Nov. 22, 2023

Scan to read the Wave online.

A PDF version of the Wednesday Wave is available by clicking here.

Please print a copy for workers without email.

Congrats to HCA grads!

Left to right: Ashley Batenchuk, Jina Thomas, Oluwatobi Olatunji, Maria Waldner, Sarah Sylvester and Lynne Anderson. Missing students in the photo: Juan Restrepo and Natasha Wellman. 

On Nov. 10, eight more students graduated from IERHA’s new Grow Our Own HCA micro-credential course.

The celebration included cake and a presentation of certificates.

Congrats to all the grads and all the best in your bright careers ahead! Thank you to all staff who had a hand in developing and helping us host this training. 

New Spiritual Care grads!

Left to right: Robert Maytwayashing, Elder Robert Greene, Elizabeth Pruden-Skiba, Cheryl Bredin, Ferdinand Funk, Paul Human, Leigha Heald and Bunny Fontaine. Missing: Marcia Thomson.

Congratulations to recent graduates from Interlake-Eastern RHA’s spiritual care education program!

Staff member Ferdinand Funk, regional spiritual care coordinator, and Robert Maytwayashing, Indigenous knowledge keeper and IERHA’s human resource development officer, honoured the graduates at a ceremony at Selkirk Regional Health Centre.

Of special note for grads was the presence of elder Robert Greene, Anishinaabe Elder-in-Residence at the Canadian Museum for Human Rights. Robert was asked to attend by a friend who was graduating. He drummed and offered a song to graduates.  

Graduate Marcia Thomson had this to say about the experience: "I want to thank my colleagues for their time and for sharing their knowledge and experiences so we can all go forward with Ferdinand and others in this important work — supporting others with our own humanity and willingness to listen, learn and share!”

November is Radon Action Month!

What is radon and why is it important?

  • Radon is a colourless, odorless, radioactive gas that is naturally occurring.
  • Radon gas can seep into homes and buildings through cracks, openings and other entry points.


Why is radon a health concern?

  • Radon gas is a lung carcinogen and is the second leading cause of lung cancer after smoking.
  • Manitoba has higher levels of radon than other provinces.


What can be done to address it?

  • Raising awareness around radon and radon testing is encouraged. Home radon testing is accessible and relatively inexpensive.
  • Remediation should occur for homes with elevated radon. Some financial supports exist for remediation.

Click here to read a Q&A about radon.

Learn more about how to access radon test kits.

Let's spread holiday cheer!

Efforts are underway at facilities across the region to spread holiday cheer. We’ll be profiling some of the different giving opportunities in our facilities over the issues leading up to the end of December.

Seeking snack donations

At 237 Manitoba Ave., staff members are collecting items to replenish the snack supply in the front office's harm reduction cabinet.

In addition to harm reduction supplies, they often distribute food supplies from Winnipeg Harvest or local food banks.

They're looking for non-perishable items including:

  • Granola Bars
  • Protein bars
  • Dried fruit
  • Nuts
  • Trail Mix
  • Fruit leather
  • Beef jerky
  • Cured Pepperoni sticks
  • Dry cereal
  • Juice boxes 

Any donations would be gratefully accepted and can be left at the front desk.  

Donate to Selkirk Christmas Hampers

Collections are underway for the Big Hearts Christmas Hamper. Collection boxes are set up upstairs by the main photocopier as well as downstairs in front of the reception desk. 

Please consider donating non-perishable food items, clothing and gifts such as:

  • Frozen chicken
  • Stuffing
  • Potatoes, carrots, corn
  • Cranberry sauce
  • Coffee beans
  • Peanut butter
  • Pancake mix, syrup
  • Sugar
  • Cereal
  • Canned meats
  • Pasta sauce, pasta
  • Gravy
  • Desserts
  • Children’s gifts

All donations need to be brought in by Friday, Dec. 8 at 4 p.m. Click here to see a poster.

Budget-friendly Recipe of the Month:

Butternut Squash Soup

Who doesn't love a bowl of soup to make our cold Manitoba fall and winter days feel a little less chilly? This soup is budget friendly, easy to make and super delicious!

Butternut squash is typically ready to be picked in late fall (before any frost sets in), making it a perfect staple to add to all your dishes. This type of squash is an excellent source of potassium and antioxidants.

Check out this recipe for butternut squash soup, as well as squash facts and tips to make your money stretch!

Thank you to community wellness facilitator Marilyn Sitar, dietitian Caroline Le Clair and nursing student Dana Mandryk for sharing this great info, which was originally published in IERHA's Community Wellness e-news. To receive this free monthly e-newsletter, email and type “Subscribe” in the subject line or click here to fill out an online form. 

A new standard for high alert medications across Manitoba

Interlake-Eastern’s RHA’s high alert medication policies have recently been updated. These policies govern the use of medications that have a heightened risk of harm such as significant side effects that require close monitoring, those that are complicated to prepare and those with a narrow range from where they are helpful to patients to where they can potentially be harmful if not used appropriately.

The recent changes reflect the adoption of one standard for these medications all across Manitoba and that’s a welcome move, according to our regional director of pharmacy, Kurt Schroeder.

“A longstanding accreditation requirement has been for us to identify these medications and develop strategies to reduce risk and keep our patients safe," Kurt says.

"Addressing these concerns at a provincial level means that no matter where staff practise in the province, we’re all doing the same things with these drugs and treating them the same way."

As risks are mitigated, some medications will be removed from the high alert medication list just as others will be added due to cautions required. The provincial working group comprised of representatives from acute care, long-term care, pharmacy and emergency response services will amend and update the medication list and standard as needed. 

This month, Interlake-Eastern RHA was the first to implement the standard.

“Thank you to all staff regionally, as well as our partners across the health system, who have helped to develop and implement this provincial response to improve patient safety,” Kurt says.

Interlake Eastern Health Foundation news

Thank you to Averill Stephenson, executive director of Interlake Eastern Health Foundation, for this submission.

Staff at Teulon hospital were very excited with the recent arrival of a new wheelchair ramp scale because they know how much it would help enhance patient care.

“This wheelchair ramp scale was an immediate need for Teulon as we currently did not have a way of weighing our patients," says Kim Hansen, RNBN, manager of health services.


"Patient weight can be vitally important to how medications are prescribed and how patients’ care plans are managed. This item will be used immediately."

Thank you to Teulon Healthcare Foundation for their continued support and partnership.

Pictured is Mallory Osbak, health-care aide, demonstrating the new scale.

Do you know your four workers' rights?

All workers have four basic legally protected rights related to workplace health and safety:


  1. The right to know
  2. The right to participate
  3. The right to refuse unsafe work
  4. The right to protection from discrimination


It’s important that we’re all aware of these rights.

Learn more.

Awareness events and initiatives

Is your profession or department celebrating an upcoming recognition day? We'd love to share in the excitement! Please send us a brief write-up (250 words maximum) plus a few staff photos for consideration for possible publication in the Wave. Send submissions to

Manitoba Substance Abuse and Addictions Awareness Week

Manitoba Substance Use and Addictions Awareness Week is Nov. 19 to 25, 2023.

There are events planned in schools, communities and for staff throughout the region to raise the awareness of substance use and addiction and of the services that are available.

We have many great resources in our region. Some of them include:

  • IERHA Adult Community Addictions Workers in Selkirk, Beausejour and Gimli.
  • IERHA/Shared Health youth substance use counsellors in Selkirk, Beausejour and Gimli.
  • Shared Health youth substance use counsellors in various schools throughout the region.
  • Rapid Access to Addictions Medicine (RAAM) Clinic in Selkirk that serves the IERHA region.

We also have many valuable community partners in our region that provide substance use and addiction awareness, supports and services, such as the Manitoba Harm Reduction Network, Canadian Mental Health Association, Peer Connections Manitoba and the self-help community, to name just a few.

Some resources to check out include:

Please take some time this week to learn about the resources available and connect with the staff that provides substance use and addictions services in your area.

Thank you to community addictions worker Treena Vernon Buss for this submission.

Domestic Violence

Awareness Month

November is Domestic Violence Awareness Month, an opportunity to promote awareness of the services and resources available to individuals in need of support – or medical attention – due to an experience involving intimate partner violence.

Intimate partner violence is when one person in a relationship (marriage, common-law or dating relationship) tries to dominate and/or control the other person through actual or threatened physical, sexual, psychological, emotional or financial abuse.

If you need support or guidance, there are many community organizations that offer resources and support.

If you are in immediate danger at any point, call 911.

More resources:

November is

Diabetes Awareness Month

This year, Diabetes Canada is calling on Canadians to show support for people affected by diabetes through the Let’s Make Time campaign, inspiring people to learn more about this too-often “invisible” condition and sharing that knowledge with their communities.  

Click here to see a poster.

And click here to take a test to see if you're at risk of developing diabetes.

Medical Radiation Technologists Week

Medical Radiation Technologists Week, which ran from Nov. 5 to 11, is an opportunity to recognize the compassionate care MRTs deliver to Manitobans every day and how their roles span diverse areas of the health system as a critical part of supporting patient treatment.

MRTs make a big impact in patient care by connecting care teams with imaging and information that can help determine a patient’s diagnosis and treatment.

Learn more.

Indigenous Veterans Day in St. Laurent

Display at the St. Laurent Legion #250.

A Korean veteran (Korea “B” Company 2 PPCLl 1A) looks at his picture on display for the first time.

The Red River Métis Veterans Department partnered with the Royal Canadian Legion St. Laurent Métis Branch #250 to host an Indigenous Veterans Day ceremony on Nov. 8.

The Royal Canadian Legion St. Laurent Métis Branch #250 is the only recognized Métis legion in Canada.

The event featured a bilingual memorial ceremony, refreshments and entertainment, including fiddle music.

Veterans Memorial Métis Road features 93 banners hung on hydro poles to commemorate the Métis people who went to war.

Thank you to Lori Buors, Indigenous human resources development assistant, for sharing these photos.

Wreaths were laid that day for veterans and their family members.

Crowds gathered for the ceremony at the St. Laurent Legion.

Mark your calendar!

Upcoming regional orientation dates

All new hires are required to attend a regional orientation session to complete human resources documentation and orientation handouts, all of which will be provided during the session.

Orientations are coming up in Selkirk on the following dates:

  • Wednesday, Nov. 29
  • Wednesday, Dec. 13
  • Wednesday, Dec. 20
  • Wednesday, Jan. 10
  • Wednesday, Jan. 24

Learn more.

IERHA's Annual

Strategic Planning Day

When: Thursday, Nov. 30 from 9 a.m. to noon

Where: Virtual

Click here to see a poster, which includes registration information. Please speak with your manager if you’d like to attend. 

Shared Health

Annual General Meeting

When: Thursday, Nov. 23 from 10 to 11 a.m.

Where: Virtual

Registration is now open. Click here to register.

In the news

Fitness instructor Jan Keryluk, who works part-time with IERHA as a wellness facilitator, and participants in her Gimli and Selkirk Zumba classes recently raised more than $2,500 a to help support cancer patients and their families.

Zumba Jan organized an event called the Fitness Family Fundraiser in October and raised $2,535 for the CancerCare Manitoba Foundation. 

Read more on the MBNews101 website.

Virtual staff bulletin board

Our virtual bulletin board in the Wednesday Wave aims to share interesting info among staff members. Send submissions for possible publication in an upcoming edition of the Wednesday Wave to


Bulletin board posting:

We welcome the following new staff members who have agreed to have their names printed in the Wave. We wish you all long and rewarding Interlake-Eastern RHA careers!

  • Serina Adams, RN BN, Rosewood Lodge Personal Care Home – Stonewall
  • Paige Churchill, home care case coordinator, Kin Place Personal Care Home - Oakbank
  • Abigail Ebalde, licensed practical nurse, Selkirk Regional Health Centre
  • Amy Friedt, administrative assistant, Selkirk Community Health Office
  • Tammy Greenway, dietary aide, Kin Place Personal Care Home– Oakbank
  • Christine Johnson, ER registration clerk, Selkirk Regional Health Centre
  • Satwant Kaur, home care, Selkirk Community Health Office
  • Heather LeGood, health-care aide, East Gate Lodge Personal Care Home- Beausejour
  • Mary Manzano, manager - health services, Selkirk Regional Health Centre
  • Jorge Mogatas, dietary aide, Selkirk Regional Health Centre
  • Abigail Olson, dietary aide, Ashern Hospital
  • Rachel Pilipchuk, housekeeping aide, Eriksdale Hospital
  • Samantha Reykdal, dietary aide, Ashern Hospital
  • Taylor Robinson, UNE, Selkirk Regional Health Centre
  • Tess Rowson, community mental health worker, Beausejour HEW Building
  • James Steinhoff, assistant cook, Selkirk Regional Health Centre
  • Brooklyn Storozuk, UNE, Selkirk Regional Health Centre
  • Brenda Tesarski, ER admitting clerk, Selkirk Regional Health Centre
  • Tara Vopni, home care attendant, Selkirk Community Health Office
  • Shelby Werboski, home care scheduling clerk, Selkirk Community Health Office
  • Angie Zanewich, dietary aide, Lundar Personal Care Home

KIDTHINK is launching a series of free live online workshops tailored for caregivers.


The workshops are led by KIDTHINK clinicians and are built to help you understand and support the young minds in your care. These sessions are available at no cost thanks to the Bell Let's Talk Community Fund.


Upcoming Workshops:



Register now by clicking HERE or by clicking on one of the links above. Spaces are filling up, so act fast!

ASIST: Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training


Dec. 6 and 7 from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. at Selkirk Regional Health Centre


Participants must attend the two full days to receive certificate of completion This two-day workshop is designed to help all caregivers become more willing, ready and able to help persons at risk and offers practical intervention skills that can be used with people of all ages.


Click here to see a poster with more info. 

Acrylic Cuff Toque


  • Colour: Navy
  • Jacquard cable knit
  • Faux Fur Pom (12cm)
  • One size fits all

Order cut-off is Jan. 26 for delivery to corporate office on Feb. 16.

Visit our online shop.

Black Friday is here early on the TELUS Exclusive Partner Program!

Featured Devices:

  • iPhone 14 – 128GB - $15/month
  • Galaxy S23 FE – 128GB - $0/month
  • Google Pixel 8 – 128GB - $11.08/month
  • Prices listed are with the Bring-It-Back Program


Not available in-store or with TELUS online.

On multi-unit activations or upgrades only, TELUS is giving away a free case and glass screen protector (per device)!

Free Smartwatches!

  • Get the Galaxy Watch 6 or Watch 6 Classic for $0/month (pay $10/month to connect it with your phone) with the purchase of a Galaxy Z Flip5, Z Fold5, S23, S23+, S23 Ultra

  • Get the Google Pixel Watch 2 for $0/month (pay $10/month to connect it with your phone with the purchase of a Google Pixel 8 or Pixel 8 Pro.

TELUS will also be price matching for a limited time, please see this link for details:

Learn more.

IERHA has partnered with SNAP Fitness in Selkirk!

Monthly gym membership discount: just $41.40/ month for IERHA employees and a special price for paramedics in the region of $35/month.

At Snap Fitness, all members have 24-hour access 365 days a year. Enjoy the benefits of a month-to-month membership that never locks you into a year contract!

Questions? Call 204-272-5169 or email

Please note: A one-time fee of $62.96 is required. Once enrolled, members can access any Snap Fitness establishment. Employees must advise they work for IERHA and show their employee photo ID badge as proof of employment to receive the discounted price.

Learn more.

Our French language learning resources have been reviewed, revised and updated!

Check out these compilations of resources:

Check out Apps, Websites and Dictionaries including the med-interpret medical terminology app!

Having fun in French is all about French language programming, podcasts, downloadable lessons and TED talks about language learning.

The bright side

This 3D visualization video portrays about 5,000 galaxies within a small portion of the Cosmic Evolution Early Release Science (CEERS) Survey, which gathered data from a region known as the Extended Groth Strip.

As the camera flies away from the viewpoint, each second amounts to traveling 200 million light-years into the data set and seeing 200 million years further into the past.

The video ends at Maisie’s Galaxy, which formed about 13.4 billion years ago.

We're looking for your story ideas!

Send your submission of 250 words or less to by Friday and we'll work to get your story into the next issue.

We're taking a break from publishing editions in weeks following statutory holidays.

There will be no issue of the Wednesday Wave published on Dec. 27.