Issue Date: March 6, 2022

Brought to you by Dr. Douglas Pfeiffer through the Center For Nutrition & Wellness, a division of the Upper Perk Chiropractic Center


News and information for people who want to restore and maintain their health and wellness.

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In This Issue

Featured Article

Autoimmunity Explanation Continued


Dr. P. to Lead Nutritional Group.

Event Info.

Restore Your Health

This Spring



Office Hours

Nutritional Wellness


9:00 am - 12:00 pm &

3:00 pm - 6:00 pm


Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday:

9:00 am-12:00 pm &

3:00 pm-6:00 pm


Closed Friday to Sunday

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PHOTO CREDIT: Robin with Holly Berry by Richard Moyer


Are You Still Inflammed?

Since COVID hit and the whole "genetic vaccination" process began, I have been seeing many unusual conditions in the Center for Nutrition and Wellness.

I certainly have seen many patients suffering from what has commonly become known as “long haulers syndrome.” In this instance the major symptom is extreme fatigue, but that is usually followed by such symptoms as mental fog, anxiety, and a lack of cognitive function. 

I have found that, in each case, there are varied areas of breakdown in the body. In some, the issue is a breakdown of the energy-generating system in the cells called the mitochondria. In others, there is a stagnation in liver detoxification. In still others, there is an overall systemic inflammatory overload. However in most cases that have gone on for a prolonged period, there is some form of autoimmune response that is occurring. One example affects the skin resulting in what is now called a “COVID rash.” In others, this process may affect the liver. 

As I write this, I am preparing to travel to Hershey, Pennsylvania to attend a seminar on COVID and its after effects.

We all have wounds to lick – physical, mental, and emotional – after what we have experienced over the last two plus years. We must evaluate what we have done and determine what we did right and what we did wrong so that we never again have some of the things that we have all experienced happen again.

And I urge you all, whether you have escaped the physical suffering from COVID or not, to consider my advice in this week’s featured article on autoimmunity, because the standard American diet is a risk we need not take.

Stay Well, and do everything that you can to maintain your Health!

We’re here for you,

Dr. Pfeiffer



Understanding Autoimmunity (continued)

by Dr. Pfeiffer

In my last article, I discussed the prevalence, definition, and causes (genetics, intestinal health, and triggers) of autoimmune disorders. I noted that the autoimmune process is characterized by tissue damage, inflammation, and a loss of function. I also touched on the basic difference between standard medicine versus holistic/nutritional treatment options.

It’s now time to consider the importance of urgently correct the underlying “causes” as much as possible.

Click Here to Read More


Dr. Pfeiffer Now Leads Functional Nutrition Working Group


The Pennsylvania Chiropractic Association named Dr. Pfeiffer as the chairman of the Functional Nutrition Working Group.

Three years ago, Dr. Pfeiffer brought an idea to the Association’s Board of Directors, and they agreed it would be wise to form groups that consisted of doctors who had specific specialty knowledge to share with the entire profession. So was born the concept of working groups. An expert in the field of functional nutrition, Dr. Pfeiffer assembled five other doctors with similar interests, credentials, competencies to begin producing a newsletter for doctors in the Association to educate themselves about the latest information on the topic.

The doctors also have monthly virtual “Lunch and Learn” programs through which other doctors in the profession can learn about such topics as understanding blood chemistry analysis, infectious disease and natural treatments, as well as understanding lyme disease. The working group is now presenting continuing education programs through educational webinars, and two members of the Functional Nutrition Working Group will be presenting an eight- and four-hour continuing education program (required for licensure in the Commonwealth) at the Pennsylvania Chiropractic Association’s annual convention this year in Pittsburgh.

The addition of the Functional Nutrition Working Group has been hailed by leaders of the Pennsylvania Chiropractic Association as one of the best assets that they have had come to the membership in years.


Registration Deadline Approaching

Along With the Spring Season.

Like the coming of the season of refreshment, our No-Obligation FREE Spring Cleaning 2022 Cleanse Preview is just two weeks away.

The online session will highlight these refreshing

benefits of the program:

Shed Pounds

Improve Your Sleep

Eliminate Mental Fog and Fatigue

Reduce Inflammation

This preview event will take place on March 22 at 7pm via Zoom. Pre-registration is required, because attendance is limited. Secure your spot with a quick email or phone call to Kerry.

Don't believe it can happen for you? Click here to listen to a few testimonials from past cleansers, people who are your neighbors and fellow patients.

Register for the Spring Cleaning 2022 Cleanse Preview Today

via email: [email protected]

via phone: (215) 679-9355

No-Obligation FREE Spring Cleaning 2022 Cleanse Preview

March 22, 2022, 7p


Spring 2022 Cleanse Begins

May 5, 2022

More Info.


Workshops and Seminars Location

1543 Layfield Rd., Pennsburg, PA

For questions, registration, etc., contact:


[email protected]


“The secret of getting ahead is getting started.



Dr. Pfeiffer never stops

learning. He continues

to study and research the

latest wellness information.

For example, he is currently enrolled in the

Nutrigenomics Certification


Nutrigenomics is the study of how foods affect our genes, and how genetic differences affect the way we respond to food.

Dates: Ongoing



Our entire practice is referral based, and we'd like to say Thank You for your referrals!

R. Eisenhart

C. Wolford

T. Marks

C. Nonnenman

M. Mory

E. & G. Verheggen

M. Pritt

J. Wetzel

J. Sutton

S. Wadsworth

S. Snell

C. Hoffman


The informative book, Dr. Pfeiffer’s Guide to a Longer Healthier Life, is available through Amazon or for purchase at the office.

Get a copy for yourself or give one to someone you love.

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