Side Notes:
I've been i
n business 9 year, and for all those years I've been a member of the National Association of Professi
onal Organizers. However, they have recently changed their name and logo. They are now the National Association of Productivity and Organizing Professionals.
*** Have you ever heard of th
e Buy Nothing Project? It is an on-line community for giving, lending, and sharing. You can search your local area to see if there is one in your neighborhood. You do have to have a Facebook account.
*** Question: Have you ever rented a storage unit? If so, how big and how long? Please
Hi ,
Isn't it hard to believe that there are just two more months left in 2017? Fall is upon us. The colorful autumn leaves are finally sharing their splendor. The Halloween decorations are out, and costume preparations are under way. Now's the time to share,
How to Overcome Five
Thoughts About Organizing.
1. I'm not ready to organize.
I understand that being in the right mindset when tackling a project can impact the success of the project. If that is the case, take your time and do some planing and preparing before jumping in. However, if this is a procrastination technique, you're not helping yourself. Commit and get started.
2. It's too hard to do.
Organizing can be difficult, especially deciding what to keep and not keep, but you can always ask for help. Ask for assistance from sincere friends, empathetic family members, or Professional Organizers. The project will get done faster, and it is much more pleasant to work with a supportive helper.
3. I'm no good at organizing.
The best way to get better at a skill we're not good at, is to practice. The more you organize the better you'll get at it. Organize for 10 minutes a day, every day, and see what happens after 3 weeks.
4. I don't know where to start.
I recommend that you start any organizing project by sorting things into general categories. The idea is to put like items together first, and then make decisions about what to keep and for how long. For more information about the steps of organizing read my blog, 3 Step Organizing Process.
5. It will just be a mess again in a month.
There is a natural flow to organizing, and it goes like this, there is order, natural disorder (work, life, mess), and then reclaiming order. In this way, organizing is like doing the laundry or dishes. You have to reclaim order for the mess to be controlled and contained, otherwise it creeps back.
Recycle Resource
Finding new ways to reuse, recycle, and reduce for myself and my clients, makes me happy. Everyone is more motivated to get rid of something when they know it is going to someone who will really use it. At
Household Goods in Acton, MA they take donations and give directly to those in need. They help people in a variety of situations make a home for themselves. This is a wonderful organization. Please check them out.
If you have a donation that they don't accept, or if you're not close to Acton, they provide a good
list of other organizations to donate to.
Janine Cavanaugh, CPO® (508)-699-6652
