


“Simplicity of living plus high thinking lead to the

greatest happiness.” 

- Paramhansa Yogananda

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Dear Friends, 

Our Equinox Groundbreaking Ceremony at Polestar was everything we hoped it might be and so much more! We are so grateful for each of you who helped create such a magical weekend: 24 years in, this was a watershed event for Polestar and brought with it a completely new level of energy, inspiration and Joy! 

Saturday morning's panel discussion was a rare opportunity to collaborate with many other distinguished community builders and thinkers. At a time of heightened conflict and division, how do we regenerate our communities? You can read much more about the many insights and inspiration of this event here.

Saturday evening was relaxing and connecting; a beautiful fall night with a warm and cozy campfire accompanied by gorgeous marimba and folk music. Those of you who visited us on the Big Island may remember our 'marimba days' and one of our own (Abram Gornik) even got to play one of our old favorite pieces - see clip of "Jabberwokky" here. Some of us even stayed out past 8PM!  

Sunday morning was a lovely, collaborative Service at the nearby Unity Church. Nayaswami Jaya Helin, one of the original board members of Polestar Gardens, gave the sermon ("Enlightened Together"), and dear friends Dhuti Elizabeth Johnson, JT Heater (who is also the Polestar Village architect!), Bernadette Sabath and Christy Thompson led several sublime musical offerings. Our generous-hearted friends at Unity have been no small part of our recovery from the ashes of Kilauea Volcano and we are so grateful for their support! 

The main event of course was the groundbreaking ceremony itself which included music, prayers, and wonderful sharing from Dennis and Bailey of Happy Heart Farm, Rich Mills from Hawaii, and Nayaswami Jaya Helin from Ananda Village. When it came time to actually put the shovels in the soil (which we were smart enough to have pre-dug), one could feel, and I'm getting goosebumps as I write this, our kids, our grandkids, and all those great souls who may yet come, participate, co-create, learn, teach and 'lead in Love', this 'Great Turning' before us. 

Our actual groundbreaking is still months away but we are heartened by the deep connection we feel with the land, the intrepid souls showing up to participate, and the vision to live our ideals more fully. There are many ways to get involved right now so come and join the fun!

blessings and joy, 


Click here for VIDEO:

Polestar Village Groundbreaking Weekend Highlights!

"The River of Divine Friendship broadens as it flows onward, powerful and truthful, eventually merging in the Oceanic Presence of Spirit."

- PY

Polestar Village Planning Update

We will soon be submitting our sixth(!) iteration of the Polestar Village Plan. It is generally agreed that the seventh will be the last so we are getting very close to final approval. Our current wrestling match has to do with floodplain management, water quality, and very importantly, the phasing of our construction. This is taking longer than anyone hoped and will likely push the starting date of construction to late spring or early summer. We will keep you posted!

Reservations are still being taken for single family lots and multifamily living units. Contact us soon to reserve your spot or choose to make investment in Polestar Village and receive a fair return. Contact Michael for more information:

October Community Meetings Rescheduled!

Our community circles this month are one week later than usual. Join us Sunday Afternoon October 27th for our monthly viritual tour and community circle: see the website calendar for more information. We will give a full update on our progress and explain the reservation process in detail.

Fall Schedule Updates

We have enjoyed six glorious months of outdoor events on the land (with occasionally sketchy weather), and it is time to move indoors. Starting next Wednesdays, our weekly kirtans will be at the

Unity Church 'Rumi Room' (Please use the South Entrance)

5:30-6:30PM: Chanting & brief meditation

6:30-7:30PM: Vegetarian potluck

Our Monday Meditations will also go indoors at the studio just adjacent to the property. Park in the usual Polestar parking area, follow the signs, and walk through the gate in the picket fence.

6:00 - 7-00PM Meditation

7:00 - 7:30PM Satsang and Spiritual Discourse

Support Polestar Now

Through the generous support of hundreds of contributors, Polestar has thrived for over 24 years. Your tax-deductible contributions have made a huge difference in the lives of literally thousands of people. Please support our ongoing efforts here. Mahalo! (thank you.)

~Life is a sacred opportunity to grow~