Babies, Babbles, and ASD, Gender Differences in Language Development, Next Steps Workshops, and more... 
May 2019

In this Issue: Understanding how ASD affects language development across the lifespan 

Although language impairment is not a core feature of ASD, many individuals on the autism spectrum struggle with using language appropriately in social 
contexts, and parents of autistic children report atypical
patterns of language development.   
In this issue you'll find ...
Researchers at CAR are studying infant vocalizations to better understand the earliest linguistic signals of ASD.
Babies, Babbles, and ASD 

Understanding the earliest linguistic signals of ASD, as well as understanding sex-based communication differences across the lifespan may lead to improved diagnostic methods and novel therapies to boost communication skills. 
CAR researchers are uncovering gender differences in language development of children with ASD.
Boys, Girls, and the Language of Autism 

Whether it's nature or nurture that instills gender-based assumptions, the impact of these expectations on the diagnosis and definition of ASD may be profound.  A growing body of research suggests that ASD appears differently in girls and women than it does in boys and men.

Researchers from CAR have found variations in speech rate and  word choice in children with ASD.
It's More Than Sounds - How ASD Affects Word Choice and Speech Rate

As children with ASD grow older and begin to develop more complex language, differences in spoken language and social conversation begin to become evident to parents and clinicians. Researchers from CAR, led by Julia Parish-Morris, PhD, are examining speech samples from hundreds of children with the goal of determining how verbal interactions change over developmental time. 

Researchers from CAR are using language as a way to assess treatment effect in autistic adults.
Helping Autistic Adults Navigate Social Situations Through the Power of Language

ASD is frequently considered a childhood condition, despite the fact that it persists, sometimes undiagnosed, throughout a person's life. Scientists from the CAR are actively providing research opportunities, as well as support and resources, to adults with ASD. The goal is to analyze data from thousands of vocal samples to identify a language marker  to evaluate treatment success.

Blue Car
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Wednesday, May 29, 2019 - 9am - 4pm

Wednesday, September 25, 2019 - 9am - 4pm

Thursday, October 24, 2019 - 9am - 4pm

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boy w. magnifying glass
You Can Help Us Learn More about ASD!

Advances in understanding autism and related disorders are only possible as a direct result of the participation of individuals and families. We have opportunities for all ages, and you do not need an autism diagnosis to participate.

Simply put - scientists cannot make real progress without your help. We need you!
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The Center for Autism Research | Children's Hospital of Philadelphia
267-426-7450 |