Community partners working together
to build health and resilience
August 2022
Upcoming Community Meetings
- 10 - 11:30 am, Tuesday, August 16
- Microsoft Teams
- Safety topics for August
- Child car seat checks update
- Start planning for car seat clinics at a new location
- July recalls
PACEs Action Alliance *
*Positive over Adverse Childhood Experiences
PACEs Alliance does not meet over the summer months.
Trauma-Informed Schools Workgroup
The Trauma-Informed Schools group meetings have concluded for this school year. We will meet again in Fall 2022.
If you would like to help plan topics and meetings for the 2022-23 school year, please contact Cyndie Grush.
Youth Summit on August 16 is opportunity to connect with youth
Looking to reach our community's youth about your agency or service? There is an opportunity to exhibit and talk with youth at the upcoming Youth Summit: Own Your Future on August 16.
Hosted by the Healthy Transitions Program at Columbia River Mental Health Services, FYSPRT and Amerigroup, the summit will be held from noon to 4 pm at River City Church, 2400 E Fourth Plain Blvd.
Set up is at 11:30 am and community partners are welcome to stay until after 4 pm. The summit will include lunch, a keynote speaker, four Adulting 101 workshops, crafts, outdoor games, drawings and prizes.
Bridgeview Resource Center seeks partners for "Bridging the Gap Direct Connect Event"
Bridgeview Resource Center is planning the “Bridging The Gaps Direct Connect Event”. The event aims to connect attendees with services in-hand, such as vouchers for services or goods, enrollment in programming/services, completing intake on site, onsite demonstrations, etc.
Twenty local organizations, including mental/physical health providers, education, food services, employment assistance and social service providers, have already registered to participate.
To participate, contact Alyssa Woodruff with your organization’s name, number of staff attending, service(s) you will be providing, and number of tables/chairs needed.
The flier for the event may be downloaded and shared with community members.
Supporting Breastfeeding Families: Implementing a Primary Care Office Strategy
Tuesday, August 2, 2022
7 - 8 am
A free training for clinicians (CME provided) offers a step-wise approach to incorporating lactation support to meet the needs of your practice. No cost to attend. Register here.
Speaker, Dr. Jody Cousins, IBCLC is a Family Physician who has successfully provided (and gotten paid for) lactation and infant feeding support in her primary care practice. Dr. Cousins will share her experience in setting up a local primary care lactation clinic and provide practical and evidence-based options for lactation and infant feeding support in your practice, including reimbursement options and local community supports.
As school systems continue to navigate uncertainty on a variety of fronts, the impacts of these challenges will continue to be felt by students and staff. This two hour workshop provides school staff an awareness of stress, trauma, and grief, their impacts on students, teachers and schools, as well as ways to effectively address them through the lens of recovery and renewal. Click here to view goals, slide deck and to register for this virtual free event on August 24 from noon - 2 pm .
Collaborative Learning Academy on Vimeo. Trauma-sensitive approaches from schools in Washington state (Kitsap featured).
Food for thought:
Strengthening Families with Infants and Toddlers: A Policy Framework for States is a new report published by ZERO to THREE in June:, The report is designed to reframe the role of child welfare from preventing harm to children toward strengthening families and the communities where they live. The policy framework includes 11 recommendations for states and communities that aim to advance equitable outcomes supporting the health and well-being of very young children and their families, including those who are in or are at risk of entering the child welfare system. The report provides state and local policymakers with a roadmap to develop and advance policies that will drastically improve the systems and supports families with young children need to thrive . Click here to read or download.
Understanding historical and intergenerational trauma, Aug. 29, 9-10:30 am. Explore the forms of trauma, their impacts on individuals and communities, and how you can shift your work toward a trauma-informed, resilience-oriented model. Click here to register.
Promoting Positive Childhood Experiences, Aug. 29, 9 - 11 am. This two-hour, virtual interactive workshop, led by The Montana Institute, will provide an overview of the Science of the Positive, Positive Community Norms, and Healthy Outcomes from Positive Experiences (HOPE) frameworks and how they can be used in harmony to promote child development, grow Positive Childhood Experiences, and promote a healing-centered approach to help children and adults increase resiliency. The workshop will include current research-findings and applications of these frameworks and will provide participants with opportunities to consider and discuss how they might advance these applications in their own unique contexts. Register here.
Our coalitions and community groups
PACEs Action Alliance is:
A multi-sector collaborative of public and private organizations and individuals. We raise awareness about positive and adverse childhood experiences (PACEs) and their long-term impact. We promote trauma-informed approaches and policies to support resilience and healing for people of all ages. All are welcome at our meetings. The Alliance will resume meetings in 2022.
PACEs Action Alliance Learning Collaborative supports learning and awareness about childhood trauma and resilience.
The Community Alliance Network provides a connection for community-serving agencies to meet and connect for potential collaborative efforts;
The Trauma-Informed Schools Workgroup is open to people who work in or with schools in Clark County. We meet monthly during the school year to explore tools, resources and applications of trauma-informed principles for schools.
(Formerly Clark County Breastfeeding Coalition) works collaboratively to improve the health of our community by promoting, protecting and supporting breast/chestfeeding so families have the support they need to continue infant feeding. Our mission is to create an environment that supports breast/chestfeeding as the cultural norm for infant feeding.
A member of Safe Kids Worldwide, a grassroots network of more than 600 coalitions and chapters that work closely with law enforcement officers, firefighters, paramedics, health professionals, educators, businesses, public policy makers, and, most importantly, parents and kids to promote safety. Priorities include proper child car seat use, baby's safe sleep, reducing child vehicular injuries and deaths, and water safety. Local coordination provided by American Medical Response (AMR) Southwest Washington
The Healthy Communities Newsletter is published the first week of each month.
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