October 2024 Newsletter - Vol. 2, Issue 3

Autumn Abscission to Weather the Winter


Fall, Foliage, and Frost

As summer winds down and fall quietly settles in, we're not the only ones who notice the days getting shorter. In fact, the primary environmental factor for deciduous trees beginning to lose their leaves is the steadily increasing length of night (and reduced intensity of sunlight) that occurs when autumn arrives.

A deciduous tree's species helps determine what color its leaves will turn and when it will drop its leaves in preparation for winter. This process, known as "abscission", helps protect broad-leaved trees from damage during freezing temperatures. While stems twigs, and buds can overwinter safely, tender leaf tissues cannot—they must be sealed off and shed to ensure the plant's continued survival.

On the contrary, Evergreen trees (firs, pines, cedars, and spruces) have scale or needle-like foliage that include a heavy wax coating and fluids resistant to freezing. This enables these trees to survive even the harshest of winter conditions without shedding foliage in the fall.

For trees living through our cold Cape Cod winter climate, the coming of fall is all about survival. Shifting from peak photosynthesis during summer to the pending frost of October, trees across the Cape are using, saving, and protecting their resources to ensure they survive for yet another season.

Tree Care Services for Every Season

A Pre-Winter Arbor Care Checklist

Preparing our trees for the cold season

Winter can be a stressful time for trees—and for homeowners when trees fail. Before heading into the cold season, consider a few impactful pre-winter tree care services.

-Tree inspection: consult with a Certified Arborist when you see concerning damage or deadwood in your trees.

-Pruning: have dead, diseased, or dying branches and limbs removed; cable trees that need additional structural support.

-Deep root fertilizer: apply this service to ensure your trees have the organic nutrients they need to combat winter stressors.

-Mulch: ensure the root flare zone is properly mulched to help hydrate and insulate the roots, yet without root rot.

-Water: prevent drought-stress by ensuring your trees' root zones are deeply hydrated.

-Plant: fall can be a great time to plant new trees, by mid-October is best!

Ping Us About Pre-Winter Services

Arborist's Spotlight

October Glory Maple, 'Acer Rubrum'

Looking for more color in your yard? Consider planting an October Glory Maple! This red maple variety displays vibrant red and orange foliage in the fall and small red flowers during spring. If you have the space for this magnificent tree (up to 50' tall and 30' wide), this fast-growing variety can truly stand out as the centerpiece of your property during our autumn season.

Planting Tips for Fall in Massachusetts

See Our Recent Projects

Spruce Removal by Crane

This was a fun 'all hands on deck' project where we utilized a crane to rig up and cut out the top of this 55' multi-leader spruce tree, then removed the large trunk at ground level.

See why a crane leaves the least impact...

Red Maple Planting Project

This type of project is really fulfilling for our team; 1) identify a tree that is reaching senescence, 2) fully remove it but still use organic matter from it to fertilize a new tree, and 3) plant a healthy tree that will thrive for many future generations of enjoyment. 

Learn about this remove & re-plant project...

P-town Hillside Tree Care

In Provincetown, every inch of space (and view) impacts the local residents. Our recent hillside project focused on four main goals. First, we removed a black cherry tree at risk of uprooting and blowing over due to its steep growth angle. Second, we... 

Read about our P-town hillside projects...

Yarmouth Pruning Project

Not all tree care projects arise from homeowner needs; in fact, we perform a number of services for trees on client properties where the request initiates from a homeowners' insurance company.

Learn about this common scenario...
