The State of Connecticut and CDC has begun to allow outdoor based activities. Avalonia has made the decision that Town Committees may begin limited group activities as required. Groups must work with socially- distanced protocol and maintain a group size of 5 or fewer individuals. Experienced volunteers will coordinate efforts prior to the day of the activity. We will not be resuming open public stewardship days at this time.
Screen crew members at the beginning of each workday. This screening does not need to be documented unless the crew member answers yes to questions 1 through 6 or no to question 7.
Do you have a temperature above 100.4 degrees F.
Do you have any COVID-19 positive members in your household?
Do you have a cough?
Do you have shortness of breath?
Do you have fatigue or muscle aches?
Do you have a new loss of taste or smell?
Do you agree to report the onset of any of these symptoms during your shift?
Keep anyone showing COVID-19 symptoms off the work site. Any member experiencing symptoms should be encouraged to stay home in isolation or quarantine (as per CDC recommendations), get tested for the virus (if available), and if positive, follow recommendations.
Wear proper personal protective equipment (PPE) such as gloves and safety glasses whenever feasible and as required.
Do not share equipment, including hand tools, chain saws, mechanized equipment, or work site items such as electronic equipment, PPE, coolers, water containers, etc. Any tool that is shared must be disinfected prior to use.
Practice social distancing by keeping 6’ OR MORE away from others. Under a heavy exertion exhale, the potential effective spread of the virus can be greater than 6 feet.
Each person should buy, store, and prepare their own meals, drinks, and snacks. Encourage self-sufficiency and discourage borrowing personal items.
Request individuals use their own tools or assign tools and equipment to a specific volunteer for the day. This includes hand tools, machines, tool-specific PPE, electronics (iPads, GPS, radios) etc.
At the end of each day, each volunteer should be responsible for properly cleaning and returning their tool(s) and equipment to the storage area.
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