Some exciting new changes surrounding the Extra Help/Low Income Subsidy (LIS) and Prevention of Spousal Impoverishment (PSI) programs took effect on January 1, 2024. These updates are reflected in the newly updated AgeOptions Chart of Benefits. Click here to access the January 2024 AgeOptions Chart of Benefits.
The AgeOptions Chart of Benefits is intended as as a resource tool for professionals to use when screening clients for benefit programs. The chart lists income, assets, and a quick overview of eligibility requirements for various public programs in Illinois including Medicaid, Medicare Savings Programs, Extra Help, the Benefits Access Program, Supplemental Security Income (SSI), LIHEAP, SNAP (Food Stamps), Access to Care, Community Spousal Impoverishment and other programs.
Please note that this chart is designed for professionals and should not be altered or distributed to consumers. The chart is meant as a quick reference tool (a "cheat sheet") and does not provide detailed explanations for consumers about how each program works.
Extra Help/ LIS Changes
The income limit for Full Extra Help has risen to 150% FPL, and the Partial Extra Help category has been eliminated. Gross monthly income limits are now $1883 for an individual and $2,555 for a couple. Asset limits are now $17,220 for an individual and $34,360 for a couple. Any beneficiaries that previously received Partial Extra Help will now start getting the additional benefits previously made available only to Full Extra Help beneficiaries.
All Extra Help beneficiaries now have a $0.00 deductible and $0.00 Premium for benchmark part D plans. Copays are $4.50 for generic drugs and $11.20 for brand drugs. Copays drop even lower for individuals earning less than $1255 per month (100% of FPL) or with Medicaid- these rates are $1.55 for generic and $4.60 for brand drugs.
Increase in Medicaid Community Spouse Allowances
The Illinois Department of Healthcare and Family Services (HFS) issued a provider notice outlining updates to the Medicaid program's prevention of spousal impoverishment (PSI) provisions. Due to legislation enacted in 2022 by the Illinois General Assembly, the Community Spouse Resource Allowance (CSRA) and the Community Spouse Maintenance Needs Allowance (CSMNA) standards will now be updated yearly.
Beginning January 1, 2024, an individual requesting Medicaid coverage for nursing home care or home and community-based services in lieu of nursing care may transfer a maximum of $129,084.00 in assets to their community-residing spouse. One house, one car, and personal furnishings are exempt from this asset limit. Additionally, an individual receiving these Medicaid services can transfer up to $3,853.50 of income per month to their community spose.
For further details, please see the Illinois Department of Human Services Policy Manual.
As always, if you have questions please email