May 17, 2023

Avisery Alert:

Asset Test Reinstatement and

AgeOptions 2023 Chart of Benefits

Dear Avisery Members,


As of May 12, 2023 the Illinois Department of Health Care and Family Services has reinstated the asset test for Aid to the Aged, Blind, and Disabled (AABD) Medicaid and the Medicare Savings Program (MSP). Throughout the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency (PHE), assets were not counted for new applications for AABD Medicaid and MSP. With the ending of the PHE on May 11, 2023, HFS has now begun reviewing assets on all new Medicaid applications and for all redeterminations of eligibility.

Avisery would like to draw attention to the fact that the asset limit for AABD has significantly increased from the 2022 limits of $2,000 for one person and $3,000 for a married couple to the 2023 AABD asset limit of $17,500 (for both the individual and a married couple).

The asset limit for MSP has also risen substantially for a household of two (married couple). As of April 1, 2023 the asset limit for MSP for a household of two is $15,160, compared to $12,600 in 2022. It is worth noting, however, that because the AABD asset limit is now higher than the MSP asset limit, you may find individuals who qualify for AABD but not for MSP. Avisery strongly encourages screening individuals who are eligible for AABD Medicaid for MSP. This can be done by using the AgeOptions Chart of Benefits.


Attached below you will find the Chart of Benefits created by AgeOptions for 2023. This chart is intended as as a resource tool for professionals to use when screening clients for benefit programs.

The chart lists income, assets, and a quick overview of eligibility requirements for various public programs in Illinois including Medicaid, Medicare Savings Programs, Extra Help, the Benefits Access Program, Supplemental Security Income (SSI), LIHEAP, SNAP (Food Stamps), Access to Care, Community Spousal Impoverishment and other programs.

Please note that this chart is designed for professionals and should not be altered or distributed to consumers. The chart is meant as a quick reference tool (a "cheat sheet") and does not provide detailed explanations for consumers about how each program works.

Click here to access the chart AgeOptions Chart of Benefits (as of April 2023)

As always, if you have questions please email

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