August Newsletter
August 2022
EG Connected Learning Challenge
Crystal Baker President
The annual Corporate Employee Group event planning is well underway. Ability submitted a nomination for the Excellence in Action Award. We also submitted four session proposals for the annual group conference: Mindfulness, Everyday Accessibility, Health Equity in the Digital Divide, and a Gratitude Challenge.
October 17 – 21, 2022 - First ever EG Appreciation Week

October 28, 2022 - The annual EG Conference will be held both virtually, and in person in hub cities. 

Kicking off TODAY is the single most impactful opportunity for Ability this year. The EG Connected Learning Challenge is supersized this year. A total of $150,000 is up for grabs, based on the number of individual volunteers:
  • Competition runs August 1 – October 21, 2022
  • Volunteer activity must be related to the Digital Divide to count.
  • Volunteer must record their time in Benevity, and credit it back to Ability.
  • We are competing among the EG’s with 5,000 or less members. 1st place $25K, 2nd place $15K, 3rd place $10K, and 4th place $5K.
If every one of us completes one single digital divide related activity between now and October 21st, we have a strong chance at winning one of these awards. 

My challenge to you…
Take a moment right now to write 4 notes of encouragement to students who will be served by an AT&T Connected Learning Center.

Just 4 Notes = 1 Hour of volunteer time.

CLICK HERE to write your notes and follow the link on the site after you submit your letters to enter your volunteer time in Benevity. Remember to choose ABILITY when submitting your time.

Thank you for your support and participation!
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group of volunteers