January 30, 2024
Avisery Alert: New Resource Sheet for
Understanding the Medicare Advantage and
Medicare General Enrollment Periods
Avisery has updated an informational resource sheet designed to help you counsel and assist beneficiaries during two important Medicare enrollment periods that are happening now. Avisery's "Understanding the Medicare Advantage and Medicare General Enrollment Periods" updates a February 2022 version of this document.

The Medicare Advantage Period takes place January 1 – March 31 of every year. This enrollment period permits beneficiaries in Medicare Advantage (MA) plans to change to another MA plan or return to Original Medicare. This is an opportunity for individuals who are currently in an MA plan that does not work for them to make a change that better meets their health and/or prescription drug needs.  

The Medicare General Enrollment Period (GEP) also takes place annually January 1 – March 31. This enrollment period allows individuals who did not sign up for Medicare when they were first eligible to enroll during this time period. Coverage will be effective the following month.

To learn about these Medicare enrollment periods in detail, please see the updated resource sheet, "Understanding the Medicare Advantage and Medicare General Enrollment Periods." The resource guide also provides further details on how certain low-income individuals who must pay a Part A premium may be able to avoid premium charges if they apply during the GEP through a process known as conditional enrollment.

If you have any questions or need help counseling beneficiaries on Medicare, Medicaid, or other health benefits programs, you can always reach out to Avisery at avisery@ageoptions.org or 708-628-3440.

Avisery by AgeOptions provides tools and support to professionals serving older adults and people with disabilities, enabling them to help their clients access healthcare coverage that allows them to thrive as they age.