yours here.


How To Be A Pro When Working On Intimate Scenes: A Step-By-Step Boundary Setting Process
by Rhonda S. Musak
You've been out auditioning for anything and everything under the sun when that magical call comes bringing the news that you have booked the job. Congratulations abound as you rush off to pick up the script. You eagerly read and imagine how wonderful it will be to work on this particular role when, out of left field, you stumble upon a completely unexpected scene in the script: one that calls for you to be romantic and/or sexual.

Your heart drops as you close the script and remember how much work went into booking this particular job. The thought of the complete stranger that you will be working with comes to mind...

You've studied with me, you've booked the job -- now share the FAB news!

Kevin Cusick
Congrats on your recent musical project!

Emily Cordes
Performing the role of Jude Black
Thespis Theater Festival 2016
The Hudson Guild Theater
August 2-6

Jenna Kantor
Congratulations on recent performances with Fairytale Physical Therapy.

Shade Rupe
Congrats on your recent work on The Deuce!

You will become clever through your mistakes.
~ German Proverb ~

Headshot Low Res Green
Rhonda S. Musak

Hone your Art. Feed your Soul.