Dear Avisery Members,
Illinois Department of Healthcare and Family Services (HFS) has adopted a newly available flexibility for the Unwinding Period that will extend by 30 days the amount of time a Medicaid customer has to return their redetermination form before their Medicaid coverage is terminated. Beneficiaries should still respond to their redetermination notices as soon as possible.
As part of the redetermination process, Medicaid beneficiaries are given a Redetermination Due Date on the 1st of the month. Beneficiaries have until the 15th of that month to return the redetermination form before Illinois’ Integrated Eligibility System (IES) closes their case and terminates their coverage due to no response.
On June 12th the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services announced additional flexibilities States can adopt during the Unwinding Period. For a full list of possible flexibilities during the Unwinding Period, click here.
Illinois has decided to adopt the new flexibility of delaying procedural terminations for beneficiaries for one month. Medicaid beneficiaries now have 45 days past their Redetermination Due Date to return their redetermination form before their case is closed administratively.
Beneficiaries with a Redetermination Due Date of June 1st, now have until July 17th to return their redetermination notice before IES terminates their coverage due to no response. If the beneficiary does not respond, they will lose coverage August 1st. In our Intro to Redeterminations training in June, Avisery shared HFS’ original timeline that had listed July 1st as the first time people with Medicaid would lose coverage in Illinois. That date is no longer accurate.
The 45-day grace period will be in place throughout the Unwinding Period. HFS still strongly encourages beneficiaries to respond to their redetermination notice by their Redetermination Due Date.
If you have any questions, please feel free to email