Re: Transition to Automated Approval Reminders for Oracle Procure-to-Pay
To: All faculty and staff
July 6, 2021
As we continue to enhance our use of advanced Oracle functionality and seek to streamline and automate processes to better serve the campus community, we are launching automated approval reminders for procure-to-pay documents.
What does this replace?
Our Supply Chain and CBS2 teams currently do manual reviews of requisitions, purchase orders, change orders and invoices that have been pending approval for more than several days. Staff members write and send reminders by email asking approvers to take action by approving or rejecting as appropriate. This process will be replaced with automated emails that will be generated by the Oracle platform.
What does this improve?
- Manual reminders do not include a direct link to Approve or Reject. Automated reminders re-create the initial approval request email and include a direct link to Approve or Reject by email or to login and view further details of the document.
- Manual reminders are time consuming and take staff time away from critical activities like expediting processing of new orders. Automated orders require no staff time to generate and will allow more time to be dedicated to processing orders and other high-priority activities.
- Automated reminders will ensure consistent system driven notifications across all P2P documents.
When will this be launched?
The transition to automated emails will occur over the next several weeks and be timed with replacement of Supply Chain and CBS2 manual reminders. There is no action you need to take. If you are in any approval step and an approval is pending for more than 48 hours (excluding weekends), you will receive a system-generated reminder instead of a manual email. These automated reminders will occur every 48 hours (excluding weekends) until a document is approved or rejected.
Please don't hesitate to report issues about Oracle functionality by filing a ticket in the DFA Service Catalog.
Thank you,
Supply Chain and CBS2 Teams