Vol. 79 Issue 39 | Week of September 27-October 3, 2021
A Word from Dennis
What are we emphasizing this autumn?
Global Missions Offering:
In October, we are building a better world through our Global Missions Offering. Our gifts will change opportunities for thousands of lives representing numerous nations and people groups.
Our goal is $25,000 and we have given $10,193 through September.
Worship in October and November:
Thank you for re-establishing your patterns and practices of commitment as we continue to regather. Although the Delta variant caused a spike in COVID cases during August and September, the recent decline in cases is promising. We are glad to see so many of you gathering in the sanctuary again. As our children are able to be vaccinated and as boosters begin to occur, we anticipate a continued ability to gather on Sundays. I appreciate your compassion as we wear our face coverings until it is safe. The reality is that our gathered congregation is probably more than 90% vaccinated except for our children. We are allowing families with children to be safe in our sacred space. It was so good to see so many families with children enjoying the Barbeque lunch on the grounds last Sunday. Tremendous thanks to M.C. Sorrell and Chuck Jones and the Ministries Deacon Panel team for coordinating this successful intergenerational event. Our October intergenerational event is a Tie Dye Party. And our November intergenerational event is a Food Truck Fellowship on Sunday, November 14.
Being Actively Faithful and Faithfully Active by Showing Up:
Next March, we enter our second century of ministry at St. John’s. Therefore, during October and November, we will reflect on God’s faithfulness to us and some ways we have expressed active faith in and commitment to God. I will highlight a few ways in which St. John’s witnesses of Christ and interprets God’s Good News today and how we have done so throughout the past century.
October 3, 2021: Our worship will include Communion as we focus on The Face of God. Please read Exodus 33 prior to Sunday.
October 10, 2021: Our worship will focus on The Hands of God. Please read Psalm 139:1-10 to prepare for worship.
October 17, 2021: Our worship will focus on The God of Active Faith. Please read Exodus 3:1-6 in preparation for worship.
October 24, 2021: Our worship will focus on The Gospel of Jesus Christ. Please read 2 Corinthians 3:17 – 4:5 to prepare for worship.
October 31, 2021: Our worship will focus on The God Who Answers Prayers. Please read Matthew 7:7-11 in preparation for worship.
November 7, 2021: Our worship will focus on The God Who Shows Up in Catastrophic and Challenging Times. Please read Luke 13:1-9 and John 9:1-7 in preparation for worship.
November 14, 2021: Our worship will focus on Financial Stewardship and our theme, ‘Rooted in Love.’ Please read Ephesians 3:14-21 in preparation for worship.
November 21, 2021: Our worship will include our Commitment Walk as we Embrace the Vision of Beginning our Second Century. Please read Matthew 13:1-23 in preparation for worship.
2021 Global Missions Offering: Building a Better World
Can you help St. John's build a better world?
Give to St. John’s 2021 Global Missions Offering!
Our goal this year is $25,000 and we need YOUR help reaching it.
So far, we have raised $10,193 towards this goal.
Thank you to all who have already given towards this special offering!
This year, the majority of funds raised will go to paying the salaries of teachers at the Nyarweng primary school in South Sudan (students pictured) and the two remaining portions will go to the CBF Field Personnel who are on the ground in Haiti, Lebanon, Raleigh-Durham, Togo, and beyond to provide relief, medical support, and education to those in need & Housing support to Afghan refugees coming to Charlotte with the Carolina Refugee Resettlement Agency.
Give online today here, by check with “Global Missions” in the memo, OR through your Realm account.
We continue to follow developments on the arrival of Afghan refugees to Charlotte and have learned there is an immediate need for helping Carolina Refugee Resettlement Agency with completing the set up of housing for families arriving within the next two weeks.
If you can supply a fire extinguisher or dining chairs you can contact Dan Biber at dcb001@gmail.com about making arrangements for your donation. Pick-up is available.
Tie-Dye Party on October 17
Over the years, tie-dye has become a staple of the wardrobes of many at St. John's.
So, the youth group invites YOU (that means EVERYONE) to the tie-dye party. Be prepared to get a little messy and create a whole lot of colorful fun.
Won’t you join us?
Simply show up on October 17 at 5PM in the parking lot by the Main Entrance, enjoy a slice of pizza, and be ready to tie-dye. All materials will be provided.
Undie Sundays are back in October
Starting this Sunday, October 3, and continuing throughout the month of October, the Mission Resource Team will be collecting underwear, socks, and undershirts for the men at Charlotte Rescue Mission and Hope Chapel.
A collection bin will be at the Main Entrance for donations.
What items are they collecting?
- Medium or Large men's boxer shorts
- Medium or Large men's undershirts
- Medium or Large men's athletic socks
CROP Walk 2021
On November 7, 2021, St. John's will participate in the Charlotte CROP Walk to fight against global hunger and poverty. The walk will take place at the American Legion Memorial Stadium (1218-1238 Armory Drive) next to CPCC starting at 1:30PM.
This year, our fundraising goal is $10,000.
According to the Food and Agriculture Organization, nearly 750 million people worldwide are affected by food insecurity. No one person can change the world, but YOU can change the lives of 20, 50, maybe 100 people. Because of you, they won’t have to worry about being hungry tomorrow, next week, next month, next year.
Will you join our team or make a contribution today? Thank you in advance!
Worshiping Together In-Person and Online!
On Sunday, Dr. Foust will offer a message called, "The Face of God." During this service, we will celebrate communion together for World Communion Sunday. If you are worshipping at home, have your elements (bread and juice) ready.
We hope you will join us as we gather in-person and online as we stream the service on Facebook and YouTube starting at 10:30am. The stream and worship guide links will be sent out via email on Sunday morning.
Women's Retreat: RESCHEDULED
Save the NEW date for the Women's Retreat on March 4-5, 2022 on the St. John's campus. Stay tuned for details on how to register!
Chancel Choir Rehearsals Start Next Wednesday!
Choir rehearsals start back on October 6 at 7:15PM and continue each Wednesday night from 7:15-8:45PM. If you have interest please email Kevin at kgray@sjcharlote.org so we can make sure we are prepared to welcome you.
Join the Handbell Choir!
Rehearsals will begin on Thursday, October 7. No experience is necessary, and you don’t even have to read music. If you are interested in joining the handbell choir, please contact Jacquelyn McAbee at jmcabee@sjcharlotte.org or 434-579-1177 for more information.
Prayer Concerns, Celebrations, Thanks & Sympathy
Andrew Adair, Carol Drye, Betty Fuller, Polly Hull, Jean Hutson, Naomi Lamphier (sister of Amy Chilton), Tish Philemon, Gene & Carol Poole, Viorica Secere, Don Swofford, Elma Thomas
Prayers for our world, especially those living in the wake of hurricanes, earthquakes, fires, COVID-19, and global conflicts
Financial Ministry Plan Report
Week of September 21-27: $7,411
Income through September 27: $777,312
Annual 2021 Ministry Plan Budget Goal: $1,175,000
Global Missions: $10,193
You can make contributions, view your giving history and pledge status, as well as update your pledge and giving information anytime by accessing your personal Realm profile online or via the Connect App.
Ministers On-Call Schedule
September 27-October 3: Dennis Foust
October 4-10: Nate Dove
Staff Contact Information
Dennis Foust, Senior Minister - 704-359-7234 (cell); 704-333-5428, ext. 12
Lee Gray, Minister for Congregational Care - 704-451-1309 (cell); 704-333-5428, ext. 15
Nate Dove, Minister for Youth and Young Adults - 704-662-2154 (cell); 704-333-5428, ext. 13
Allison Benfield, Minister for Spiritual Growth - 828-448-8412 (cell); 704-333-5428, ext. 18
Kevin Gray, Minister for Music and Worship - 803-524-0287 (cell); 704-333-5428, ext. 14
Jacquelyn McAbee, Church Administrator - 434-579-1177 (cell); 704-333-5428, ext. 20
Derek Henson, Administrative Assistant - 704-333-5428, ext. 10