August is LIHEAP ACTION Month!

It is LIHEAP Action Month! This entire month, we are boosting LIHEAP advocacy to continue to create awareness of the impact of LIHEAP, energy affordability, and energy insecurity in California. Be a #LIHEAPHero for your agency and take action to educate your community about the vital need for LIHEAP!

Every week you will receive new advocacy opportunities and resources. We'll also provide you with a weekly social media kit. Check out our #LIHEAPAction schedule -
If you would like to nominate a #LIHEAPHero for your agency, please CLICK HERE to add them to our distribution list. They will receive our weekly communications and opportunities for advocacy this entire month!
“Be an advocate for the people and causes important to you,
using the most powerful tool only you have - personal stories.”
- John Capecci & Timothy Cage

We are revisiting one of our campaign’s original undertakings - Faces of LIHEAP. Storytelling is a powerful tool that connects the people we serve and the work that we do as LIHEAP Service providers. What better way to share the impact of LIHEAP than with the stories of those that have benefited from the program!

Click on the button below to access the testimonial submission form. We will create a Faces of LIHEAP profile from your submissions, share them on our online platforms and also send you a copy. Photos are optional but encouraged!

Suggested Message:
LIHEAP is a critical resource. Maximum funding is imperative to continue to serve low-income households in California.

Do you need help with your energy bill? Contact us at <insert your agency phone number here>.

#LIHEAP #FundLIHEAP #LIHEAPHelpsCalifornia
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