It's a Wrap on Teen Summer Reading 2021
August is when summer is winding down and everyone is preparing to go back to school. As the library wraps up a very successful Teen Summer Reading Program, we start thinking about year round programming.
Our first meeting of the Teen Advisory Board is scheduled for August 26 at 4pm. Please join me at the library for snacks, maybe even pizza, to discuss the future of your library!
On Tuesday August 31 we will have our first teen book club meeting to start the 2021 school year. Bring a Graphic Novel to discuss. It can be anything!! We have plenty to choose from in the Teen Collection. 
Graphic Novel Recommendations
Bring any graphic novel to the banned books book club! If you need any recommendations take a look at some of the top banned graphic novels listed below.
One last thing to consider. Intellectual Freedom is defined as the right of every individual to both seek and receive information from all points of view and all formats without restriction. It provides for free access to all expressions of ideas through which any and all sides of a question, cause, or movement may be explored. Privacy is a necessary condition for true Intellectual Freedom.

What comes to mind when you think of intellectual freedom? Privacy? How does technology play a role? Can you think of content that might be challenged? Why do you think it is challenged? 
I look forward to your ideas and to your participation in future programming at the library!
Enjoy the last couple weeks of summer!
Shannon Foster, Teen Librarian
*Garnar, Martin, and Trina J. Magi. Intellectual Freedom Manual. ALA Editions, 2015.