Avisery by AgeOptions invites you to our Intro to Medicare training on March 25, 2024, from 10 am to 12 pm over Zoom. This training is geared towards professionals who are new to Medicare and would like to become better acquainted with the basics. This training provides an introduction to eligibility and enrollment into Medicare, the different parts of Medicare, the potential costs of Medicare, and the various Medicare options consumers have to receive their benefits. Live Q&A will be available. Avisery is pleased to offer 2 CEUs for attending this training.
The cost of this training is $110. If you are an employee of a non-profit organization or government agency the training is at a discounted rate of $30. Full scholarships for up to three employees may be available to non-profit organizations that serve older adults and/or adults with disabilities. Please contact Avisery for more information. If you are requesting CEUs there is an additional $20 processing fee.
Please click here to register. The last date to register for this training is
March 21st.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Avisery at avisery@ageoptions.org