April is Autism Awareness Month
COVID-19 Pandemic
As we all deal with these unprecedented times and adjust to our new normal during the Covid-19 pandemic we want to acknowledge that April is Autism Awareness Month.

Many of our children and families are having challenges as their day-to-day lives and routines have been altered.
Nassan's Place is committed to helping these families anyway we can as they navigate their new normal.
At this time your help and support is needed now more than ever.  
As grassroot nonprofits like Nassan's Place struggle financially with assisting these families, during these uncertain times, please consider making a tax deductible donation by Clicking Here .

Below are a variety of local, state, federal and other helpful resources regarding the Covid-19 pandemic.

Click Here - Children of System of Care (CSOC)
Click Here - Autism New Jersey
Click Here - Department of Development Disabilities(DDD)
 Click Here - NJ Community Affairs
Click Here - City of Newark
Click Here - City of East Orange
Click Here - County of Essex
Click Here - NJ Dept of Health
Click Here - UnitedWay
Click Here - Focus for Health
Click Here - CDC
Click Here - GoodwillNJ/NYResources

Thank you for your support.
Autism Awareness
"Hour Of Empowerment"
Coping with the Covid 19 Pandemic
Thursday, April 23, 2020 @ 5:00 pm
Join us for our 4th "Hour of Empowerment" webinar with a panel of educators and support specialists to discuss the impact of Covid-19.

 Click below to view previous webinars:

Click Here for Autism moms
Click Here for Autism dads
Click Here for Autism siblings
Chasing 9 News covers a story of the impact of Covid-19 pandemic on one of
Nassan's Place families'
Tracy Russ, a single mother of three children, two with special needs Autism and ADHD shared her story with reporter Monica Guy.

She discussed the challenges she is facing everyday as she navigates working from home and assisting her children with their new normal of remote learning and lack of social interactions with their peers.

Click here for a clip of the interview.
New Jersey Kids Fashion Week (NJKFW) founder & Nassan's Place, founder
Live on IG
Tuesday, April 21, 2020
In Recognition of Autism Awareness Month join NJKFW founder, Josie Payoute and Nassan’s Place founder, Nadine Wright-Arbubakrr live on Instagram @josiepspeaks on Tuesday, April 21 @6:30 p.m.
Tune in as Josie and Nadine have a candid conversation about Autism and the impact of the Covid 19 pandemic on children and families affected by Autism. They will also be discussing the inclusion of Nassan's Place kids participation in NJFFW.

Click Here for additional information about NJKFW
Nassan's Place is encouraging all of our families and friends to please complete the 2020 Census to ensure we are all counted.

Click Here for additional information
Upcoming Events
Due to the Covid 19 Pandemic all in person events and programs are postponed until deemed safe by our government officials and the CDC.

We are working on providing virtual workshops and events for our families and friends.

Please Stay Safe and adhere to all directives.

Nassan’s Place can’t stop the diagnosis, but we can HELP the families affected by it!
Thank You for your unwavering support of Nassan's Place as we continue to help enrich and make a difference in the lives of children and families affected by Autism in and around under-served inner-city communities.

Nadine Wright-Arbubakrr 
(973) 424 7781