Issue Date: June 12, 2022

Brought to you by Dr. Douglas Pfeiffer through the Center For Nutrition & Wellness, a division of the Upper Perk Chiropractic Center


News and information for people who want to restore and maintain their health and wellness.

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In This Issue

Featured Article

A Simple Routine to Maintain Good Health


Dr. Pfeiffer is Awarded

Event Info.

None scheduled at this time



Office Hours

Nutritional Wellness


9:00 am - 12:00 pm &

3:00 pm - 6:00 pm


Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday:

9:00 am-12:00 pm &

3:00 pm-6:00 pm


Closed Friday to Sunday


Want to Be Part of the Solution?

I am a very busy man. First, I am a family man. In addition, I actively care for hundreds of patients through both the Upper Perk Chiropractic Center and the Center For Nutrition & Wellness. I am often hired to give lectures or presentations at health- or community-minded events. I continually attend conferences, seminars, and workshops to keep abreast of the latest news and advancements in my field, and I help to lead a few local civic organizations that improve the lives of my neighbors and friends. 

Part of what drives me to continue on this hectic schedule is an undeniable urge to educate, to share the knowledge and experience I have gained so that others around me might benefit.

Marketing experts will tell you that a newsletter will help a small business gain new business. While that may be true, after caring for patients for over 36 years now, the only reason I write and send these messages is because I truly want you to hear them.

My advice can sometimes come in conflict with or is critical of what is heard from the conventional medical establishment. This is not an attempt to strike down the competition or dominate the market. Instead it is to build support for and awareness of the human superpowers you hold within. I am a student of the miracles of the body, and because I have witnessed the explosive power of the body’s healing abilities, I am passionate about employing that power to help you be well before you have to visit the pharmacist or surgeon.

Thus, today, I lay it out with numbers, statistics that paint the picture of our problematic state of health today. I share this to challenge you, because we shall be better than this.

Which side of the statistics do you want you and your family to represent: solutions for or contributions to disease?

If you said health, we’re here for you.

Stay well,

Dr. Pfeiffer



Avoid Becoming a Grim Statistic

by Dr. Pfeiffer

When it comes to good health, we Americans have become more and more aloof and less and less fit over the last several decades.

I have said this numerous times in seminars and lectures that I have given, and today I give you some statistics to back up that claim. The numbers may startle you. It is my hope that they challenge you to make whatever changes are necessary for you to turn the tide of our current disease-and-sickness course toward the Health and Wellness Paradigm. That can all start, easily enough, with a simple routine that you can do in one minute every morning and every evening.

Click Here to Read More


Doctor Pfeiffer Recognized for Advancing Nutritional Health

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This year, at the Pennsylvania Chiropractic Association's (PCA) annual Convention in Pittsburgh, Dr. Pfeiffer received the 2022 Service Award for his concerted efforts in starting and developing the PCA's Functional Nutrition Working Group (FNWG).

Dr. Pfeiffer currently serves, not only as the founder of this working group, but as the Chairman. The the FNWG was a concept that Dr. Pfeiffer developed and brought to the PCA's Board of Directors (on which Dr. Pfeiffer had served for many years) for discussion and approval. As a result of this effort, not only was Dr. Pfeiffer instrumental in developing this arm of the PCA, but others as well.

The Functional Nutrition Working Group works toward educating Pennsylvania Doctors of Chiropractic about health and wellness principles, including how to incorporate lifestyle education, blood chemistry analysis, nutritional counseling, and appropriate supplementation to enhance a patient's potential to live a longer healthier life. The FNWG holds continuing education programs for Doctors of Chiropractic across the Commonwealth and puts out a monthly newsletter for members as well as non-members of the PCA.


There are no events scheduled at this time.

Stay tuned to our website or future newsletter issues for upcoming information about our Fall Cleanse and other events.


Workshops and Seminars Location

1543 Layfield Rd., Pennsburg, PA

For questions, registration, etc., contact:


[email protected]


Happiness? That's nothing more than good health and a poor memory.”

-Albert Schweitzer


Dr. Pfeiffer never stops

learning. He continues

to study and research the

latest wellness information.

For example, he is currently enrolled in the

Nutrigenomics Certification


Nutrigenomics is the study of how foods affect our genes, and how genetic differences affect the way we respond to food.

Dates: Ongoing



Our entire practice is referral based, and we'd like to say Thank You for your referrals!

J. Bowlin

F. Beck

K. Beck

B. Nace

K. Ruppert

R. & L. Marcus

J. Angelone

A. Poulson

L. Tosco

T. Dallas

J. McKevitt

B. Corle

K. Brian


The informative book, Dr. Pfeiffer’s Guide to a Longer Healthier Life, is available through Amazon or for purchase at the office.

Get a copy for yourself or give one to someone you love.

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Copyright 2022, Upper Perkiomen Chiropractic Center. All rights reserved. This article is protected by United States copyright and other intellectual property laws and may not be reproduced, rewritten, distributed, re-disseminated, transmitted, displayed, published or broadcast, directly or indirectly, in any medium without the prior written permission of Upper Perkiomen Chiropractic Center.


These statements have not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Always consult with your health care professional before changing any medications or undertaking intense physical activity.

This email has been sent on behalf of your practitioner, Dr. Douglas G Pfeiffer DC | Center for Nutrition and Wellness | 215-679-WELL (9355)