August was a whirlwind month, and as summer winds down, the West Virginia Republican Party wants to provide an update on where the Party stands and where it is going! Please expect these updates throughout the cycle!

"Retire Manchin Mondays"

Beginning in September, the West Virginia Republican Party will launch a “Retire Manchin” digital campaign, through which, voters will be made aware of Senator Manchin’s voting record and liberal tendencies in the United States Senate. West Virginia deserves an unwavering, conservative Senator that stands up to the radical left in Washington, and the West Virginia Republican Party will do its part to ensure 2024 delivers exactly that. 

2024 'Victory in Unity' Tour

The West Virginia Republican Party is launching the “2024 ‘Victory in Unity’ Tour,” which will include a speaking circuit, grassroots organizing, and — for the remainder of this calendar year — four regional fundraising receptions around the state. Please keep your eyes peeled for announcements on this front, but the first of these benefit receptions will take place in the Northern Panhandle on October 5th. The WVGOP has some lofty goals this cycle, as it also has a major responsibility to its candidates, elected officials, and Republican voters. These events will serve the party and its constituents very well, as we look to win races from school board to judge and from the courthouse to the White House!

New Website!

The West Virginia Republican Party is thrilled to unveil its new website: This new webpage will be a major asset to our Party, our candidates, and our Republican voters. The site will accommodate donors through outlining Party priorities and providing WinRed access, it will accommodate candidates through access to our calendar of events, and it will accommodate Republican voters through resources regarding elected officials, candidates, voter registration, and the Party Platform. 


RNC Summer Meeting

West Virginia Republican Party Chairwoman Elgine McArdle, Republican National Committeeman Larry Pack, Republican National Committeewoman Beth Bloch, and Executive Director Kyle Saunders attended the RNC Summer Meeting in Milwaukee, Wisconsin this month. This is the same venue that will host the 2024 Republican National Convention, at which the Republican candidates for President and Vice-President of the United States will be nominated. The WVGOP is eager to send a strong delegation to Milwaukee next summer to nominate our next President and Vice-President, and the planning is already under way!

WVGOP Summer Meeting

The WVGOP held its annual Summer Meeting in Summersville this month, which was a major success. At this meeting, the Resolutions Committee made significant progress on our 2024 Platform, the County Chairs conducted a very successful meeting, at which they received a grassroots organizing training from the RNC, and the State Executive Committee conducted its important business in under two hours. Among other business of the Committee, four resolutions were passed: one honoring the life of the late Paul Hartling, one recognizing the 100th birthday of the late Governor Arch A. Moore, Jr., one encouraging an Impeachment Inquiry into President Joe Biden, and one instituting a non-partisan election endorsement committee. 

In addition to the official business conducted by the WVGOP, the State Executive Committee also took measures to reaffirm the Republican commitment to the pro-life cause. While being pro-life certainly entails standing up for the unborn, opposing radical judges, and advocating for anti-abortion legislation, it also means doing our part to continue being pro-life after the moment of birth. To that end, the West Virginia Republican Party partnered with former Delegate Kayla Kessinger and Her PLAN (Her Pregnancy and Life Assistance Network) in hosting a diaper drive at the Summer Meeting. This organization facilitates collaboration between assistance providers and their communities to empower women and families through comprehensive medical, social, and material support. Her PLAN currently operates nationally and in 21 states: Alabama, Arkansas, Arizona, Georgia, Idaho, Iowa, Kansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, North Carolina, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Virginia, West Virginia and Wisconsin. The WVGOP will be donating the dozens of diapers, baby wipes, and childcare materials it received to local pregnancy resource centers throughout West Virginia. 

The next 15 months of this election cycle will be very lively, and the West Virginia Republican Party looks forward to being a true resource to its elected officials, candidates, State Executive Committee, and all Republican voters throughout the process. Please stay tuned for future events and announcements from the Party, and never hesitate to reach out if you have any questions!

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