Autumn Scientific Research Exhibit Competition
Congratulations to the winners of the 2022 Autumn Scientific Research Exhibit competition! Also thanks to all of the participants and judges for all of their hard work.
First Place-$400
Karisa Yu, OMS III
Harnessing the Collective Knowledge of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Physicians to Understand Chronic Low Back Pain: A Collaborative Modeling Approach
MSUCOM DO PhD Award-$400
Alan Halim, DO-Phd Student
Therapeutic inhibition of miR-10b to target breast cancer stemness and metastasis
Second Place-$300
Alexander Shannon, PGY4 & Melissa Anderson-Chavarria, PhD, OMS IV
A rare case of Rectoprostatic fistula after EBRT and complete prostatic
Third Place-$200
Urja Parkih, OMS II
Effect of intermittent access to alcohol mixed in energy drink during adolescence on alcohol self-administration, anxiety, and memory during adulthood in rats
For all of the winners and more info, visit:
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Enforcement of Electronic Prescribing
standard to begin Jan.1, 2023
FROM: Bureau of Professional Licensing
DATE: October 3, 2022
The Bureau of Professional Licensing (BPL) within the Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs (LARA) is providing you with this notification regarding important implementation updates for Public Acts 134, 135, and 136 of 2020 which require electronic prescribing (e-prescribing) of prescriptions.
As you may be aware, the law will soon require prescribers to electronically transmit controlled and non-controlled substance prescriptions. Pursuant to authority provided in MCL 333.17754a(10), BPL’s enforcement of the electronic prescribing standard will coincide with the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services' (CMS) enforcement schedule for Part D prescription drug programs. As a result, BPL will initiate enforcement of Michigan’s new electronic prescribing standard on January 1, 2023.
BPL has created a form that can be used by prescribers who may fall into one of the narrow categories in the law and wish to apply for a waiver of the electronic prescribing requirements of MCL 333.17754a. The form can be found on our website. If you would like to apply for a waiver, complete the form and email it to or mail it to PO Box 30670, Lansing, MI 48909. Please note that requests sent by postal mail will take longer to process than requests sent by email.
As a reminder, we have a frequently asked questions document on our website that you may find useful: Electronic Prescribing FAQ
Should you have any questions, please contact or visit our website at:
Bureau of Professional Licensing
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The 2023 MOA House of Delegates
The Michigan Osteopathic Association House of Delegates (HOD) will take place Saturday, April 29, 2023. The HOD will be virtual and has been moved from the traditional Spring Convention in order to adhere to the American Osteopathic Association's HOD timeline of submitting resolutions to their HOD.
Resolutions must be submitted by February 17, 2023
The MOA relies on the support and participation of its members in shaping the health policy of tomorrow. Submitting resolutions for action directly influences the MOA advocacy agenda.
Delegates to the MOA HOD must be submitted by February 17, 2023
Even if you have never served as a delegate before, the MOA welcomes you to join at this most important event. Contact your component society to learn more about how you can be a delegate or submit resolutions.
Who Can Author and Introduce Resolutions?
Any MOA member in good standing may author a resolution; however, introduction of resolutions to the House of Delegates is limited to delegates, alternate-seated delegates, component associations, MOA Departments, Councils, or Board of Trustees. Non-delegate status members in good standing should contact their component association for assistance in identifying an appropriate channel for resolution introduction.
MOA House of Delegates webpage
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In what has become an annual tradition, The DO from the AOA offers some fantastic ideas for gift giving for students and physicians.
Top 10 holiday gifts for doctors and medical students
Whether you’re in medicine and trying to pass along helpful suggestions, or you’re someone trying to buy the right thing for your favorite doctor or medical student, I hope this list is helpful for your holiday shopping. (Continue to full article)
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Public Health Emergency (PHE) Unwinding
MDHHS has issued many COVID-19 response Medicaid policy bulletins and L letters which changed existing policy and processes under the guidance of the federal PHE. Many COVID-19 response policy bulletins and L letters are intended to be time-limited, and MDHHS will notify providers of their termination.
In preparation for the end of the federal PHE, we encourage providers to take the following steps:
Review the Medicaid policy bulletin and L letter webpages to see which policies or L letters may impact your provider type.
Verify beneficiary eligibility prior to services. Providers can visit the Eligibility and Enrollment webpage for step-by-step instructions.
Remind beneficiaries to verify or update their contact information, or report any changes, online through MI Bridges. They can also call their local MDHHS office for help. Local office information can be found on MDHHS County Office webpage.
- Remind beneficiaries to open mail from MDHHS, and complete and return renewal documents.
Providers may e-mail with questions.
What will happen to the policies that will change or end as part of the PHE?
Policies that will change or end a COVID-19 Response policy will be fully promulgated, which includes a 35-day public comment period and issuance of a final bulletin at least 30 days before the effective date of the policy change. Beneficiaries will be provided with timely and adequate notice of the ending or reduction of any COVID-19 Response service or process.
How can our office stay up to date to ensure we aren’t missing policy changes?
Sign up for Email Updates to get the most up-to-date Medicaid policy information.
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CME Event: Evidence-based Strategies to Optimize Quality of Life for Cancer Survivors
Date: Wednesday, November 16th, 5:30 - 6:45 PM
Registration Link:
Join Karmanos Cancer Institute’s Physical Activity for Cancer Survivors Program and the Michigan Cancer Consortium for a live CME educational activity. The CME aims to educate providers, including oncologists and primary care providers, on how to implement the current American Cancer Society physical activity guidelines for people in cancer treatment and post-treatment survivorship. Recent studies suggest that 150-300 minutes of moderate physical activity per week helps with symptom management and enhance quality of life in cancer survivors.
Attendees will also learn to encourage referring survivors to behavioral support interventions to assist them in adopting and maintaining a physically active lifestyle (i.e. short-term supervised exercise, motivational interviewing, and support groups).
This program is designed for Primary Care Physicians, Oncologists, Physical Therapists, Occupational Therapists, Nurse Practitioners, Physician Assistants, Nurses, Registered Dietitians and Nutritionists.
Be sure to register for this event, “Evidence-based Strategies to Optimize Quality of Life for Cancer Survivors” presented by Jennifer Beebe-Dimmer, MPH, PhD, Beth Sieloff, MPH, David Finlay, BS, Andrew Chongaway, PT, DPT, and Emilee Bohde, PT, DPT which will take place from 5:30 p.m. – 6:45 p.m. on Wednesday, November 16, 2022.
- Discuss the recommended American Cancer Society (ACS) Nutrition and Physical Activity Guideline for Cancer Survivors
- Recognize the benefits of implementing the ACS guidelines and what it means for patients
- Implement strategies to increase patient referrals to physical exercise programs (home-based, community-based, and/or outpatient rehab) such as Exercise is Medicine (EIM)
- Identify strategies to overcome barriers to exercise referrals by providers
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Two-Time Cancer And Breast Cancer Survivor Credits McLaren Staff With Saving Her Life
Deborah Guilford headed to McLaren for her final mammogram needed to complete her treatment plan for breast cancer. She felt pain in her chest, but nothing she hadn't felt before as she suffered from a narrow esophagus opening and GERD in the past.
After her appointment, the last thing she remembered was running through the Karmanos Cancer Institute's parking lot to get to her car in the rain. "I woke up eight days later in the ICU at McLaren and the doctor was asking me if I could wiggle my toes and move my fingers." (Continue to full story)
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American Osteopathic Association and the Advocates for the AOA
Holiday Hugs Grants - OPEN OCTOBER 28 - NOVEMBER 14
The Advocates for the AOA, in partnership with the American Osteopathic Foundation (AOF), created the Holiday Hug Grant in 2020 to help two medical students or current residents with year-end expenses of $500 each. Grants can be used in any way that helps the medical student or resident. If they have specific questions they can email Angela Kalcec:
Link to Apply:
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BCN Provider News
Blue Cross Personalized Medicine CME Sessions
As previously announced in the July-August 2022 issue of BCN Provider News, Blue Care Network is launching an end-to-end precision medicine pharmacogenomics (PGx) program called Blue Cross Personalized MedicineSM. This program uses PGx to personalize medication treatments based on FDA recognized gene-drug interactions. BCN has contracted with OneOme®, an independent precision medicine company co-founded by Mayo Clinic, to provide this program for eligible BCN and BCN AdvantageSM members with pharmacy benefit. The program is scheduled to launch in January 2023.
You can learn more about pharmacogenomics by attending one of our free upcoming educational sessions. These sessions will focus on specific case studies as they pertain to various disease states and specialties. They’ll also focus on your role in the program and on your patients’ experience from invitation through testing completion and medication treatment options tailored to their individual needs. Use the links below to register. Prescribers, clinical pharmacists and supportive staff are welcome to attend.
Thursday, Nov. 10, 2-3:00 p.m. Eastern time (online only)
Primary Care
Register here
Tuesday, Nov. 15, 10-11:00 a.m. Eastern time (in person)
Behavioral Health
Lyon Meadows Conference Center
53200 Grand River Ave.
New Hudson, MI 48165
Register here
Thursday, Dec. 8, noon to 12:45 p.m. Eastern time (online only)
Register here
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Dr. Rachel Young Honored with the
2022 James M. Lally, DO National Emerging Leader Award
Congratulations to Rachel Young, DO, on being honored with the 2022 James M. Lally, DO, National Emerging Leader by the American Osteopathic Foundation. “Dr. Young is so deserving of this recognition! We have been fortunate to have her involvement in the MOA, especially her efforts in co-founding the Women of Excellence committee. Bravo!” -MOA CEO Kris Nicholoff
Please view the video below.
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Membership Renewal
The 2023 membership renewal notices have been sent through email and via U.S. Postal Service. A reminder—90% of your yearly dues can be deducted on your tax returns.
Renew Membership here
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Strategic Partner Career Opportunity Spotlight:
Mackinac Straits Health System
Due to an upcoming retirement, Mackinac Straits Health System is seeking an Oncologist to join our medical staff. The Oncology/ Infusion Clinic, located inside Mackinac Straits Hospital (St. Ignace), currently joins our other areas of care which include Primary Care, Internal Medicine, Cardiology, and several specialists. All of our providers work four days a week in an outpatient practice. There are currently no on-call responsibilities for this position.
Family Practice Physician
Mackinac Straits Health System is seeking a Family Practice Physician to join our medical staff. The St. Ignace Medical Clinic, located inside Mackinac Straits Hospital currently consists of Primary Care, Internal Medicine, Cardiology, Oncology, and several specialists. All of our providers work four days a week in an outpatient practice. There are currently no on-call responsibilities for this position.
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The MOA offers an online Learning Center to deliver CME in an on demand format. In addition to our Spring and Autumn sessions, there are other options available. There are over 150 hours of CME sessions in the Learning Center, all qualifying for AOA Category 1-A CME credits.
These sessions can be accessed at any time by clicking the link below. Evaluations are within the system and can be taken after you have viewed the program.
On Demand CME programs
Single session CME Credits
For questions, contact Melissa Budd:
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September 2, 2022, saw the passing of Byron P. Georgeson, DO.
Dr. Georeson was a MOA Life Professional member who joined the MOA in 1958.
Click here for a local obituary
June 14, 2022, saw the passing of Charles J. Zickus, III, DO.
Dr. Zickus was a retired member who joined the MOA in 1997.
Click here for a local obituary
July 6, 2022, saw the passing of John H. Morrison, DO.
Dr. Morrison was a Life Professional who joined the MOA in 1973.
Click here for a local obituary and the opportunity to share a memory
May 22, 2022, saw the passing of Anthony Malcoun, DO.
A Life Professional who joined the MOA in 1969
Click here for a local obituary and the opportunity to share a memory
May 19, 2022, saw the passing of William A. Wagner, DO.
Click here for a local obituary
View the In Memoriam from the American Osteopathic Association
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