Our fulfillment center will be closed for the long weekend. We resume full customer service on Tuesday September 7, 9am (pacific).
All the shastras of Ayurveda talk about the importance of balance between rest and activity, about morning routine, daytime routine, night routine, seasonal routine... Plus: what are good activities to maintain, what are activities to avoid or eliminate. In Ayurveda that section is called “Swastha Vritha” - adopting the rhythm(s) of life that support the journey of the self. In SVA, the primary recommendations for blissful health are based on Swastha Vritha, because we believe that unless daily routine and dietary protocols are proper, no herb or medicine can help with any dis-ease! Although in this day and age, given the rhythm of our daily lives, it is not easy to follow the right lifestyle 100%, sowing the seed of knowledge and its value always give the desire to follow and wherever deep desire is, there Mother Nature supplies the means to follow… This Autumn it's your turn to get inspired! Join on NEXT THURSDAY SEPT 9 AT 3PM (pacific) to learn more about how you can improve your daily routine, diet, rest and play activities, PLUS learn about what is potentially harming you and what can help you IN ADDITION to delicious seasonal easy-to-make recipes. See below for more details.
In our second session on September 26, we welcome Dr Marianne Teitelbaum to speak about SVA toxins, specifically "amavisha," as taught by Vaidya Mishra. There are 4 distinct categories of toxins. Learn what these are and how you can feel immediately balanced and blissful upon identifying and managing the most common one at the root of inflammatory conditions: amavisha. The session will be followed by Q&A with Dr Teitelbaum and SVA educators.
You want more? More than just 2 sessions? Then may we recommend the Self-Care Sunday meetings with certified SVA instructor Rose Carol. See below.
Wishing you a smooth Autumn transition....
Dr Marianne Teitelbaum's
new YOUTUBE channel
like & make sure to subscribe
for a wealth of SVA Knowledge & Expertise
click on any image below to visit her channel
an introduction to SV Ayurveda as taught by Vaidya RK Mishra with Dr Teitelbaum
Watch ALL of Dr Teitelbaum's Videos on her youtube channel HERE
... upcoming courses ...
EMF: What CAN we do about it?
In a world where we can no longer exist without technology, how can we maintain balance and thrive despite the known side-effects of exposure to EMF? Find out Vaidya Mishra's SVA Teachings in this much requested course on EMF - details coming very soon....
We want to help you protect your purchase - there's been an increase in lost/stolen packages.
To protect your shipment - in case your shipping address is not secure - we have now added the "signature delivery" option upon check-out on www.chandika.com and we highly recommend you select it to ensure your package is guaranteed to reach you after it leaves our warehouse. Kindly note we are unable to replace stolen/misplaced packages once they are confirmed delivered by the carrier of your choice.
Calendar of Upcoming Events
looking for a live SVA event in your area or online?

Check out our Calendar page for upcoming courses and community events & for full contact and registration details:

Upcoming new SVA events across the US & Canada coming soooooon
stay connected....
a wealth of knowledge at your fingertips - thousands of articles and questions answered by Vaidya Mishra and his team of experts; and so much more...
home to Vaidya Mishra's unique pranic exquisite formulations - with weekly specials and give-aways. Learn Ayurveda as you shop!