SPECIAL #1: Four different resume levels based on where you're going in your career now. For example, if you have 15 years' experience working in accounting and then wanted to change careers & apply for entry-level positions in Human Resources in which that is defined below, you would be charged the entry-level resume rate.
These resume levels below are resumes that are no more than 2 pages & include 2 sets of edits in the price. 2 sets of edits is defined as you look at the first draft & if there are edits to make as long as I am not developing a brand new resume, I make them & then provide you another draft if there are still edits to make, I make them & then provide you the final draft. These are not government resume(s) or CVs (curriculum vitaes) if you are looking for those please discuss with me so I can provide accurate price quote(s).
What can these resume(s) be used for?
- A specific job
- A general career field (you would provide 2 example job descriptions that are in the same career field that I could write the resume for)
A new resume that is up to date summarizing your experience and is not written for a specific job or career field
Generally, I advise 3 weeks for a resume to be built so that we are not rushed through the process and that doesn't include weekends in the timeline. This allows for the "2 sets of edits" defined as above along with the time in between waiting for each other to do our part of the project (i.e. me to write up questions to get information to write the first draft of your resume, waiting back for those answers from you, developing the first draft and then allowing you to look at it for any edit(s) and then I make them and then allowing for the second set of edit(s) prior to the final draft. If a timeline quicker than that is needed, please communicate that with me ASAP so I can see what I can do to accommodate you.
OPTION 1: Purchase a brand new entry-level resume for yourself or someone else defined as pursuing positions with 0-2.5 years' experience level & is $103.06 which includes the debit/credit card processing fee that I don't benefit from & you'd select the PURPLE "BUY NOW" button below BEFORE Monday, August 31, 2020 at 11:55 pm Pacific Standard Time when the form closes for registrations. If you want to pay other than debit/credit card, you'd need to contact me ASAP and make arrangements with me to snail mail your payment of $98.95 to arrive no later than Monday, August 31, 2020 & remember there is no mail on Sundays and that snail mail takes at least 3 business days (not counting Sunday) to arrive even if we're in the same city/state so please plan accordingly if you don't want to pay expedited shipping. This purchase for yourself or someone else can be used one year from purchase date and no refunds under any circumstances. I also reserve the right to inform you if the resume level you pick for the job I am writing it for is not correctly matched (i.e. if you said you were "entry-level" & you were actually "mid-level", etc. & you'd be pay the difference in price of what you already paid).
OPTION 2: Purchase a brand new mid-level resume for yourself or someone else defined as pursuing positions with 3-14.5 years' experience level & is $160.26 which includes the debit/credit card processing fee that I don't benefit from & you'd select the PURPLE "BUY NOW" button below BEFORE Monday, August 31, 2020 at 11:55 pm Pacific Standard Time when the form closes for registrations. If you want to pay other than debit/credit card, you'd need to contact me ASAP and make arrangements with me to snail mail your payment of $153.95 to arrive no later than Monday, August 31, 2020 & remember there is no mail on Sundays and that snail mail takes at least 3 business days (not counting Sunday) to arrive even if we're in the same city/state so please plan accordingly if you don't want to pay expedited shipping. This purchase for yourself or someone else can be used one year from purchase date and no refunds under any circumstances. I also reserve the right to inform you if the resume level you pick for the job I am writing it for is not correctly matched (i.e. if you said you were "entry-level" & you were actually "mid-level", etc. & you'd be pay the difference in price of what you already paid).
OPTION 3: Purchase a brand new senior-level resume for yourself or someone else defined as pursuing positions with either 15 years' experience level in the field you're pursuing or is management positions & is $217.31 which includes the debit/credit card processing fee that I don't benefit from & you'd select the PURPLE "BUY NOW" button below BEFORE Monday, August 31, 2020 at 11:55 pm Pacific Standard Time when the form closes for registrations. If you want to pay other than debit/credit card, you'd need to contact me ASAP and make arrangements with me to snail mail your payment of $208.95 to arrive no later than Monday, August 31, 2020 & remember there is no mail on Sundays and that snail mail takes at least 3 business days (not counting Sunday) to arrive even if we're in the same city/state so please plan accordingly if you don't want to pay expedited shipping.This can purchase for yourself or someone else can be used one year from purchase date and no refunds under any circumstances. I also reserve the right to inform you if the resume level you pick for the job I am writing it for is not correctly matched (i.e. if you said you were "entry-level" & you were actually "mid-level", etc. & you'd be pay the difference in price of what you already paid).
OPTION 4: Purchase a brand new executive-level resume for yourself or someone else defined as pursuing positions with either over 15 years' experience level in the field you're pursuing or is C-level positions (i.e. CEO, CMIO, etc.) & is $274.66 which includes the debit/credit card processing fee that I don't benefit from & you'd select the PURPLE "BUY NOW" button below BEFORE Monday, August 31, 2020 at 11:55 pm Pacific Standard Time when the form closes for registrations. If you want to pay other than debit/credit card, you'd need to contact me ASAP and make arrangements with me to snail mail your payment of $263.95 to arrive no later than Monday, August 31, 2020 & remember there is no mail on Sundays and that snail mail takes at least 3 business days (not counting Sunday) to arrive even if we're in the same city/state so please plan accordingly if you don't want to pay expedited shipping. This purchase for yourself or someone else can be used one year from purchase date and no refunds under any circumstances. I also reserve the right to inform you if the resume level you pick for the job I am writing it for is not correctly matched (i.e. if you said you were "entry-level" & you were actually "mid-level", etc. & you'd be pay the difference in price of what you already paid).