Ideas and tips to get along and get stuff done-----------------September 13, 2022
Good Morning Friends,
Today my new book is published and out in the world.
The book is for people and groups ― teams, boards, nonprofits, businesses, governments ― who want to make good decisions. It is for organizations large and small, simple and complex, public and private, where people need to decide things together. It is chock full of best tips, principles, examples, stories and proven techniques for collaborative decision-making.
We are doing a big bestseller run on Amazon that begins today, September 13, where we are rallying everyone we know to help us get the word out about the book and push it up to #1. Of course buy the book through your local bookstore, but if that doesn't work for you, buying it on Amazon will help give the book a push.
In addition to buying the book, please spread the word to your friends and colleagues. Help us push this book to make a big splash in the world and help change the way groups make decisions.
Over my career I’ve worked with hundreds of groups in boardrooms, town halls, and church basements. I have seen what works and what doesn’t. I’ve always had a strong sense that our group decision-making systems—in both the public and private sectors—were not up to task. I have seen how competition in decision-making rarely results in the winning side providing the most benefits for the most people. It seems to me that there are often a lot of losers and that competition causes a lot of collateral damage.
We can do better. There are better ways.
In my book you'll learn about:
- Efficient and productive meetings that create meaningful results
- Attitudes that help and hinder group productivity and how to change your groups
- Group decision making steps: from idea to decision to action
- How to listen well and speak with purpose so you can create real impact
- Conflict prevention, management, and resolution that benefits everyone
- When to apply which type of decision-making method
- Meeting facilitation theory and techniques that will change the outcomes of the very next meeting you are part of.
As members of the human race, we need to learn how to make better decisions. Our survival and the survival of our children depend on it. At the macro level, we need the principles of collaboration to save our species from extinction. On the local levels, decisions made by our city, state, and national governments have profound consequences for our future.
- If you are part of any group that has meetings and makes decisions, and you are finding the decision-making process frustrating, this book is for you.
- If your group seems stuck, this book is for you.
- If you are in a leadership role in any kind of group or is a member of a group who is frustrated with how things are going, this book is for you.
- If you are a warrior to save the environment or the human race, this book is for you.
- If you are a manager in a large organization with group decisions to make, this book is for you.
This book is a culmination of my work to help make the difficult and important decisions we all need to build the future.
This book is for:
- Board members and senior staff in the nonprofit sector, where there’s often a high expectation of collaboration
- Business owners and managers who want to improve their team chemistry and group dynamics
- Corporate leaders who have a collaborative, inclusive mindset or culture
- Government leaders who want good public policy, developed efficiently
Humans have made lots of bad decisions that have resulted in conflict, missed opportunities, and a real threat to our sustainability as a species. Good group decisions result in greater efficiency, innovation, and productivity in part because of the enthusiasm among the members. On a personal level, participating in good group decisions brings greater peace, happiness, fulfillment, and a sense of belonging. It’s time we pulled together.
Applying the principles of this book will give your group a chance to come up with an idea that no one individual would have thought on their own, and the principles in this book are designed to spark innovation and creativity in ways that can’t happen without good group dynamics.
I believe that it is through collaboration, not competition, that the groups of the future will create, innovate, and thrive. It is collaboration, not competition that will save us from extinction. The good news is that collaborative decision making is a skill that can be successfully learned and practiced.
Thanks for considering and helping me promote these ideas.
- Craig
Come to the Party!
Together We Decide
Book Launch Party
Tuesday, September 13, 2022
5:00pm to 7:00pm, Brunswick, Maine
My new book provides the excuse, but really it’s just a chance to gather and connect with each other. In person. In a fabulous place.
There's no charge but
so we know what to expect.
If you show up without registering, that's okay.
This is will be the first public event in the newly renovated historic Lemont Hall. Come check it out. New owners Aaron and Cleo have done a great job with the place! Learn about Lemont Hall here. The address is 2 Pleasant Street, Brunswick.
I made a thing. I'm launching it onto the vast ocean of information and opinion. Come help me celebrate. Come connect with old friends and meet new friends.
Written and published by Craig Freshley. Thanks for walking along with me.
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