Smart Start of Pender County
Quarterly Newsletter
October, November, December | Volume XX, Issue II
The Early Lending Library Fees
The Resource Library will no longer be offering memberships to the community due to the COVID-19 crisis. We will be offering entrance fees according to what type of services the patron requests.
The fees are based upon three levels of service.
Level I: Individuals, parents, public agencies or businesses
Level I entrance cost is $3.00. The patron will receive current limit of supplies with the exception of lamination, faxing and notary services. All lamination will be .50 cents per foot, faxing will be $2.00 per page, and notary services will be $3.00 per page.
Level II: Individuals, parents, teachers, public agencies or businesses
Level II entrance cost is $5.00. The patron will receive double limit of supplies with the exception of lamination, faxing and notary services. All lamination will be .50 cents per foot, faxing will be $2.00 per page, and notary services will be $3.00 per page.
Level III: Childcare Providers: Centers and Home
Level III fees will be suspended until July 2021. The COVID-19 health crisis will then be reviewed and fees will be implemented upon the standing status of the pandemic. Childcare providers will receive current level of supplies with the exception of lamination, faxing and notary services. Classrooms will be allotted twenty feet of lamination per week. Faxing fees will also be excluded. Notary services will stand at $3.00 per page.
Patrons will be encourage to call and make 30 minute time slot appointments to ensure the area visited is sanitized and social distancing is practiced for theirs and staff’s safety. All patrons will pay upon entrance for the level of services they are requesting. This practice will also be emphasized and used throughout remainder of the fiscal year. A fee schedule and RL pamphlet will be given to each patron to inform them of the new changes. The new fee schedule is listed below with limits for each patron. If the patrons requests more materials, the fee schedule is posted to help patrons and staff calculate the costs for items requested.
Monday, Tuesday & Thursday 8:30-4:30
Wednesday 8:30-5:30
Friday (Staff Only) 8:30-5:00
All entrance services will be by appointment only. This is to ensure sanitizing of area and social distancing for a healthy environment.
This schedule has been adjusted due to COVID-19.
Please call to arrange an appointment.
The Resource Library will continue to follow Pender County Schools
schedule for closings and delays for inclement weather.
Phone: (910) 259-9978
 Fax: (910) 259-9728
Provider Page
Curbing Teacher Burnout During the Pandemic 
By Nora Fleming, May 8, 2020
Teachers are adapting to a host of exhausting new challenges during the coronavirus. Many teachers are left wondering how they'll avoid burning out. As weeks turned to months, remote learning brought new stressors for teachers. So what can teachers do to ease this new, pandemic strain of burnout? These suggestions were gathered from educators and mental health experts.

Scheduling gurus strongly recommend reclaiming some form of routine for remote learning. Start by making a list of everything you have to do at specific time slots (like live teaching online), then schedule things you need to do with more flexible timing. Because we’re living in a time of unprecedented stress, make sure to build in time to take care of yourself and prioritize what’s essential too.
The transition to working from home has not merely involved a location shift for teachers—it’s a completely different way of working. Some simple modifications may ease the toll on teachers’ bodies. When working at the computer, the screen should be about arm’s length away (25 inches) from your face. Every 20 minutes, look at something 20 feet away for at least 20 seconds. Most importantly, adults need breaks and exercise just like kids, which can help boost mood, improve mental clarity, and relieve stress. 

Understandably, remote learning has shifted the relationship and intensified communications with parents. teachers confided that they can feel obligated to answer parent emails at all hours, but have found it’s important to establish firm boundaries to stay sane. This translates to practices like not checking email on your phone after you close your computer; not syncing your work email to your personal inbox; or setting strict time blocks when you respond. At times, the relationship with parents can get strained, educators told us, but it can be improved by making sure communications aren’t solely tied to the nitty-gritty of assignments. To warm up a relationship, share positive things a student has done, call home to see how parents are doing, or record a short video or email a note to thank parents for their help.

Teachers have told us they’re struggling to manage the instability caused by the pandemic and no longer feel confident they have the answers. To maintain a level head amid tremendous uncertainty, experts advise keeping focused on what matters most: Reminding yourself you are still a skilled teacher, even if teaching looks different than it used to. To cope, regularly remembering the reasons “why you became a teacher,” or the students’ lives you touched, may ease feelings that you have no control over your life, writes Kelly McGonigal.

To read the full article please got to
Parent Page
Preschool Program
Administration Office
210 E. Fremont St., Burgaw, NC 28425
Phone (910) 259-7603/Fax (910) 259-7606 
**Child needs to be 3 or 4 on or before August 31, 2020**
Calling All Pender County Families!
We want to hear how COVID-19 is impacting your children
Take Our Survey Here

Parent Survey Survey Link: Click Here

All survey respondents will automatically
be entered to win an
$100 Amazon Gift Card
COVID-19 has had a challenging impact on our county, particularly among our young children. Our goal is to provide solutions to our families that will help them understand, and better support families dealing with the impacts COVID-19, now and into the future.

If you would like more information on the survey or share how COVID-19 has personally impacted you, please contact Jasmin Johansen at 910-259-9978 or

 Early Learning Providers Survey Link: Click Here
Resilience Training Schedule
Early Intervention Page
Register your child today to receive a FREE, new book each month until age 5. Smart Start of Pender County and Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library are working together to bring books to North Carolina’s youngest children through funding provided by the North Carolina General Assembly. Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library is a FREE program for all families with young children in Pender County regardless of income or zip code. You can register online by visiting or contact Angel Parker, Early Literacy Consultant at or at (910) 259-9978.
*Please keep in mind that the books can only be delivered to your mailing address.
ROR Podcast-Subscribe Today!
We’re excited to announce that the Reach Out and Read
Podcast launched on July 30, 2020! 
The podcast is centered on the belief that children’s books build better brains, better family relationships, and happier, healthier children and societies.
Join us as host Dr. Dipesh Navsaria, medical director of Reach Out and Read Wisconsin and pediatrician with a children’s librarianship degree dives into a wealth of varied early childhood health and literacy topics with expert guests examining the many facets of supporting the parent-child relationship as key to early success.
For more information and family resources please visit
Our Donation Page
Join to raise funds for Smart Start of Pender County.

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Smart Start of Pender County, Inc., is a public-private non-profit
organization. All donations are tax deductible. Any form of contribution is greatly appreciated. If you would like to make a contribution to Smart Start of Pender County please complete this form and return it to our office. Make checks payable to Smart Start of Pender County, Inc. All contributions are used to enhance services to young children.
Please consider supporting Smart Start of Pender County.
When you shop at Amazon Smile, Amazon will donate to Smart Start of Pender County.
About Us
Board of Directors

James “Jimbo” Robbins -
Board Chair

Sharon Willoughby - Secretary
Donald Hall - Treasurer
Leslie Green – Vice Chair

Angela Beacham
Dr. Charles Aiken
Stacie Poulin
Rev. Dean Walker
Shontel Kirby
Rachel Willaims
Joan Taylor
Elizabeth Peterson
William Marshburn
Edith Meza
S. Eugene Jordan
Tonya Hooks
Cathy Guidry
     If you are interested in serving on the Smart Start of Pender County Board of Directors, or volunteering with our agency, please contact our office at (910) 259-9978 or stop by and visit with us
Connie Carr-Costin, MSW
Executive Director
 Ext: 31
Angel Parker
Early Literacy Consultant
 Ext: 24
Shelly Martin
Quality Program Manager
 Ext: 36
Regina Bass-Corley, M.A.Ed
Resource Library Coordinator
Ext: 27
Candice Dillard
Quality Consultant
Jasmin Johansen, MBA
Program Evaluation Coordinator  
Ext: 26
The mission of Smart Start of Pender County, Inc. is to support services that provide opportunities for every child to grow into his or her potential as a person.