To all who have ever had the opportunity- whether you are a mom to a human or a fur baby, or you are an aunt, a sister, a grandma or just a good friend. And of course all of our mom's who are no longer with us.
The 2020 Community Guides have arrived! If you didn't get one in your Aurora Advocate, please let me know and I will get one to you. Want to display at your place of business? Let me know! I will deliver them! At a safe distance of course!!
We are going to have a virtual luncheon next week! Join us on Wednesday, May 13th from noon-1:00pm. Stacie Riffert will be helping us determine "The 7 Things to Leverage When Times are Tough". Pack your lunch and join us!
We all need to continue our physical distancing and if you are able, wear a mask. I will wear one any time I am around people in public places. Please respect those that have chosen to wear a mask and continue to be vigilant to flatten the curve! Don't let your guard down now! We have come too far!
I am still working remotely but coming to the office a few days a week. I am replying to emails and phone messages as they come in. Please visit our website,
for up to date information,call me at 330-235-2780 or email
Lastly, a reminder that there are two Facebook pages that are also informative and being updated regularly:
Just remember that we will get through this, and we will all be better and stronger. And please...BE KIND TO OTHERS!
Stay safe and stay healthy friends!!